Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Saturn trine Uranus

It's a good thing this comes back for a revisit later in the year as very little of what it's supposed to bring has happened this time.

"Stability and creative balance between the old and new" in my life? I'm so used now to living in chaos and upheaval it's difficult to imagine there'll be a time when the house is organized and everything is in the place it's supposed to be. 

Today the new flooring arrives - 13 boxes weighing God knows how much each that are probably going to get here when I'm not and be left - where? Should I not go to tennis so I'll be at home and able to tell the driver to drop them off up the back so they'll be closer to where they're going to be used? Or go to tennis (and the dump, haha - always the dump to go to) and have the driver leave them in the front where they'll have to be carried three times farther than if they were in the back?

I'm able to "live within a structure and also engage in new and stimulating experiences"which keep me from going stale? Can't say as how I've noticed too many of those, unless you count J being able to get the Smart TV to go to Amazon so we could watch The Apartment yesterday. 

"Any task that requires long and disciplined application - learning a new skill, studying a new body of knowledge or simply working patiently at a long task - is favored by this influence, as long as it is leading up to some kind of creative change."

This seems to have passed me by, as I'm not getting very far with re-typing all the plays I can no longer open because they were written in older versions of Final Draft and have to be copied from chapbooks - and as for Fluencia - oh well. 

Onward and Upward, and maybe today I'll wash the saucepans before I put them back in the newly painted kitchen. No need to aim for the stars.

Ah, innocence: The thirteen boxes of flooring have made it as far as Alburquque - I ALWAYS have to look this up in spite of living in New Mexico for 19 (scream emoji) years. The boxes have made it to Albuquerque and someone will let me know when *they* decide to bring it. 


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