Sunday, April 4, 2021

Venus conjunct Sun

 Nice aspect to have on Easter Sunday.  Spent the whole day alone, didn't leave the *property*, watered and whacked down dead stuff from winter and just threw it on the ground instead of gathering it up. Sunny and warm and no wind and seems like a lot more dead stuff than last year, but maybe that's because the *garden* is finally growing. Or something. 

Did exactly as I wanted for the whole day, except now I have to sit and try to decipher notes I made in preparation for my interview tomorrow as point person for Literacy Link Leamos extolling the virtues of the organization for the local radio station. This all in preparation for Give Grandly Day on May 8 when residents of Silver are asked to contribute to their favorite charities.

Astrology comes through again while I stare at my page of scribbles, statistics, figures, names of people and quantities of books given away over the years and try to sort it out so I can sound like an upstanding member of society telling people why they should give money to Literacy Link. Interview tomorrow, Pluto squares Mercury for the first of five times the day after, Tuesday. 

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