Friday, June 25, 2021

Sun conjunct Saturn...

 ...while squaring Neptune, thanks to natal chart, and Venus sextile Chiron, all three in effect all day.

Watered the plants before tennis, got to tennis to find seven people, turned around and came straight back to the house. (Little bit of Sun square Neptune there in the avoidance of confrontation with people who always used to play on Mondays and now play Fridays.) 

Picked up from the bare ground some of the cut firewood that's needed picking up for six months and put it in the little woodshed and swept up one bucket's worth of gardening debris in the woodland glen and dumped it behind the wood shed, where it's supposed to form a kind of barrier from the rain if it ever comes. 

Also brought five bricks (tastefully scattered among the firewood) to my little patio so I can raise the *furniture* I dragged down from the Adobe off the ground because I wouldn't want it to get destroyed by the monsoons.

That was the morning and now it's 1:00 pm it's Neptune flat out on the bed time to continue reading Prozac Nation.

As for Venus sextile Chiron, probably no words exchanged with another human today so I am learning how to be my own best friend. 

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