Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Pluto square Mercury

 Is this what's making me feel so shitty? Dredging up all kinds of old stuff  I haven't wanted to acknowledge, even though I don't know what it is except I feel horrible? If it is, then I'm not particularly thrilled that this is the first of five transits of this, the fifth coming at the end of 2022, unless I'm supposed to think that by then everything will have been brought to light and just like Saint George, I'll have conquered the dragon. The other version would be that I won't be able to conquer anything and will feel lousy for the next two years.

Certainly it's "The slowest moving planet wins," as the Sun and Venus sextiling Uranus yesterday and today hasn't presented anything remotely exciting and different as I mope around thinking this house will never get to be in any kind of order and it's ridiculous that I'm living in it all by myself. 

On a slightly lighter note, I did submit a snail mail play today for the first time in about ten years. So what if I didn't notice till I got back from the Post Office that I was supposed to have written a synopsis to appear on or near the title page. What am I, perfect, haha?

Gloom continues. 

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