Monday, March 1, 2021

Mars Trine Chiron

So I'm supposed to be feeling energetic and self-assured today, which will definitely be a novelty, at least in the energy department. 

2:05pm:    And it's a good thing I WAS energetic because I spent the morning gathering up the papers for the mechanic and the used car lot owner, got to the lot exactly on time but without the papers I spent all morning gathering and had to come back to the house to get them. (This type of behavior  is unfortunately no longer a novelty for me.)

Mildred,  of course, (for those of us in the know), was the significant player in the  above scenario.  If I weren't so lazy I'd go back five months and see what, if anything, I wrote when Her Story began in September last year. I could add that to the ToDo list haha. 

Anyway, while I am energetically writing, on with Mars trine Chiron! Neither man was the least perturbed that I left it all behind. Of course I walked in saying "I have done something so stupid...." and once they recovered from the shock the lot man said bring it in whenever and the mechanic told me I could mail him the check. 

I'm not sure if they thought I was a total ditz or a crazy old woman (or both), and this being Silver City, where very few people think work is everything, it could be that the whole town goes around forgetting things and making journeys twice, it's a normal everyday occurrence and nobody thinks anything of it.

Note that the focus here has switched from Mildred. It's just always ME ME ME.

There may be something to report after eight o'clock tonight :)


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