Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Mercury in the Fourth

 So this is a time to be thinking about the various ideas I've encountered lately, the most striking of which is finding out the carport I want installed will cost about $3,500 and arrive in six months time. 

I'm now wondering why I have *workmen* friends coming today to clear the ground where the carport will go. Much to think about. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sun sextile Neptune Yesterday

Once-a-week-astrology here: (Pluto trine Ascendant might have something to do with that.)

Tennis, terrible, Walmart for $$$$ to pay the Handyman Extraordinaire I was expecting to see when I got back,  no show,  rest of day in bed watching Line of Duty Season One. In the middle of Season Three now. Unfortunately watched Season Five first on Sunday Night. Intense. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Mercury in the Third

As observant readers may well have noticed, my interest in astrology is waning somewhat, but when I got home for the third time yesterday I went straight to astrodient and was somewhat reassured by their description of the current aspects for me - "A Frantic Pace."

Truly, it's not often I leave this house three times in one day once I'm home after the first expedition. It's only four miles from town, but that's eight there and back before I do whatever I'm in town for, and that seems for me to be enough for any 24-hour period, what with climate change and carbon footprint and all that. 

But, when you go to play tennis and then to Walmart, and then back to the house midday to regroup and gather up the UpWords game to take back to town to Javalina to play with a friend before going to Toad to meet another friend (already more activity than I usually have in a week), but go back to town WITHOUT the UpWords game, immediate changes are called for. 

Instead of going to Javalina, I brought said fellow-player back to the house, where we had a somewhat frantic game with me texting the person I was due to meet at three and bumping the time forward half an hour or so several times. Game over, I won, fellow-player taken home and early dinner companion met at Toad at 4:15. No complaints from her. 

Back to the house time #3 at about six and straight to astrodienst. Praise the Lord that for me today the Sun is directly opposing the MC, supposedly a great day to stick around the house and clean up a bit. So far so good.

Monday, July 12, 2021

And tomorrow.....

 ...take a break! Yes! Yes! I am SO ready for a break and I don't know and don't care if Venus in the Fifth has come along at just the right time - what am I saying? Venus in the Fifth has come along at exactly the right time, with my house rental over in a week and 14B being a livable space and the rain and the not-having-to-turn-the-fan-on and all the plants that are so happy and Eddie taking that great big pile of trash off to the dump - it's absolutely time for T Venus in the Fifth. 

But not till tomorrow. 

Venus opposed to the Moon

This is definitely valid, as I was so pleased that #5 changed out the water softener that's been the bane of my existence since about 2003 for a whole house filter, fixed a few little things around here that needed fixing AND hauled away a huge amount of trash that I've been trying to get to the dump for months that I kept thinking I wanted to throw my arms around him and hug him, which was obviously something he wasn't expecting and gave me no opportunity to do.  Good thing.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Closer and Closer

Transiting north node to natal Uranus, that is. I think the theory is that the less upsetting this transit is, the more you are on the right path and need to keep on going.  

Right now I have Wimbledon on and muted, watching all the commercials with Federer. The temptation is to go and find his chart and see what's going on in his life right now, which would be a really good way of avoiding opening Final Draft and working on something for next Tuesday. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Transiting North Node conjunct Natal Uranus...

 ....which in my case is in the first house. Not there exactly yet - Saturday, I think - but as it's the nodes I can give myself a couple of days (weeks) here and there. 

So - the old Big Sunny Space has become inhabitable, with things vaguely where I'd like them to be and no (visible) boxes on the floor to weave around. Well,  one. The closet has a door, as does the bathroom, my counter space is beautiful, the MacBook Air sits on top of four thick books so the screen is at my eye level and I have a keyboard and mouse that I'm almost used to. I do keep hitting the n instead of the space bar but not as often as when I first got it. 

There's a list of friends to write notes to, that I keep overlooking, and I have to call the propane company and find out about this  winter saving price thing, but there's nothing nagging at me day and night. 

Time to discuss Lemon Sky now in Playwrights' Forum. There's a sentence I haven't written before. 

Monday, July 5, 2021

Nothing But the Moon

 HAHAHAHAHA. There's days when I go to astrodienst and click on my personal horoscope page and the only thing it shows me is that the Moon is doing something all over my chart that day and it's  a "weak, transient effect" and I've clicked on  to "Tomorrow" the nano-second after my brain registers "weak". 

I mean the Moon. I was about to write "What can it possibly do in a given two hours?" and then I thought, oh, yeah, well, the Moon, it's really not about what the Moon's doing in my chart that day, difficult to believe though it is, it's about <gasp> other people whose natal Moon is being assaulted by Uranus or Neptune or Pluto or by god forbid any two of them and may-it-never-happen-to-me all three and whatever terrible and lacerating effects it is having on said people causing them to do god only knows what and really all I can hope for is to stay out of their way.

<brief check of ephemeris to see when Saturn comes to my moon, safe for this year>

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sun conjunct North Node... Cancer in the Third, so of course I stayed home all day, did lots of planting and watering and stamping in even more wildflower seeds, and so help me today was the day I wrote to my lockdown pen pal friend, answering her letter dated May 28th. Knowing for weeks it was something I wanted/had to do. Had no idea of today's transit till I just checked. Astrodienst don't do nodes.

A nice surprise to discover that piddling around today at home is exactly what I'm  supposed to be doing.  And transiting North Node is just about conjunct natal Uranus in the First. The next few days. 


Venus conjunct Pluto

OK, I knew I wasn't going to feel insecure about my loved one and suddenly become excessively jealous or possessive, and I didn't hold out too much of a chance I was going to be completely fascinated and infatuated with a new lover when I went to a friend's house for coffee and scones and homemade apricot jam for a pre-Fourth mini celebration, but I did find it amusing when after chatting animatedly with one of those friends' neighbours for about thirty minutes I asked her what she had done in her working life and she told me she was a psychiatrist. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Sun trine Mars

 Aha! First time since it began to rain I managed to get a tiny bit of *gardening* in. Added some compost to a small patch and put down some wildflower seeds from the new bags I just ordered, the ones put down six weeks ago having mostly disappeared. A few little green things poking up here and there. 

What I really want to say is I under-estimated the Amazon drop-off point here in a post a few days ago (code for the last post).  My stupid Body Fat Scale that you need to watch a video to use was accepted unwrapped without a murmur, and four days later I have yet to order different ones. Scales, that is. 

For some reason I feel the need to write this down. There are three things I tell myself I would like to do every day.

Do 300 steps on my Stair-Step every day.

Write something on here.

Do ONE Fluencia Spanish lesson a day.

The 300 steps I do because they are the only way I can stave off the effects of PAD and continue to play tennis.

Write something on here? Easy to find the answer to that.

Spanish? Sometimes I get up to five days in a row and then I stop for a week or so. 

So that's what good telling myself I'd like to do something does. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Mercury sextile Sun

 Oh good, I won't be bored today because my mind is going to be sharp, alive and ready for all kinds of experiences. Perhaps when I take the scales I'm returning to the Amazon drop off UPS store we'll all have a jolly laugh when I saw they don't have to be wrapped and the counter person says they do and then the manager (not that there is one) will appear and remind the counter person that items DON'T have to be wrapped for return and she'll say "oh gosh I'm so silly I know this happened last week with this customer and I forgot already" and we'll all have a good laugh over all the things there are to remember in this new techie world we all live in. I bet that's exactly what's going to happen.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Sun conjunct Saturn...

 ...while squaring Neptune, thanks to natal chart, and Venus sextile Chiron, all three in effect all day.

Watered the plants before tennis, got to tennis to find seven people, turned around and came straight back to the house. (Little bit of Sun square Neptune there in the avoidance of confrontation with people who always used to play on Mondays and now play Fridays.) 

Picked up from the bare ground some of the cut firewood that's needed picking up for six months and put it in the little woodshed and swept up one bucket's worth of gardening debris in the woodland glen and dumped it behind the wood shed, where it's supposed to form a kind of barrier from the rain if it ever comes. 

Also brought five bricks (tastefully scattered among the firewood) to my little patio so I can raise the *furniture* I dragged down from the Adobe off the ground because I wouldn't want it to get destroyed by the monsoons.

That was the morning and now it's 1:00 pm it's Neptune flat out on the bed time to continue reading Prozac Nation.

As for Venus sextile Chiron, probably no words exchanged with another human today so I am learning how to be my own best friend. 

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Mars conjunct Pluto...

