Monday, March 1, 2021

Sun conjunct Mars

 OK, all geared up and off I go to Walmart to get groceries and moolah (I use it as a bank by buying everything but one item on a credit card and then using my debit card to buy the remaining item and get cash.)

Get to self checkout, scan all items for credit card, reach in bag for wallet, remember wallet is on coffee table at home as I've been going to buy licorice for about two weeks. 

Check cash in handbag, $1 off being able to buy groceries I was going to put on a credit card, green grapes still in basket waiting to be bought. 

Praise the Lord that Walmart staff are mostly eager and willing to help and ask man on watching all the self-checker outers duty to remove items I had already scanned from the $$$ owed amount until I had enough money to buy grapes. Had to use all but one single dollar bill to be able to walk out. 

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