Thursday, January 31, 2013

Venus Trine Chiron

Well I suppose if you're going to go to a seminar on making a living will led by a knowledgeable, empathetic and attractive woman where you're given a form you can fill out that says you don't want to be in pain when you're dying, a good day to do it would be with the subject aspect.

THAT must be why I noticed the irrigation system was flooding the well house just as I was about to get in the car and go to the same seminar held last week. Makes perfect sense. That's why, even though the Sun was trining Neptune (water) last Thursday and you wouldn't expect a negative manifestation - today was a better day to go and the stars wanted me to attend on an appropriate day. Yeah, right.

Anyway, I thought it was an excellent seminar giving me shit-loads of food for thought. Do I want to be massaged with soothing oils while I'm dying? No thanks. Do I want members of my *faith group* (!) praying at my bedside? No thanks. Do I want my favorite music playing? No thanks.

Biggest impact on me - do I want my sheets changed often if I'm incontinent and unable to control my bodily functions? If I'm incontinent and unable to control my bodily functions I don't really want to be alive, thank you very much, and where's the box to check off for that?

Thought-provoking aren't really the words, but I can't think of any others. Make sure your primary care physician has a copy of this document? What if you don't have a primary care physician? Make sure the *loved one* you designate as your proxy when you're unable to speak for yourself has a copy of this document? What if you don't have a loved one to designate? Buy a "Do Not Resuscitate" bracelet (where from?) and wear it all the time? And why do they have so many scones and muffins on the grub table when everybody knows we're not supposed to eat that stuff?

As for the rest of the day, I don't know about simply enjoying myself "with more gusto and freedom than usual" (astrodienst as usual), but with three more hours to go until the aspect perfects at 9:30, I'm already on my third beer and doubt very much that I'll be feeling any pain when it becomes exact.

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