... and there I was at Ace buying myself an inside broom and an outside broom and a dustpan and brush and a toilet brush and holder for my tenant who's been here since Monday and will be here through the first three weeks of July. 

Bugger and blast I wish I kept this up-to-date. Why don't I then?


Monday, June 21, 2021

Moon square Moon

 I mean, come on - how much of an influence can that possibly have, transiting whizzing around moon up there somewhere making angles to where your moon was when you were born - how long does an aspect last? Four hours, five hours?

Friday, June 11, 2021

That Progressed Mars square Progressed Pluto Thing...

 .... that's been going on for the past couple of years and dwindled out in March of this year - THAT thing - that thing that I thought would mean that by its end I'd have thrown out, donated, given away or sold every single thing in the house that I didn't want or need or use...

(The Eternal Dream, of course, the one destined never to be fulfilled, words I'm going to pretend I didn't write as I would still like to do it.)

...that thing promising me an entirely new mode of existence has indeed come through, and my new address is 14B Village Road, of the lavender walls and three high windows, while on "the other side of a hollow-core door" (to quote a review by a BSS renter ) Little Walnut Haven awaits the return for the night of its current airbnb-ers. 

Taken me about three months to work this out.  So far so good though. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Mars sextile Chiron

 Blimey - just saw this was exact at 10:25 this morning, just as a woman I was playing tennis with (against, to be precise) asked me why I was being so disagreeable.

"I'm not" I said. "I think it's stupid and I don't see the point but if you want us to all serve from the same side of the court throughout the game it's fine by me." 

To *explain*: there are some in the group of elderly people with whom I play tennis, being an elderly person myself, who complain that the sun gets in their eyes when they serve from a certain end of the court, and so whenever we play tennis (which is always doubles) they insist the server in all of the games play from the same end of the court. None of this silly old staying in place when the score's even and switching sides when it's not. 

Little bit of a warning there, especially as I didn't know it was coming, my obsession with astrology fading. It's been a long time since I sat with the ephemeris (AKA astrodienst) and an engagement book and plotted out a month in advance, but I'm very aware the transiting North Node is sitting on top of natal Uranus in the first right now, and has been for weeks. 

Don't even know when it's exact, but going to check now. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Mars into Fourth...

....just as the dust settles and the Grand Experiment seems to be working out, time to get to work in the old Big Sunny Space, now known as 14B, The Bedsit. Once again poor Pretty Boy's plank gets moved, now that the fridge sits on a stainless steel table instead of the small cupboard it was almost falling off of,  but he's proving to be very adaptable and doesn't seem to mind. 

And as Mars goes into Four, Venus goes into Three, so my everyday surroundings are supposed to be filled with friends and love and amusement and all that Venus stuff, and off I go to tennis to see how many people are playing and if it's seven I leave and go straight to Walmart. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Sun and Transiting North Node on Uranus...

 .... and really I don't see too much out of the ordinary happening. Not sure if I *should* be alarmed or not.  Have ordered a couple of pieces of furniture that will make life in my bedsit easier and have begun to organize the closet. Mission: knowing exactly where everything is. Not yet accomplished. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sun sextile Pluto Hangover

 Yesterday I *planned* to have a bag of stuff ready to take to the thrift store this morning and lo and behold I got a bag ready and took it this morning - and not just any old bag.

It must have been in 2012 that I bought at an auction to support a local school a hand-made pink and brown polka dot diaper bag that I intended to use for knitting. The last time I knitted something was probably 2009. It's been haunting me ever since. Too good for a thrift store, too clumsy to ship on eBay and too much trouble to list on a local buy and sell website. 

The Betsy Johnson bag I bought quite recently on eBay (too floppy, too many compartments, too many zips, too much black plastic) got tucked inside the diaper bag, along with two pairs of sparkly slippers I probably spent $30 on that were ordered in size 9 but one pair arrived size 8 and a half and the other pair were nine and a half - all stuff that in my dreams I was magically going to sell and get some of my money back. 

The bag's been sitting on a small side table which has taken up residence in the bathroom since I moved to 14B, along with the laundry basket, trash bags full of plastic and glass to take to the dump, a large white enamel bowl I have no use for, several picture frames and a couple of mirrors, and has been smacking me in the eye every time I go into the bathroom, which is often as I have to use the ornamental bathroom sink to wash my coffee cups and Pretty Boy's dishes. When I want to take a shower I use the now airbnb bathroom instead of *mine* when there are no peeps here as there is nothing in it that shouldn't be in a bathroom and there is room to move around. 

I daren't figure out how long things have been like this. Probably January or February when I got the airbnb reservation for Big Sunny Space, which no longer existed, but which I took as an OK I'll go with the flow and start to rent The Other Side, something I thought of doing last September. 

The reservation was for April and gave me about three months to get ready, and that's when my beautiful new big bedroom began filling up with all the I'm going to sell this and make some money stuff. 

Something kicked into gear last night and this morning the diaper bag and its contents, all in a very nice wire basket that I bought years ago because I liked it but had no use for, arrived on the Donations Counter at PAWS thrift shop on Bullard and I walked out without it, feeling freer than I have felt for months. 

And all I bought was a very nice blue and white shirt, two paperbacks which I'll return when I've read them and yes - a wire basket because yesterday - in my clearing out frenzy - I knocked over and broke a pottery bowl I had a few succulents in and as I had to buy two coconut liners from Amazon when I needed only one I'll put the one I didn't want into the new wire basket thing and re-home the succulents.

Things are looking up. 

Sun sextile Pluto

 It's time, it's definitely time. Fourth set of airbnb-ers since I started again arriving in an hour, and this room is finally unlivable in and I have to make changes. Lovely when it was just my bedroom and I had the whole other part of the house to myself as well - 2020 - but now with peeps I can't just barge in on in the other side so have to have this room set up for anything I might  need. Studio living. 

And what is in here now as well as bedroom stuff is all stuff that I am supposed to be selling because I no longer want or need it, except it's been here for months and I'm making no move to do anything with it. 

So this would appear to be the day to get going - pack things up that I am obviously not going to sell and have bags ready to take to the thrift shop tomorrow morning. And begin to reorganize closet that I always envied which is crammed to the gills now with stuff, the dreaded stuff. 

Astrodienst reminded me this morning that I would probably have to... 

.....>confront the power of a group or collective that you deal with every day.  You will have to realign >>>>your own intentions with the collective intentions of the group - friends, neighbors or business >>>>associates - but this will probably work to your advantage.

Just got the email - tennis starts at 8 now instead of 8:30. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Venus Square Jupiter

 So far so good. All I've done so far is buy myself a new white clock in Walmart for $3.98, and I'm back at the house with two bags of garden soil and a bag of compost, which I don't think smacks of extravagance. 

Trying to get used to my new Apple Magic keyboard and Magic mouse. Impressed with Apple as this keyboard did indeed link immediately, and so did the mouse, unlike the Matias one (keyboard) I packed up and sent back after two weeks of trying. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Venus conjunct Uranus...

 ....and I spent the whole day outside digging in fresh dirt and *planting* the first of the wildflower seeds. 

And today, Venus is conjunct the transiting North Node and both of them are sitting on natal Uranus and therefore squaring Mars and with any luck I'll have a repeat of yesterday. More to come.

Tuesday: Well I didn't have a repeat of Sunday. I felt like sh*t all day and barely moved, but thank God I can put it down to second COVID shot and not think I'm falling into a slough of despair.  Venus has moved on and transiting North Node hasn't quite arrived at Uranus. Maybe when it does something *special* (hah!) will happen and I'll know I'm on the right path. Clutching at straws.

Pluto in the fourth

The realization that would probably be immediately apparent to another (real) astrologer but has only just occurred to me (which leads to an important (!) digression about another recent revelation to self about reluctance to post on dear old almost-every-day but I'll come back to that if I remember) is that this doing airbnb in the addition and living in the old house and then moving from the old house into the addition myself because I was going to stop doing airbnb a) because I decided to and b)  lockdown took care of it anyway and living in all of the house for the winter of 20/21 and then having it decided for me to stay in the addition and airbnb the whole house - well, couldn't all this shifting around be some kind of manifestation of the title?

Yes, but then how do you explain Taurus Rising? 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

P Mars square P Pluto

 This has been chugging away in the background since end of November, '18,  given a one degree orb, and the progressed planets square each other perfectly next week. Note: I am not aware of the exact day. Could be Tuesday.

