Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sun sextile Pluto

 It's time, it's definitely time. Fourth set of airbnb-ers since I started again arriving in an hour, and this room is finally unlivable in and I have to make changes. Lovely when it was just my bedroom and I had the whole other part of the house to myself as well - 2020 - but now with peeps I can't just barge in on in the other side so have to have this room set up for anything I might  need. Studio living. 

And what is in here now as well as bedroom stuff is all stuff that I am supposed to be selling because I no longer want or need it, except it's been here for months and I'm making no move to do anything with it. 

So this would appear to be the day to get going - pack things up that I am obviously not going to sell and have bags ready to take to the thrift shop tomorrow morning. And begin to reorganize closet that I always envied which is crammed to the gills now with stuff, the dreaded stuff. 

Astrodienst reminded me this morning that I would probably have to... 

.....>confront the power of a group or collective that you deal with every day.  You will have to realign >>>>your own intentions with the collective intentions of the group - friends, neighbors or business >>>>associates - but this will probably work to your advantage.

Just got the email - tennis starts at 8 now instead of 8:30. 

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