Thursday, January 21, 2021

Neptune opposed to Jupiter Later in the Day

 Well I've only been drinking a little bit more usual haha and that's been about it. I have had the idea of videoing myself doing monologs - minilogs haha again - but this has not progressed further than thinking about cancelling Broadway HD and subscribing to Vimeo, thus not spending any more money. There's also a box with a ring light in it somewhere in the museum/freezer that used to be my new bedroom until the radiator died.  Absolutely definitely not feeling as though nothing can defeat me. 

Tremendously lucky? Nope. Taking foolish risks? Don't think so. Compassion for others? Don't see any others so N/A. Definitely no involvement with any mystical sects or taking financial risks, unless you consider buying a radiator one. 

So a great big transit happening now and not too much I can see manifesting, until this afternoon, of course, when my afternoon mail included a hand-addressed envelope. It's not something you see every day, a hand-addressed envelope, but my keen sense of observation tells me it's going to become more and more common as I got one a couple of weeks or months ago - who can tell the difference any more haha - and a long-lost friend and I are exchanging hand-written letters back and forth. In envelopes. In Snail Mail. So it's happening.

Anyway, that was the case till this afternoon, when I opened the hand-addressed envelope and found a brochure entitled "What is the kingdom of God" accompanying a fake hand-written letter on attractive fall season stationary (lots of brown leaves)  telling me about a unique (?) Bible message. I haven't read it yet but I'm taking it as a sign to continue to believe. 

(I do know a hundred times over one cannot do one's own chart. And, True Confession time, as  I am no longer quite as fascinated by astrology as I once was, there are certain tasks I no longer carry out and glossing over what they are in case I'm considered a fanatic, I had thought this aspect was closer to perfection than it is. Another two weeks to go and - ooh - research - it was in effect for all of last year. Must have missed it.)

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