Two and a half years, give or take a month. Pluto trine Jupiter was in there somewhere, not that I realized because I was getting high, going to a drawing class and bombarding friends with Mahalia Jackson YouTube videos. 

2019, as I remember it, was memorable for The Village Pub opening, a grand old time being had by all and my discovery that all of my friends here smoked, if they didn't vape or have a medible.  BIG eye-opener. Seriously surprised.  

 Pluto trine Jupiter must have started that Fall when I enrolled at the University here and took the art class where the finished drawings were granted their own museum opening in April 2020.  

Have to come back to this. Could use a little re-arranging.

Venus trine Neptune

 No, no. I need Mars trine again. 

Have to go to dump in spite of roadworks on the way. 

Must get Silver City brochures - airbnb couple coming Friday.

Must get smoke alarm, or find the one that's here disabled because it always goes off when I make cheese straws, which is about once a year now.

Must check what kind of batteries go in TV remote.

Must return Matias keyboard that I cannot make to work.

Must dig out box of old Apple items to see if I have a keyboard and check batteries in that. 

Must finish curtains in airbnb bedroom and do a general clean up as I've spread out into the airbnb bit and need to retreat. 

So - 12:25 and off we go.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mars trine Mars

 Wouldn't this be a great one to be born with, she asked, wide-eyed.....

Today I have hung two pictures - they kind of knock you in the eye when you come in the front door but they're no longer on the floor in my closet, and oh boy do I love my closet. Little digression  there.

I began and almost completed one of the four curtains there wasn't time to finish before last Guest Arrival Time. Can't get foot back on to sewing machine so did it all with glue - Sew No More or something like that. Have o

Tried to *install* two pullbacks I think they're called for the window treatment of the french doors. Able to stick one on with double-sided duct tape, did exactly the same to the other but it keeps falling off.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Here comes Jupiter sextile Venus...

...and lo and behold, Mildred is sold after what - two months - on R&R's Used Car Lot?  I'm probably something like $700 dollars out on the whole deal, depending on what the lot fee turns out to be, and I long ago gave up the idea of paying back her donor the three thou she shelled out, so whatever it is will be a nice little windfall. 

And how about this? The small propane tank has gone, removed by a miracle worker from Pinnacle Propane on Friday, and I was talking to him as he was getting ready to leave when the phone rang with what I knew was a call about Mildred. I did what I rarely do when talking to someone, said "Phone", he said goodbye, I answered the call and felt terrible about cutting him off midstream. 

I don't have his phone number, have to contact him through Pinnacle, and had the idea of sending a note to him through his employer, knowing the chances of that happening were as good as those for  the thank you notes I need to write after my birthday getting done.

Fast forward to yesterday at Walmart where I was stocking up on Honey Crisps and noticed a familiar cowboy hat  looming over all other shoppers.  Hat wearer's eyes caught mine over our masks and of course it was Mr. Miracle Worker from Pinnacle, and I launched into "Oh my god I was going to write to you I felt terrible about cutting you off I wouldn't have done it unless I knew" etc. etc. etc. Was THAT Jupiter sextile Venus? I'll take it anyway. 

Sun trine Jupiter

 It was the film What the Bleep Do We Know god knows how many years ago where I first became aware of  - and now of course I've forgotten his name. Whatever Doctor - Joe de Santis is floating around somewhere in the recesses of my brain but I think he's the governor of Florida so not him - but someone talked about how he *designed his day* and even though I've never been able to do it it's stuck with me forever. 

I guess the theory is you decide in the morning what you would like to do that day and then go ahead and do it. Piece o'cake. I'm doing one of the things I'd like to do today by writing this, massively helped by the transit, and what I would also like to do is finish the curtains in the airbnb bedroom, lengthen the black overalls I recently got from Buykud in China where it seems most women are five feet tall, water all the plants, feed the plants, feed the junipers, plant the tomato seedlings I got yesterday and begin to clean up the part of the outside that looks like the yard at Restore.

Then I'd like to write a couple of thank you notes, start work on next week's Saturday assignment and work a bit more on yesterday's unfinished assignment - oh, and definitely do my 300 steps on the StairStep machine and go on sorting out and organizing this room and put SOMETHING - ANYTHING - on eBay.  

There should definitely be a reward for doing half of the above but I'm not sure what it could be. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Mercury trine Neptune

Ah, the daydreams one can have after a year of lockdown when one is - well when one is seeing a few little things that are starting to happen that didn't happen before lockdown. I'll say it only once but I say it to myself at least a couple of  times or more a day but what Mr. Microscope  said last Saturday about my homework - "This is a devastatingly good piece" - gave me that jumpstart whoever it was in that piece I wrote about 28 Plays in 28 Days all mixed up with Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolff needed. 

Not sure how much this has to do with Mercury/Neptune, which at least sent me into Final Draft to work on this coming Saturday's assignment, which I think will eventually be made into a TV show and then a movie, with maybe a Broadway Musical and Andrew Lloyd Wright does an opera, and of course it's now Friday night and it's not finished.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Ooh, My Mars is Showing

 God bless it, struggling along in Pisces in the eleventh house all the time. Every once in a while it gets a little jolt so when I went to play tennis this morning there were seven of us and I threw my spoon out of the highchair and said I wasn't staying.

Back from Walmart by 10:30, no wind, watered, dug in a bit more manured soil around things first on the list to get it and then, miracle of  miracles, found the instructions for the Matias keyboard and was able to connect in a minute.

Biggest challenge of the day has been using it. I have the MacBook Air propped up in front of me on The Ultimate Tennis Book, When Advertising Tried Harder and a couple of other books I'm supposed to be selling, and then the keyboard in front of all that and me on the other side of it. It appears I can no longer use a keyboard and I keep forgetting it anyway and I don't have a mouse so I have to go to the trackpad and then I start typing on THAT keyboard...

Self-indulgent to the max.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Uranus sextile Mars

 Blimey. This is one of those chugging away in the background for a couple of years thingies that started last summer - alarm bells! living in house all by myself for first time! - and continue for another year, by which time I'll probably be living in a tree house with a bucket on a rope or up in the adobe with a solar tube.

Freedom to be myself! Do things I have never done before! Understand  my personal needs and be unwilling to compromise! Enlarge my idea of my capabilities! Released from restrictions that have been holding me back!

Like I said, blimey.  Now if I can just finish my exercise for today's playwriting technique I can have a ponder about all of this. 

OK it really is Blimey. Finished exercise for week, first one read, when finished Mr. Can-always-find-something-to-suggest-in-everything said "Devastatingly good piece." Silence. 

Am I going to leave that there?

Do we have a major breakthrough here in the person peering through her birthday present  Harry's 3:00, which she didn't know were made and that she had no idea applied to Harry Potter and  reminded her that she really did have to go for the eye test?  Somebody told me I had done well and I wrote it down where others could read? Good Lord. Never happened before. I see a faint flicker of fire in the middle of my bushel. 

Ha! That would be Mars. 

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Venus square Moon

 Hey this is good - Venus around and I'm not sitting here eating Talenti Sea Salt Caramel Gelati out of the good-as-TupperWare transparent container it comes in.  

SO behind. Just like the Red (or White) Queen running as fast as she can to stay in place. 

Did go and have lunch with a friend I haven't seen for ages. That counts. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Full Moon in the Sixth

I was all set to use this by focusing on the mundane and sorting out the mess that's my new living space and instead polished off all the granola I'd bought for peeps that they didn't eat.  

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Chiron sextile Uranus

So this has been in effect from June of last year, when I was living in the whole house by myself and the idea of renting The Other Side first came into my head, to perfecting right now with real live peeps in the other side and me in the now non-existent Big Sunny Space, and goes through to March of next year when I'll - well I have no idea what I'll do next March but I guess I'll find out.

Right now, with the microwave on the floor along with many other assorted objects destined to be Kondoed as soon as possible, I'm so exhausted I've done barely anything for yesterday and today, but the thought of having a desk again and everything I need in a 400 square foot space where SURELY I'll be able to know where everything is is so exhilarating I can hardly believe my good fortune. I now know first-hand why people loved staying here.

Anyway, this aspect is supposed to help me approach new ideas in a much more open and unbiased way, and I had just enough energy left to laugh when I read the following on good ole astrodienst.

" Take a look round your flat, cellar or loft: what do you really need, and what is just lying around? This is the ideal time for a big clean out!"

There is a very good chance I shall post again tomorrow, when the peeps will be gone and I can wander around The Other Side and pick up a few things I forgot to bring over here. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mars sextile Uranus...

