Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Transiting North Node conjunct Natal Uranus...

 ....which in my case is in the first house. Not there exactly yet - Saturday, I think - but as it's the nodes I can give myself a couple of days (weeks) here and there. 

So - the old Big Sunny Space has become inhabitable, with things vaguely where I'd like them to be and no (visible) boxes on the floor to weave around. Well,  one. The closet has a door, as does the bathroom, my counter space is beautiful, the MacBook Air sits on top of four thick books so the screen is at my eye level and I have a keyboard and mouse that I'm almost used to. I do keep hitting the n instead of the space bar but not as often as when I first got it. 

There's a list of friends to write notes to, that I keep overlooking, and I have to call the propane company and find out about this  winter saving price thing, but there's nothing nagging at me day and night. 

Time to discuss Lemon Sky now in Playwrights' Forum. There's a sentence I haven't written before. 

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