Friday, July 2, 2021

Sun trine Mars

 Aha! First time since it began to rain I managed to get a tiny bit of *gardening* in. Added some compost to a small patch and put down some wildflower seeds from the new bags I just ordered, the ones put down six weeks ago having mostly disappeared. A few little green things poking up here and there. 

What I really want to say is I under-estimated the Amazon drop-off point here in a post a few days ago (code for the last post).  My stupid Body Fat Scale that you need to watch a video to use was accepted unwrapped without a murmur, and four days later I have yet to order different ones. Scales, that is. 

For some reason I feel the need to write this down. There are three things I tell myself I would like to do every day.

Do 300 steps on my Stair-Step every day.

Write something on here.

Do ONE Fluencia Spanish lesson a day.

The 300 steps I do because they are the only way I can stave off the effects of PAD and continue to play tennis.

Write something on here? Easy to find the answer to that.

Spanish? Sometimes I get up to five days in a row and then I stop for a week or so. 

So that's what good telling myself I'd like to do something does. 

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