...or one day to go. 

No Internet for the past 48 hours due to plugging the phone line into the phone line slot instead of the DSL slot on the modem but the nice men from Centurylink (no kidding) fixed it in no time this morning, and I won't even mention the 8 or 9 texts Centurylink sent to me with links to the Internet for help that I couldn't link to because I HAD no Internet and THAT'S why they were coming. 

Still tons to do. Almost done cleaning and it's lots of putting back now, but if I get up at seven, don't play tennis and just keep going it'll be OK. Oven Cleaner is on the shopping list. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Venus square Midheaven


Yup, that's just about right. Dutch Oven Cookout in Glenwood, got there early, wandering around, stop to talk to one of the cook teams who's selling hand-carved from old fence posts wooden ducks - are they blinds? The ones that are painted might be, but these were wood-color. 

This has been sitting here since the 10th. I suppose I should be embarrassed.  What I missed, as I was given my beautiful duck, was that I also had Jupiter squaring the Ascendant, so of COURSE people are going to give me things. 

Yet another uninformative post. (Vendor at Glenwood GAVE me one of his hand-carved ducks.)

Welcome to the Crazy House

Had great hopes of posting the first second time around airbnb photo here - the bedroom.

No luck though. Thought I had Google Photos down haha, but alas, no. 


So that was written way after the 3:10 break time, but no matter. 

Countdown is on to Friday, which thank God I looked at a calendar about and realized WAS the 23rd  and not the Saturday I'd been thinking it was.


3:10 pm and it's break time. Four solid hours of painting, wiping down, up and down ladders, moving, cleaning and removing with a razor blade visible strips of blue painters'  tape that have been there for 18 years from a transom in a door between the bathroom and the bit where the washer/dryer are. Definitely break time.

House in absolute and complete chaos as usual.

Questions rearing their heads as Friday approaches:

Leave birthday cards on the mantlepiece so guests feel obligated to give me a present haha? 


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Mental Work

That's me, mental work today with Mars sextile Mercury, and the discerning reader (sorry) might notice the last post here was about ten days ago. 

And that was as far as Mars sextile Mercury got me. Even passed up Playwriting Technique to have a day with nowhere to be at any given time. 

Made great inroads into moving in to old airbnb room again. I guess the Mars took over the Mercury. 

This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work, especially if you have to plan a future course of action with decisiveness and firmness. You will be in a positive mood and have great confidence in your position, which will enable you to make a positive impression and probably convince people of your point of view. This influence also favors working with others in a cooperative planning venture. You can make plans together or hash out differences of opinion in such a way that you make your point without anyone else feeling threatened. This is a good time for traveling in connection with a project you are involved with. Because your energy level is high, you are restless to get things done. During this couple of days you will feel confident of yourself, your ideas and the effect you make when talking with people.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars sextile Mercury,  , exact at 19:22

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mars square Jupiter AND...

...Venus sextile the Moon: 

Went to play tennis and it was the now usual Monday - seven of us. Could only play till ten as wanted to be back at house to *prepare* for phone interview as point person for Literacy Link and Give Grandly, big town-wide charity giving day or whatever it is coming up in May.

Lasted about 20 minutes at tennis as got annoyed with people trying to work out game by game rotation, came back to house, new floor being installed in tiny laundry room, got interviewed, said nothing I'd been planning to but got it done, went to Bank of Walmart for $$$ and a big shop, back to house, neighbour comes over to offer me four boxes of scraps of fabric, gratefully accepted. 

As for future-oriented (Jupiter), decided neighbour and I and mutual friends will do our very own yard sale at his house on the corner the weekend after next. And the weekend after THAT will be adventure/experimentation time with first guests at Other Side of Big Sunny Space.  Woo Hoo. 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Venus conjunct Sun

 Nice aspect to have on Easter Sunday.  Spent the whole day alone, didn't leave the *property*, watered and whacked down dead stuff from winter and just threw it on the ground instead of gathering it up. Sunny and warm and no wind and seems like a lot more dead stuff than last year, but maybe that's because the *garden* is finally growing. Or something. 

Did exactly as I wanted for the whole day, except now I have to sit and try to decipher notes I made in preparation for my interview tomorrow as point person for Literacy Link Leamos extolling the virtues of the organization for the local radio station. This all in preparation for Give Grandly Day on May 8 when residents of Silver are asked to contribute to their favorite charities.

Astrology comes through again while I stare at my page of scribbles, statistics, figures, names of people and quantities of books given away over the years and try to sort it out so I can sound like an upstanding member of society telling people why they should give money to Literacy Link. Interview tomorrow, Pluto squares Mercury for the first of five times the day after, Tuesday. 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Mars sextile Sun

Vitality? I should be so lucky. I can barely remember when I last had any, and that isn't too much of an untruth.  All I've been doing so far today is staring at a computer screen, and I wouldn't say I've been doing that with vigor and self-confidence.  

Tons to do, of course, none of it very inviting except gardening and that involves hard work, mixing steer manure with garden soil and adding it to all *cultivated* soil. Other than that, Walmart and the dump, and of course cleaning out under the sink and the *pantry*, pretending to list stuff for sale, pretending to type in Soldiering On, pretending to set up Apple TV now that I've got the power cord except it isn't long enough unless I change the whole TV configuration, refilling daily pill boxes because they're all empty, sewing and on and on and on. 

Maybe if my eyes weren't consistently runny and itchy and smarting I would feel different. In that case, roll on June haha.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Knowledge Is Power... what astrodienst calls the Pluto square Mercury transit, one that I'm smack in the middle of right now. Have no idea what I'm supposed to have knowledge of, but, undaunted,  I'm moving back into BSS (Big Sunny Space) in preparation of The Great Adventure/Experiment  renting The Other Side of Big Sunny Space and living in the original sunny space. 

And have just seen the blinking light from three o'clock which was the R&R Express man asking me to give him a call back. No answer when I just did. Friday night. 

How nice will that be when it happens.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Pluto square Mercury

 Is this what's making me feel so shitty? Dredging up all kinds of old stuff  I haven't wanted to acknowledge, even though I don't know what it is except I feel horrible? If it is, then I'm not particularly thrilled that this is the first of five transits of this, the fifth coming at the end of 2022, unless I'm supposed to think that by then everything will have been brought to light and just like Saint George, I'll have conquered the dragon. The other version would be that I won't be able to conquer anything and will feel lousy for the next two years.

Certainly it's "The slowest moving planet wins," as the Sun and Venus sextiling Uranus yesterday and today hasn't presented anything remotely exciting and different as I mope around thinking this house will never get to be in any kind of order and it's ridiculous that I'm living in it all by myself. 

On a slightly lighter note, I did submit a snail mail play today for the first time in about ten years. So what if I didn't notice till I got back from the Post Office that I was supposed to have written a synopsis to appear on or near the title page. What am I, perfect, haha?

Gloom continues. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Mercury opposed to Jupiter...

 .... today and I must have been feeling optimistic because I printed out a script to send off tomorrow for a 3/31 deadline and went on with the task - because it IS a task - of retyping Soldiering On, as the file from Final Draft a long time ago can't be opened. 

Lesson to be learned: Well, there isn't one really, but in future (here's Jupiter again) I'll make a point of  regularly opening files and not not touch them for ten years. 

Uranus square Pluto peters out at the end of this month, just as I start to move back into the old airbnb room that I moved into in the fall of 2020 because I wasn't doing airbnb any more and then had to move back out in January and February and a lot of March. 

New floors are going in in the 1950 side of the house so there is everything everywhere and while the heater does now give out heat, as soon as the thermostat is turned below 70 there is a strong smell of propane. Tomorrow the Pinnacle Man is coming for the fourth time to play around with it, but at this point I think it's time to disconnect the heater, turn off the gas and take the propane tank away, which is exactly what I wanted at the beginning of March. 

Venus trine Pluto...

...and Sun opposed to Pluto  yesterday, and I was wondering  what was I possibly doing that could meet those *requirements*, until I realized the subject for that day's playwriting exercise was "First Love."

Sun and Venus opposed to Neptune and...

 ...Sun and Venus squaring Saturn early morning tomorrow.

So far all that's happened is that the beginnings of the new floor are postponed as the installer is snowed in till Friday and my going into town to play UpWords in person has gone down the drain as I'm not sure Zippy could make it up the hill to Little Walnut.

