Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sun sextile Pluto Hangover

 Yesterday I *planned* to have a bag of stuff ready to take to the thrift store this morning and lo and behold I got a bag ready and took it this morning - and not just any old bag.

It must have been in 2012 that I bought at an auction to support a local school a hand-made pink and brown polka dot diaper bag that I intended to use for knitting. The last time I knitted something was probably 2009. It's been haunting me ever since. Too good for a thrift store, too clumsy to ship on eBay and too much trouble to list on a local buy and sell website. 

The Betsy Johnson bag I bought quite recently on eBay (too floppy, too many compartments, too many zips, too much black plastic) got tucked inside the diaper bag, along with two pairs of sparkly slippers I probably spent $30 on that were ordered in size 9 but one pair arrived size 8 and a half and the other pair were nine and a half - all stuff that in my dreams I was magically going to sell and get some of my money back. 

The bag's been sitting on a small side table which has taken up residence in the bathroom since I moved to 14B, along with the laundry basket, trash bags full of plastic and glass to take to the dump, a large white enamel bowl I have no use for, several picture frames and a couple of mirrors, and has been smacking me in the eye every time I go into the bathroom, which is often as I have to use the ornamental bathroom sink to wash my coffee cups and Pretty Boy's dishes. When I want to take a shower I use the now airbnb bathroom instead of *mine* when there are no peeps here as there is nothing in it that shouldn't be in a bathroom and there is room to move around. 

I daren't figure out how long things have been like this. Probably January or February when I got the airbnb reservation for Big Sunny Space, which no longer existed, but which I took as an OK I'll go with the flow and start to rent The Other Side, something I thought of doing last September. 

The reservation was for April and gave me about three months to get ready, and that's when my beautiful new big bedroom began filling up with all the I'm going to sell this and make some money stuff. 

Something kicked into gear last night and this morning the diaper bag and its contents, all in a very nice wire basket that I bought years ago because I liked it but had no use for, arrived on the Donations Counter at PAWS thrift shop on Bullard and I walked out without it, feeling freer than I have felt for months. 

And all I bought was a very nice blue and white shirt, two paperbacks which I'll return when I've read them and yes - a wire basket because yesterday - in my clearing out frenzy - I knocked over and broke a pottery bowl I had a few succulents in and as I had to buy two coconut liners from Amazon when I needed only one I'll put the one I didn't want into the new wire basket thing and re-home the succulents.

Things are looking up. 

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