Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Only Four Days Late

 Well this is interesting. All set to get on here and make some kind of post for the day and I see a draft with the heading "Only Four Days Late", which when opened had absolutely nothing in it. Obviously I was full of good intentions but had nothing to show for them on January 8th, and here I am four days after THAT managing to log on, determined to make a two-line post at least and get back into the habit of writing every day.

Somewhere I once read it takes 44 days (I made that number up, but it's something like that, unless that's the number of muscles you have to move to smile and a lot more to frown, that Reader's Digest thing)  - 44 days to establish a new habit, and at the rate I'm going with posting on here every day it'll be 2025 or so before I get used to it, but let's not be negative. 

Mercury is opposing Pluto for me right now - I mean right now, four hours to go - and while I didn't have any violent arguments or subversive, smoldering conflicts with anyone today I did go so far as to pick up my One Hundred Things You Can Do Without a Man book and look again at How to Change a Washer. 

It's probably two weeks since I looked at it first, read "First turn the water off to the house" and immediately decided not to do it and closed the book. I know how to turn the water off to the house. It's about the only thing I do know about the workings of the well that supplies water to the house but it and the phone number of the plumber is more than enough. 

The kitchen tap has been dripping away ever since (and had been for at least a month before) and while I was deciding I didn't really need to go to Walmart and could stay home for the day and not get dressed there I was on page 39 of One Hundred Things and then I was back in the kitchen with the water supply to the house turned off.

That was about as far as it went as I wasn't sure which bit of the faucet I was supposed to be trying to loosen and I have very little strength in my hands anyway, but I went back up to the well house and turned the water on again, texted a friend, got the answer except it requires TWO pairs of pliers and I'm not sure I can manage that, but I'll give it a go again tomorrow, handy person that I am.

I also managed to get a bag of salt pellets into the water softener, a laborious process involving opening a 40 pound bag of salt and doling it out into plastic grocery bags so each one weighs only about 12 pounds and taking each bag individually up the hill to the well house and dumping it in the softener...

These are accomplishments to be celebrated. 

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