3/28/21  Oh dear. The above's been languishing in drafts for the past four days. I guess that's Neptune. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Mercury conjunct Mars 09:16am


New little obsessive addition here: add time of day aspect perfects. Robert Hand can come and get me now.  Little design above the result of copying from Astrodienst and not being able to get rid of it all.

Well if I say I got my taxes done that just about takes care of Mercury conjunct Mars. Didn't see a soul, so no getting irritated and wanting to start a fight, certainly no feeling intellectually competitive and no desire at all to start a debate with others. 

Mars square Mars & Mercury opposed..... Uranus, and I manage to do just about nothing and retire to bed at four pm to read. 

There should be a prize for that.  

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Mars square Uranus

 "It is very often difficult to make plans during this time precisely because so much happens without any warning. 

You mean like leaving the house at 9:30 to go scope out a flea market and finding the driveway blocked by a giant steamroller/bulldozer thing while workmen unload long pieces of tin roofing for the house at the end of the road? Like that?

Friday, March 19, 2021

Venus opposed to Chiron

This perfected this morning at 9:30 or so, an hour before the delivery man showed up with the new floor and told me had a pallet weighing 300 pounds but couldn't get his truck on to the dead end off a dead end where I live.

It was all very Silver City, and by that I mean no one (me or delivery man) was annoyed or angry. All smiles, actually. And thanks to knowing people on the street where I live, I was able to tell the driver which house to go to and go on ahead to ask #3 if I could, er, leave thirteen boxes of laminate flooring somewhere on his land for a couple of days. It's very rare here to see someone who's angry. Me, sometimes, haha, but I don't really mean it. 

Venus opposed to Chiron must be magic, because I walked home with a beautifully bound thick (two inches) probably 6 x 8 inch book called "The Message of the Stars". AND my leg didn't hurt much. 

First the Sun, now Venus

 Opposed to Chiron, that is. 

Question: if an aspect perfects early in the morning (in this case, right now), should you look for its *effects* the day before - yesterday - or for the rest of today? I would go for the day before, as supposedly once the aspect reaches perfection - exactitude - it's over, and there will be no more manifestations. Supposedly according to whom, of course. Have I heard someone say that or am I making it up?

Yet another mystery of the universe.

On another note, I realized too late to observe any impelling that both the Sun and Venus passed over my Part of Fortune in the past couple of days, my POF being 26 Pisces in the Twelfth, opposed to N Chiron at 28 Virgo. Would be nice to know what that *means*. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sun opposed to Chiron

This was nice to wake up to this morning, but as the word "Chiron" no longer strikes fear into my heart I thought it safe to get out of bed.

Two month's worth of New Yorkers to friend over the hill, check written to the correct payee delivered, other check torn up, to the dump, to the Walmart Bank for $$ for help, zoom board meeting and time on the phone with a friend in need. Last bit was Chironic, if that's a word.

Astonishing number of items crossed off the To-Do list. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Saturn trine Uranus

It's a good thing this comes back for a revisit later in the year as very little of what it's supposed to bring has happened this time.

"Stability and creative balance between the old and new" in my life? I'm so used now to living in chaos and upheaval it's difficult to imagine there'll be a time when the house is organized and everything is in the place it's supposed to be. 

Today the new flooring arrives - 13 boxes weighing God knows how much each that are probably going to get here when I'm not and be left - where? Should I not go to tennis so I'll be at home and able to tell the driver to drop them off up the back so they'll be closer to where they're going to be used? Or go to tennis (and the dump, haha - always the dump to go to) and have the driver leave them in the front where they'll have to be carried three times farther than if they were in the back?

I'm able to "live within a structure and also engage in new and stimulating experiences"which keep me from going stale? Can't say as how I've noticed too many of those, unless you count J being able to get the Smart TV to go to Amazon so we could watch The Apartment yesterday. 

"Any task that requires long and disciplined application - learning a new skill, studying a new body of knowledge or simply working patiently at a long task - is favored by this influence, as long as it is leading up to some kind of creative change."

This seems to have passed me by, as I'm not getting very far with re-typing all the plays I can no longer open because they were written in older versions of Final Draft and have to be copied from chapbooks - and as for Fluencia - oh well. 

Onward and Upward, and maybe today I'll wash the saucepans before I put them back in the newly painted kitchen. No need to aim for the stars.

Ah, innocence: The thirteen boxes of flooring have made it as far as Alburquque - I ALWAYS have to look this up in spite of living in New Mexico for 19 (scream emoji) years. The boxes have made it to Albuquerque and someone will let me know when *they* decide to bring it. 


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Mars sextile Pluto

I got all excited when I saw this, thinking it would give me  some much-needed energy to make the move back into 14B ( from now on how to refer to the old airbnb room). 

I did manage to make a phone call AND measure and cut correctly a piece of fabric for the new kitchen, but that was about an Martian as it got. Friend comes over, manages to get the smart TV to get us to amazon Prime and we watch The apartment, friend leaves, I make a drink and sit down. 

"A considerable change in self-understanding may be one consequence of this influence."

Well, I have till 11:00 am tomorrow. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

I Guess Three Days Is nearly-every-day...

 ... if you're feeling generous, which I am. 

Astonishing Mildred event this morning: I decided over the weekend that I would go to R&R Motors on Monday and remove the "Planned Parenthood" sign plastered on the old girl's bumper, and, believe it or not, for once true to my intention, when I went to play tennis I was armed with a spray bottle of soapy water,

 a sponge and a roll of paper towels. 

Tennis over (earlier than usual - wind) and there were several cars on the lot but no Mildred at first glance, and then over in the corner I see two elderly men getting out of a big black car - and yes, they're getting out of Mildred. 

The lot owner looks surprised to see me. "I left a message for you five minutes ago. They're about to make an offer".

Is that stirring up chi or what? 

I suppose the force of intention depends on how badly you want to do (or not do) the thing in the first place. I intend to stop writing "change insurance" on a list month after month and stick with the policies I have. And cross it out of every list that it was on.

Is that Saturn trine Uranus, that I am gifted with this week? Or was it that planetary motion touched symbols in the charts of two elderly men (perhaps they were twins haha), Mildred's  and mine?

'spose it was just a coincidence.

Friday, March 12, 2021

It Said to Take It Easy

 astrodienst, that is, and I sometimes wonder whether that giant clawing lobster that fuels Google will ever  trawl the the Seven Seas  and suddenly someone in Germany will realize I quote the site often without attribution. 

Probably not, and I can blame it all on Google anyway because it won't let me link from this site. 

So I took it easy, good old Venus opposed to Jupiter. No tennis, too cold, and propane man came for the third time to fix the heater and lo and behold it might actually be fixed now that he turned the gas knob from pilot to on. 

Decided to watch Blade Runner which I'm almost through watching now but am losing interest. 

And today just happened to be the day I ordered the Tire Tread licorice I've been saying I'm going to order for a month or so. Funny that. 

Venus opposed to Jupiter

 Bad for diets? That's a joke. I must have had this for the past month haha.  Admittedly Jupiter's been sitting on N moon for the past week but the needle on the scale's been inching upward for a while.

Main culprit is Skippy Extra-Crunchy Peanut Butter on a sliced honey-crisp apple for dinner because it's so easy to "prepare" but then I'm so cold-adverse these days eating it while sitting in an armchair and playing UpWords doesn't help.

So - I'm all set to have" a day full of pleasure, joy and satisfaction if I have the sense not to overdo".

If there's no wind and I manage to get in a few good hits at tennis that would fit the bill, and I doubt that I'm going to be tempted by some expensive, luxurious toy. I could learn to USE a couple of the expensive, luxurious toys I already have, like my $900 alarm clock and the Apple TV box that refuses to lignjjht up, (that was Pretty Boy reminding me he's here and saying good morning) - refuses to LIGHT up, and then of course there's the Smart TV that I've had for nine months that continues to defy my bidding, perhaps because it lives in the large walk-in freezer that is supposed to be my bedroom...

Oh well. No wind so far and a bright sunny day so time for another cup of coffee and the Stair Step machine. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Jupiter to the Moon

So there we were, this morning, three of us, perfectly co-ordinated, one doing walls, one doing assorted  pieces of furniture and the other one, me, trying to be helpful and probably getting in the way all the time.

Result is a beautiful back-to-the-future lavender colored kitchen, the way I painted it when we first had the house. 

Have happily eaten my way through the past few days. Hoping I can put the brakes on soon. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Sun opposed to Jupiter

So here I am, all set to start clearing out the kitchen so it can be painted on Thursday, but first I need to call Pinnacle to report the radiator really IS broken, and order the laminate planking for the old side of the house.

