Monday, May 17, 2021

Pluto in the fourth

The realization that would probably be immediately apparent to another (real) astrologer but has only just occurred to me (which leads to an important (!) digression about another recent revelation to self about reluctance to post on dear old almost-every-day but I'll come back to that if I remember) is that this doing airbnb in the addition and living in the old house and then moving from the old house into the addition myself because I was going to stop doing airbnb a) because I decided to and b)  lockdown took care of it anyway and living in all of the house for the winter of 20/21 and then having it decided for me to stay in the addition and airbnb the whole house - well, couldn't all this shifting around be some kind of manifestation of the title?

Yes, but then how do you explain Taurus Rising? 

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