Wednesday, May 12, 2021

P Mars square P Pluto

 This has been chugging away in the background since end of November, '18,  given a one degree orb, and the progressed planets square each other perfectly next week. Note: I am not aware of the exact day. Could be Tuesday.

Two and a half years, give or take a month. Pluto trine Jupiter was in there somewhere, not that I realized because I was getting high, going to a drawing class and bombarding friends with Mahalia Jackson YouTube videos. 

2019, as I remember it, was memorable for The Village Pub opening, a grand old time being had by all and my discovery that all of my friends here smoked, if they didn't vape or have a medible.  BIG eye-opener. Seriously surprised.  

 Pluto trine Jupiter must have started that Fall when I enrolled at the University here and took the art class where the finished drawings were granted their own museum opening in April 2020.  

Have to come back to this. Could use a little re-arranging.

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