Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Mars square Jupiter AND...

...Venus sextile the Moon: 

Went to play tennis and it was the now usual Monday - seven of us. Could only play till ten as wanted to be back at house to *prepare* for phone interview as point person for Literacy Link and Give Grandly, big town-wide charity giving day or whatever it is coming up in May.

Lasted about 20 minutes at tennis as got annoyed with people trying to work out game by game rotation, came back to house, new floor being installed in tiny laundry room, got interviewed, said nothing I'd been planning to but got it done, went to Bank of Walmart for $$$ and a big shop, back to house, neighbour comes over to offer me four boxes of scraps of fabric, gratefully accepted. 

As for future-oriented (Jupiter), decided neighbour and I and mutual friends will do our very own yard sale at his house on the corner the weekend after next. And the weekend after THAT will be adventure/experimentation time with first guests at Other Side of Big Sunny Space.  Woo Hoo. 

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