Two calls to Pinnacle so far, line busy both times.

Credit card denied at Home Depot (Uranus squared N Pluto earlier this morning for a third and final time), had to call CitiBank, couldn't remember security word, never CAN remember security word, made a note of security word, back to Home Depot, entered the correct expiration date for the card I want to use, order accepted.

10:59am and that is ALL I have accomplished so far. 

And the radiator - Pinnacle answered their phone and the propane man came again and lit the pilot but there's no heat coming from it. It may be that the gas at the tank is turned off. 

Much progress made in Department of Prepping the Kitchen for Painting. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Jupiter sextile Sun

This seems to be a prime example of "the slowest moving planet wins", to quote astrologer extraordinaire Michael Lutin. With the Jupiter transit perfecting at 4:00am this morning when I'd been asleep for hours (and managed to sleep till 10:30am, something that happens once in every ten years or so), good old Uranus inexorably marches on towards squaring natal Pluto for the third and final time this coming Tuesday, switching me from the back bedroom to the old airbnb room and then back again, in spite of my best efforts to assuage him by attempting to throw out anything my presumably coming at some point new life will no longer need, and getting me lost in even for me ridiculously long and meandering sentences.

I can only hope that as Jupiter now advances to sit on my Moon next Thursday (one of the advantages of having natal Sun sextile natal Moon),Uranus will have already made his final square with Pluto - what? the propane guy acknowledges the old radiator is well and truly "done" and makes plans to haul away the tank? - and the planned Blitz - me and two friends working as a team to make-over the oldest part of the house - can begin. 

Aw, dear sweet little Earthling, thinking she can *predict* what Uranus is going to bring forth. Astrologer, heal thyself.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Jupiter sextile Sun

 So Ray the miracle worker propane man came back today and fixed the radiator and now I'm back in the old airbnb room which is once again my bedroom.

Not really sure if it's working well or not. Seems to be a serious discrepancy between the thermostat and the warm air blowing not very hard out of the radiator. 

Will continue dressing in the little back bedroom until radiator situation is stable. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Uranus square Pluto

 This was going on for most of last year when I was throwing things out left right and center and moving myself  into what used to be the airbnb room, and is coming to an end now. 

It may well have been around Christmas time that the radiator in that room died - reasonably enough -  it had been there since 2003 or thereabouts when the co-owner and I discovered it got cold in New Mexico. 

OK, no working radiator, switching to electric, get the propane tank taken away and get what was left in the tank pumped into the OTHER propane tank, the 325 gallon one that was here when we bought the house. 

While there was no heat in the big room I switched myself back to what used to be my little bedroom and somehow both rooms became closets - temporary storage units, really, for all the stuff I still have to get rid of but have done nothing about. 

Two months pass like this. I survive Saturn opposed to Pluto somewhere in there and here comes my reward for doing that - Jupiter sextile the Sun for a few days (happening now) and one degree later conjuncting the moon for a few days more. 

Yesterday I made the long-procrastinated phone call to the propane company to come and pick up the tank. Today the propane man arrives and realizes there's no current way he can get anywhere near the tank. He asks me what's wrong with the radiator and I tell him it's broken. "Mind if I take a look at it?" he says, and a few minutes later he shows me a piece of wire and explains to me how the wire is old and worn out but it's a pretty good bet that he can fix it, and is coming tomorrow with a replacement piece of wire. 

It may well not work but on the other hand it might, so just as I'm gearing myself up to measure the room and see how powerful a heater I need and looking forward to the tank being gone outside and the big old radiator being gone from the room it may well turn out that things stay exactly as they are - which I do believe is one of the ways Uranus/Pluto shows itself. 

He's coming at 1:30 tomorrow. It's go with the flow time again. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Mars Trine Chiron Later in the Day


The only word for this is uncanny. Of course, it's two hours off, so you can't be sure about anything haha - and of course it isn't uncanny - it's astrology made manifest.

Back to Mildred again. She sure do keep cropping up, and obviously deserves her very own three-act play but she's far too New England for that and would never complain.

So on the day that this (astrodienst, always astrodienst and edited for "partner") is in effect,

 ... a good time, therefore, for telling someone about your feelings. If at present you have a firm relationship...The quality of time is on your side.  If you are prepared to risk taking such a step, you will observe that you by no means meet with a lack of understanding ...

.....and Lo! and behold - for the first time since very probably before Christmas, the gift giver and I talked about the Old Girl and set each other straight on what we'd been thinking the other might be doing, and a good thing too.

Pretty nice day for a Monday and the first of a month. And Mildred's name begins with an M haha.

Mars Trine Chiron

So I'm supposed to be feeling energetic and self-assured today, which will definitely be a novelty, at least in the energy department. 

2:05pm:    And it's a good thing I WAS energetic because I spent the morning gathering up the papers for the mechanic and the used car lot owner, got to the lot exactly on time but without the papers I spent all morning gathering and had to come back to the house to get them. (This type of behavior  is unfortunately no longer a novelty for me.)

Mildred,  of course, (for those of us in the know), was the significant player in the  above scenario.  If I weren't so lazy I'd go back five months and see what, if anything, I wrote when Her Story began in September last year. I could add that to the ToDo list haha. 

Anyway, while I am energetically writing, on with Mars trine Chiron! Neither man was the least perturbed that I left it all behind. Of course I walked in saying "I have done something so stupid...." and once they recovered from the shock the lot man said bring it in whenever and the mechanic told me I could mail him the check. 

I'm not sure if they thought I was a total ditz or a crazy old woman (or both), and this being Silver City, where very few people think work is everything, it could be that the whole town goes around forgetting things and making journeys twice, it's a normal everyday occurrence and nobody thinks anything of it.

Note that the focus here has switched from Mildred. It's just always ME ME ME.

There may be something to report after eight o'clock tonight :)


When Saturn Stops Opposing Pluto...

 ... even though you know it's coming back in November the sense of relief is palpable. I'm giving myself  a personal week haha for the last days of February, which takes the form of me huddled in a blanket in an armchair by the fire. With a cat, who I am training.

Monday March 1: Just discovered this as a draft. Posting it anyway. Attempting yet again to post every day. 

Sun conjunct Mars

 OK, all geared up and off I go to Walmart to get groceries and moolah (I use it as a bank by buying everything but one item on a credit card and then using my debit card to buy the remaining item and get cash.)

Get to self checkout, scan all items for credit card, reach in bag for wallet, remember wallet is on coffee table at home as I've been going to buy licorice for about two weeks. 

Check cash in handbag, $1 off being able to buy groceries I was going to put on a credit card, green grapes still in basket waiting to be bought. 

Praise the Lord that Walmart staff are mostly eager and willing to help and ask man on watching all the self-checker outers duty to remove items I had already scanned from the $$$ owed amount until I had enough money to buy grapes. Had to use all but one single dollar bill to be able to walk out. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Saturn opposed to Pluto AND...

.....Mars to the ascendant: this was yesterday, when I began to write about how Saturn opposed to Pluto had been working out for me, and could have been called Why You Cannot Do Your Own Chart.

Anyone (except me haha) could have figured out that with Natal Saturn at the end of the Second, almost in the Third (communication), then with transiting Saturn in the Tenth (career - something I've never had) opposing Natal Pluto in the Fourth I might be doing a bit of writing, something that's fallen by the wayside in recent years.

Add in transiting Pluto on the Midheaven, where it's been basically stuck since last year, squaring natal Mercury (communication) in the Twelfth when it moved forward a bit, and you get someone who's been attending a playwriting technique workshop for months and then in February, as Pluto came to the MC for the fourth (!) time, decides it would be a great idea to sign up to write a play a day for the whole month, as well as throwing in a once a week writing monologues class, making herself sick from stress at meeting deadlines in the middle of the month and wondering what all the fuss about Saturn opposing Pluto was. There. Explained.

And yesterday, as the aspect perfected, Mars in Taurus was smack on the ascendant, and I spent the whole day in the armchair I'd fallen into when I got up - can you guess? Writing. 

In a week or so Uranus will be squaring Pluto for the third and final time, but I'll save that for tomorrow. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Saturn Opposed to Pluto Exact

Well, it will be at 8 o'clock tonight and I think I've finally figured it out.

House house house - it's always House when Natal Pluto's in the Fourth, and as I may have mentioned haha, as well as Saturn opposing it I have Uranus square it right now, so as much as I might try to avoid it, which I'm not, it's House. 

