Sunday, May 9, 2021

Sun trine Jupiter

 It was the film What the Bleep Do We Know god knows how many years ago where I first became aware of  - and now of course I've forgotten his name. Whatever Doctor - Joe de Santis is floating around somewhere in the recesses of my brain but I think he's the governor of Florida so not him - but someone talked about how he *designed his day* and even though I've never been able to do it it's stuck with me forever. 

I guess the theory is you decide in the morning what you would like to do that day and then go ahead and do it. Piece o'cake. I'm doing one of the things I'd like to do today by writing this, massively helped by the transit, and what I would also like to do is finish the curtains in the airbnb bedroom, lengthen the black overalls I recently got from Buykud in China where it seems most women are five feet tall, water all the plants, feed the plants, feed the junipers, plant the tomato seedlings I got yesterday and begin to clean up the part of the outside that looks like the yard at Restore.

Then I'd like to write a couple of thank you notes, start work on next week's Saturday assignment and work a bit more on yesterday's unfinished assignment - oh, and definitely do my 300 steps on the StairStep machine and go on sorting out and organizing this room and put SOMETHING - ANYTHING - on eBay.  

There should definitely be a reward for doing half of the above but I'm not sure what it could be. 

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