Sunday, March 7, 2021

Jupiter sextile Sun

This seems to be a prime example of "the slowest moving planet wins", to quote astrologer extraordinaire Michael Lutin. With the Jupiter transit perfecting at 4:00am this morning when I'd been asleep for hours (and managed to sleep till 10:30am, something that happens once in every ten years or so), good old Uranus inexorably marches on towards squaring natal Pluto for the third and final time this coming Tuesday, switching me from the back bedroom to the old airbnb room and then back again, in spite of my best efforts to assuage him by attempting to throw out anything my presumably coming at some point new life will no longer need, and getting me lost in even for me ridiculously long and meandering sentences.

I can only hope that as Jupiter now advances to sit on my Moon next Thursday (one of the advantages of having natal Sun sextile natal Moon),Uranus will have already made his final square with Pluto - what? the propane guy acknowledges the old radiator is well and truly "done" and makes plans to haul away the tank? - and the planned Blitz - me and two friends working as a team to make-over the oldest part of the house - can begin. 

Aw, dear sweet little Earthling, thinking she can *predict* what Uranus is going to bring forth. Astrologer, heal thyself.

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