When I go back 14 years (because of Saturn's seven year cycle), I get to 2007, the year AFTER I bought the house out from the co-owner. I guess that's close enough, and it's not too much of an exaggeration to say the house has consumed my energies ever since. 

Damn. Started this at 1:17pm and now it's 9:47.

To be continued.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

To Explain Why I Am Going Mad


Brief 20 - Due by 21 Feb at 10:00am UK time

Let's be super duper strict. 

Below are the rules for your play:

1. The play should have either 6 characters or 15 characters. Not all of them need to speak, in fact, one of them never speaks, out of religious reasons. Out of the two character that speak the most - one only speaks in words that are 3 or 4 syllables long and the other never speaks any word with the letter ’t’. Why? No! T!

2. Let's be nice and even - two acts, 4 scenes in each act. The number of speaking lines in each scene must add up to a different multiple of 8.

3. Play must be set in two locations, concurrently, with alternating scenes, although they don't have to happen at the same time.

4. At least two characters should appear in both locations, but the stories should be unrelated.

5. You can have no more and no fewer than 5 pauses - one of them should last 5 minutes (not just 5 minutes of inaction, but 5 minutes of a pause... I mean... golly!)

6. An umbrella opens without anybody touching it in one location and a baby cries in another location - are the two events connected?

7. Two of the characters used to have an affair, but they broke up because of a lie. Two other characters get jiggy at some point in Act 2, Scene 2.

8. Every line of dialogue must have one of the following: either 4 words, 17 words, 22 words, 34 words, 69 (hehe) words or 101 words (you can punctuate as you like).

9. There is to be at least one heart-wrenching monologue. You know the sort - one that kids will use as audition pieces to drama schools, even though it's seriously inappropriate for them.

10. One location plays Ludo, as the other plays Cluedo. One eats toffee, as the other drinks coffee, one location finds a bag of pants (British pants - not American pants) and the other finds a nest of ants. One talks about the weather, and the other about kinky leather. All of these happen in different scenes.
If you aren't sure you understand any of the rules - go with what you think they mean.
And again, with this being a weekend task - your only bonus is to be happy with the result.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Saturn square Uranus Above...

.... and for lucky old me down below with natal Pluto at 7 Leo, Saturn's opposing it while Uranus is squaring it.  

Starting with Saturn, and why not, I'm trying to think of what I started 14 years ago when I can barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday - nothing, in both cases, haha. 2007 - what happened? I bought John out of the house in 2006. Maybe that's it, but really and truly, I don't think I've aroused opposition from others or any of the other horrible things that astrodienst tells me could have happened by doing so.

Uranus squaring Pluto is easier to understand, getting rid of outmoded structures (worn out radiators) and all the other crap I keep saying I'm going to sell, and of course what I should have mentioned is that natal Pluto is in the fourth so it's all to do with the house. No doubt about that.  It's always to do with the house. 

OK, that's it for the day haha. New daily mission of writing something here accomplished, go do Fluencia Spanish lesson as other compulsory mission of the day and then sort out all the other stuff I'm supposed to be doing so I can enter my new and improved way of life coming up over the horizon. Sheesh.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Saturn in Aquarius in Ten

Well when  it was in Capricorn on the Midheaven it got me on the board of Literacy Link, and now it's moved into Aquarius zoom board meetings begin. This is being written by Literacy Link's  point person for the upcoming community fund-raising event for 40 local non-profits, as of this afternoon. 

I guess Jupiter's journey through the same path is all the writing workshops and the dreaded 28 Plays in 28 Days. Just sent off #18.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Venus conjunct the Moon

Well I'm definitely in a dreamy and romantic mood, having slept till 9:30, woken up feeling human again after my escape from the world sleep marathon to even more snow, made coffee and now back in bed in the little bedroom with the huge windows and the snow swirling all around and all curled up with Pretty Boy. Good thing it's not a wildly erotic influence and mainly a time for two beings (he's an earthling) to quietly express their affection. 

He and I have quite a lot in common, living here all by ourselves for the past year, and of course for seven years before that when life was a little bit different and Good Girl was here to hog all the affection.

Good thing it's a good time to spend pleasantly at home as there's no chance I'll be going anywhere except maybe into the walk-in freezer to see if I can get the TV to work so I can watch some of the Australian Open. 


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Mars trine Jupiter

Well this was a joke.  "Your energies are high, you feel good, and you believe that you can do twice as much as usual, which you probably can. " (astrodienst, of course). 

Not quite. I let this Play a Day thing send me into a complete tailspin and slept for most of the day, giving up on Saturday Playwright Thing, taking yet more stuff to PAWS and doing a real stock-up on groceries as the forecast was for snow for days and has proved to be correct. 

"... this is a good time for making decisions. You have a very clear sense of yourself and your needs, so that you can make decisions according to your best interests, in the largest and most enlightened sense of the phrase."

I guess that bit was true. I DID have a very clear sense of myself and my needs. Sleep. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Mercury sextile Sun

In recovery from last week when I overwhelmed myself trying to meet several writing deadlines with no planning or concentration. Learned my lesson and now have to see if I can put what I learned - that I need to add discipline to my life of lotus blossom eating if I'm going to get myself *back to writing* again - into practice.  So far so good. Know what I'm writing for 28 Plays Later, am going to use a 28 Plays offering as a base for Lily's Monologue Class on Monday, still not sure how I'll do Saturday's "Write a scene where a change in lighting makes a difference to what's going on on stage" but it's buzzing around in my head. 

Today feels like a holiday opposed to the weekend. Yesterday morning I was scrabbling around furiously to get the *homework* done by 11am MST. Managed it but not done as well as I would have liked.

Began 28 this morning, done my 300 on the stairstep, done a Fluencia lesson (first time since January 6), now I need to get myself off to Walmart as I can't put it off any longer and then when I can back hope to retype some more of Let It Stand.

And as a bonus, just put the nasty slippers I bought over Christmas that don't fit on Grant County Goodies. Thank you Something.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Neptune opposed to Jupiter

 No sooner do I say I'm losing interest in astrology than Neptune opposes Jupiter and comes over for the weekend. 

Wake up this morning and write scene for noon, zoom playwriting for three hours and end with a friend coming over to watch Jeffrey Sweet's The Value of Names, writing 7-28 to send before I go to bed

Tomorrow I have to get going on the monologue for Monday and finish the 8-28, then Monday have monolog finished by 11am  so can work on 9-28 to send before bed (deadline 10am GMT)

Feet firmly on ground, no foolish financial risks (so far), definitely not particularly idealistic, feeling more fortunate than lucky. No sects in sight. 

Definitely over-extended. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

I opened this draft from 1/24 ..... see what it was.  It was empty. 

See recent post about losing interest in subject matter of blog.

Whatever This Is....

....of the kind of whirling happenings or thinkings  or writings - hmmmm. Start again.

Not to state the obvious or anything, but I am finding it difficult to post on here every day  or nearly every day haha. 

I am losing interest in it because astrology - writing about it, I mean, not *just* living it out - is no longer such a part of my life as it was for many years.  (This is what you call a laundry list.)

What I am interested in is getting myself to write again, and to give myself a bit of a jump start I've signed up for a 28 plays in 28 days thing (four down, twenty-four to go), am continuing Saturday class and, for the month of February, I'm continuing monolog stuff on Monday mornings.

Not sure what this blog might turn into, but I'd like to find out.

I have money on it. It's the literary challenge. If google would let me do it that would be a link.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Jupiter opposed to Pluto & Venus square Sun...

 ... while Mars squares Pluto all on the same day.

Tennis in the am, not very good and not that much fun, then home to go straight to bed and read until about 9:00pm (This was Friday 1/22).

As I always associate Mars and Pluto with action I thought this was hilarious until I realized I was reading the 50 cent Ruth Rendell I got from the thrift shop on Thursday. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Neptune opposed to Jupiter Later in the Day

 Well I've only been drinking a little bit more usual haha and that's been about it. I have had the idea of videoing myself doing monologs - minilogs haha again - but this has not progressed further than thinking about cancelling Broadway HD and subscribing to Vimeo, thus not spending any more money. There's also a box with a ring light in it somewhere in the museum/freezer that used to be my new bedroom until the radiator died.  Absolutely definitely not feeling as though nothing can defeat me. 

Tremendously lucky? Nope. Taking foolish risks? Don't think so. Compassion for others? Don't see any others so N/A. Definitely no involvement with any mystical sects or taking financial risks, unless you consider buying a radiator one. 

