Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Three Years at a Glance

I could go into specifics about some of the more difficult *challenges* the past three years have presented me with, and anyone interested enough is welcome to go to everyday-astrology and read all about them, but rather than dwelling on misfortune - cue violins - it seems simpler to state the major aspects to my natal chart that were going on above and then list the changes that have, synchronistically ha ha, taken place below.

The aspects, beginning at the end of December '09 and all courtesy of a natal Saturn/Neptune square:

Saturn square Saturn and conjunct Neptune
Pluto opposed to Saturn and square Neptune
Uranus square Saturn and opposed to Neptune (perfects for last time 1/5/2013)

My life: at the beginning of 2010, I was living in the rent-stabilized apartment I'd had in Manhattan since 1974 and renting my (read Bank of America's) house in New Mexico for the winter. I had an ancient Volvo station wagon that I loved that stayed out west for the winters and a cat called Sweet Pea I also loved who came backwards and forwards with me every year.

By the end of 2010, the house was rented once again but I had moved up to Boston with Sweet Pea, keeping my apartment in New York, to take on a live-in job that seemed like a good idea at the time but in retrospect is clear manifestation of my Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aries - "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

Drawing a veil over 2011, 2012 began with the house still rented, me renting a room where I slept on the floor round the corner from my previous place of employment and residence, now merely my place of employment, and my landlord refusing to renew my lease on the grounds the apartment was not my primary residence. By June, I had given up the apartment, put all of its contents into a storage locker in Randolph, MA, (don't ask), given up the job and moved out to New Mexico where I've been ever since.

In August, I smashed up the Volvo and now have a 2009 Hyundai Accent hatchback. I was heard to say, "Oh great, now all that leaves is the cat and the house." In September that beloved Sweet Pea succumbed to something further up the food chain, and by then *inured to loss* - cue violins again - four days later I was banging on the doors of  the local animal rescue at opening time and left with the $25 Cash and Carry Special of the day - big fat lazy old Ginger of the bad teeth. He curled up in bed with me five minutes after I got him home, and since then we've spent as much time as possible in exactly the same space, where if I had my way I'd remain until April as it's too cold for tennis.

So there you have it, and although there are two more goes of Saturn square Pluto to come (read about the first in the 12/17 post on everyday-astrology), I (almost) think it's safe to say no matter what happens in 2013, it can hardly be worse than 2012.

I have to see what happens on the fifth.

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