Saturday, February 13, 2021

Mars trine Jupiter

Well this was a joke.  "Your energies are high, you feel good, and you believe that you can do twice as much as usual, which you probably can. " (astrodienst, of course). 

Not quite. I let this Play a Day thing send me into a complete tailspin and slept for most of the day, giving up on Saturday Playwright Thing, taking yet more stuff to PAWS and doing a real stock-up on groceries as the forecast was for snow for days and has proved to be correct. 

"... this is a good time for making decisions. You have a very clear sense of yourself and your needs, so that you can make decisions according to your best interests, in the largest and most enlightened sense of the phrase."

I guess that bit was true. I DID have a very clear sense of myself and my needs. Sleep. 

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