So a great big transit happening now and not too much I can see manifesting, until this afternoon, of course, when my afternoon mail included a hand-addressed envelope. It's not something you see every day, a hand-addressed envelope, but my keen sense of observation tells me it's going to become more and more common as I got one a couple of weeks or months ago - who can tell the difference any more haha - and a long-lost friend and I are exchanging hand-written letters back and forth. In envelopes. In Snail Mail. So it's happening.

Anyway, that was the case till this afternoon, when I opened the hand-addressed envelope and found a brochure entitled "What is the kingdom of God" accompanying a fake hand-written letter on attractive fall season stationary (lots of brown leaves)  telling me about a unique (?) Bible message. I haven't read it yet but I'm taking it as a sign to continue to believe. 

(I do know a hundred times over one cannot do one's own chart. And, True Confession time, as  I am no longer quite as fascinated by astrology as I once was, there are certain tasks I no longer carry out and glossing over what they are in case I'm considered a fanatic, I had thought this aspect was closer to perfection than it is. Another two weeks to go and - ooh - research - it was in effect for all of last year. Must have missed it.)

Jupiter opposed to Pluto, Neptune opposed to Jupiter.... almost the same time (now) and Pluto coming to the midheaven and trining the ascendant in two days time, not forgetting Mars squaring Pluto tomorrow:

Result: close to paralysis, although I did buy 100 promising (i.e. Motley Fool said they might be worth it) pot stocks yesterday, and I might even be going to take a shower and put the laundry away. One can only hope. 

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Mercury trine Uranus on the day

 Well I DID think of a new and different way to solve an old problem but it would cost so much money and not be totally effective so I didn't use it.

Old (unfortunately) problem: No heat in my big bedroom.

New solution: Turn on little wall heater we once thought would be enough for that room and use little oil-filled radiator as well. Warmed it up a bit during the day but wouldn't have been enough at night. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Mars sextile Saturn

 I'll take this one any day, whether I needed shaking out of the doldrums or not. Last night I was sure I was going to get up this morning, take (more) bags of stuff to PAWS and then go to Albertson's for goat cheese and fat-free half and half, neither item currently available at my local grocery, Walmart. (I know, I know, I shouldn't, but when you don't like getting in and out of a car ten times to do errands - i.e. you lived in New York for a long time and did your errands on foot - Walmart here is great. Shameless. Anyway, I digress.

In the middle of the afternoon, still not dressed, I was in the kitchen trying to frame a photo given to me recently by a friend, measuring card stock and slicing slivers off to make a matte - well, trying to make a hole in a piece of cardboard, anyway. Off went the bell in my head and I remembered something I'd seen days ago on astrodienst about Mars soon coming to smile at Saturn for me, to misquote Susan Miller, and all morning I'd been running around (inside) and switching stuff and replacing this with that and taking that away and putting this that there. 

My moving into this house by myself has run into a bit of a hitch, you could say, or to be more accurate you could say it's gone backwards because for the past month there's been no heat in what used to be the airbnb room and is now my bedroom, meaning I am currently sleeping in what used to be my bedroom when I did airbnb but turned into a holding space for all the things I'd like to get rid of or sell now that I don't do airbnb but have taken not one step towards doing so - if you get my drift, it's not been what you could call a productive month. 

The worst was it got progressively worse, because instead of having what used to be my bedroom to put stuff in that I didn't want to deal with at the moment, I had to use the freezer-like old airbnb room, its floor already strewn with the *accoutrements* of replacing a radiator, now turning into a giant storage place....

Great to be jolted out of that today, thanks to Mr. Action and Mr. Responsibility shaking hands haha, and one step I DID take today was to delist the toaster oven I've had for sale in Grant County Goodies for a month for $25 that nobody wanted to buy, and list it again for $25, shades of doing the same thing and expecting a different result...

New Philosophy for Me and Others Similarly Afflicted: if you are not doing the things that you think you would like to do or have to do there's absolutely no reason to torture yourself. You're just not ready to do them yet.


And on another note entirely, I'm horror-struck at the thought Trump can pardon all his supporters (as some of them are begging him to) before he leaves office - wave the magic wand and pardon every single one of them. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Solstice and Venus trine Pluto

Yet another Unposted Draft:

So BEFORE I went to tennis I made cheese straws, which I'd *intended* to make on Sunday, but got only as far as the dough. No need to overdo anything haha. Fellow tennis player came to pick me up and bring me back afterwards, as Zippy is down in Deming having his innards examined. Anybody dozing off yet?

Afternoon spent as usual, staring at assortment of Christmas and New Year cards and family photos I'm going to scan one day and send to the pictured people, 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Mercury trine Uranus

Right now I can barely keep my eyes open so I'm looking forward to tomorrow when there'll be a very stimulating influence that will make me feel more alive and awake mentally than at any other time.

Actually I felt pretty alive and awake mentally this morning when I was looking for my winter silk undies to wear for tennis and they were nowhere to be found: not in either closet, not on the bed in what was my bedroom for six months till four weeks ago when a cat and mouse with the propane company turned it into a freezer, not hanging on the back of any door, not on a hook by the back door, not with the coats in the tiny room off the kitchen - nowhere, sending me into an absolutely foul mood that lasted till I'd been playing for an hour.

That's when the lightbulb went off - still in the dryer - and there they were when I got back to the house, wiped out from two and a half hours of tennis - me, not the winter silks. 

Now I have to think of some problem I've been unable to solve with tried and true solutions for tomorrow. New ideas will come more rapidly than usual. One's come already. Call a plumber. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Only Four Days Late

 Well this is interesting. All set to get on here and make some kind of post for the day and I see a draft with the heading "Only Four Days Late", which when opened had absolutely nothing in it. Obviously I was full of good intentions but had nothing to show for them on January 8th, and here I am four days after THAT managing to log on, determined to make a two-line post at least and get back into the habit of writing every day.

Somewhere I once read it takes 44 days (I made that number up, but it's something like that, unless that's the number of muscles you have to move to smile and a lot more to frown, that Reader's Digest thing)  - 44 days to establish a new habit, and at the rate I'm going with posting on here every day it'll be 2025 or so before I get used to it, but let's not be negative. 

Mercury is opposing Pluto for me right now - I mean right now, four hours to go - and while I didn't have any violent arguments or subversive, smoldering conflicts with anyone today I did go so far as to pick up my One Hundred Things You Can Do Without a Man book and look again at How to Change a Washer. 

It's probably two weeks since I looked at it first, read "First turn the water off to the house" and immediately decided not to do it and closed the book. I know how to turn the water off to the house. It's about the only thing I do know about the workings of the well that supplies water to the house but it and the phone number of the plumber is more than enough. 

The kitchen tap has been dripping away ever since (and had been for at least a month before) and while I was deciding I didn't really need to go to Walmart and could stay home for the day and not get dressed there I was on page 39 of One Hundred Things and then I was back in the kitchen with the water supply to the house turned off.

That was about as far as it went as I wasn't sure which bit of the faucet I was supposed to be trying to loosen and I have very little strength in my hands anyway, but I went back up to the well house and turned the water on again, texted a friend, got the answer except it requires TWO pairs of pliers and I'm not sure I can manage that, but I'll give it a go again tomorrow, handy person that I am.

I also managed to get a bag of salt pellets into the water softener, a laborious process involving opening a 40 pound bag of salt and doling it out into plastic grocery bags so each one weighs only about 12 pounds and taking each bag individually up the hill to the well house and dumping it in the softener...

These are accomplishments to be celebrated. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Mercury to the Midheaven

 Apart from deciding it was too cold to play tennis in the morning, I did finally get voicemail set up on the phone I've had since June.

Pretty major, actually. 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Forget about Me, checking on Trump

It gives me great pleasure to tell anyone reading this that on January 6, 2021, the previous president will have a trine from Pluto to the Midheaven, an aspect about as powerful as it can get. 

It's the day the House convenes to validate the election results, a normally pro forma affair which this year, thanks to 2021's Republican tribute to the Fifth of November, 1605, promises to be, er, contentious. No gunpowder, although with that lot you never know, definitely Treason and Plot.

Here's a bit of advice for him from astrodienst, my favorite astrology site that I haven't yet been able to figure out how to link to, pardon my syntax. 

"However, you should be aware that you are acting as an agent of forces that transcend your own individuality, and that everything you do must be for the common good, or it will be to no avail."

Doesn't that just make your heart sing?