Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Saturn opposed to Pluto AND...

.....Mars to the ascendant: this was yesterday, when I began to write about how Saturn opposed to Pluto had been working out for me, and could have been called Why You Cannot Do Your Own Chart.

Anyone (except me haha) could have figured out that with Natal Saturn at the end of the Second, almost in the Third (communication), then with transiting Saturn in the Tenth (career - something I've never had) opposing Natal Pluto in the Fourth I might be doing a bit of writing, something that's fallen by the wayside in recent years.

Add in transiting Pluto on the Midheaven, where it's been basically stuck since last year, squaring natal Mercury (communication) in the Twelfth when it moved forward a bit, and you get someone who's been attending a playwriting technique workshop for months and then in February, as Pluto came to the MC for the fourth (!) time, decides it would be a great idea to sign up to write a play a day for the whole month, as well as throwing in a once a week writing monologues class, making herself sick from stress at meeting deadlines in the middle of the month and wondering what all the fuss about Saturn opposing Pluto was. There. Explained.

And yesterday, as the aspect perfected, Mars in Taurus was smack on the ascendant, and I spent the whole day in the armchair I'd fallen into when I got up - can you guess? Writing. 

In a week or so Uranus will be squaring Pluto for the third and final time, but I'll save that for tomorrow. 

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