Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Mercury trine Uranus

Right now I can barely keep my eyes open so I'm looking forward to tomorrow when there'll be a very stimulating influence that will make me feel more alive and awake mentally than at any other time.

Actually I felt pretty alive and awake mentally this morning when I was looking for my winter silk undies to wear for tennis and they were nowhere to be found: not in either closet, not on the bed in what was my bedroom for six months till four weeks ago when a cat and mouse with the propane company turned it into a freezer, not hanging on the back of any door, not on a hook by the back door, not with the coats in the tiny room off the kitchen - nowhere, sending me into an absolutely foul mood that lasted till I'd been playing for an hour.

That's when the lightbulb went off - still in the dryer - and there they were when I got back to the house, wiped out from two and a half hours of tennis - me, not the winter silks. 

Now I have to think of some problem I've been unable to solve with tried and true solutions for tomorrow. New ideas will come more rapidly than usual. One's come already. Call a plumber. 

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