Monday, March 15, 2021

I Guess Three Days Is nearly-every-day...

 ... if you're feeling generous, which I am. 

Astonishing Mildred event this morning: I decided over the weekend that I would go to R&R Motors on Monday and remove the "Planned Parenthood" sign plastered on the old girl's bumper, and, believe it or not, for once true to my intention, when I went to play tennis I was armed with a spray bottle of soapy water,

 a sponge and a roll of paper towels. 

Tennis over (earlier than usual - wind) and there were several cars on the lot but no Mildred at first glance, and then over in the corner I see two elderly men getting out of a big black car - and yes, they're getting out of Mildred. 

The lot owner looks surprised to see me. "I left a message for you five minutes ago. They're about to make an offer".

Is that stirring up chi or what? 

I suppose the force of intention depends on how badly you want to do (or not do) the thing in the first place. I intend to stop writing "change insurance" on a list month after month and stick with the policies I have. And cross it out of every list that it was on.

Is that Saturn trine Uranus, that I am gifted with this week? Or was it that planetary motion touched symbols in the charts of two elderly men (perhaps they were twins haha), Mildred's  and mine?

'spose it was just a coincidence.

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