Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mars Opposed to Pluto

I had an inkling something was going on here as on Thursday there was a message on the machine from the title company Bank of America has chosen to use for the refinance of this house.

When I returned the call yesterday, it turned out that the document finalizing my buying out the man I originally bought the house with, signed by us both, is "incomplete" and wasn't notarized correctly. The title company will correct this for me, which will add $100 to the closing costs, or I can have an attorney do it for me and pay whatever fee I'm charged myself.

As I'm on my fourth phone call to an attorney here in Silver to have a will drawn up and have yet to be called back, it seems like a no-brainer to have the title co. deal with it for me. However, as the document in question was notarized by B of A here in Silver in the first place, I'm not giving up without a fight. As soon as I've finished watching all 68 episodes of the original Upstairs/Downstairs on YouTube - and I have only eight to go - I shall take myself off the local bank branch and try to get them to correct the document at no charge.

I'll be able to kill two birds with one stone while I'm down here, as a phone call from my *facilitator* at B of A's refinancing department itself later in the day let me know that I need to fax them yet another copy of my Green Card, this time just the front.

Copies of front and back of it were faxed three weeks or so ago, and then there was a request for me to take the card down to the local branch, show it to customer service there and have them fill out a form which, when I got down there, they had never heard of, pardon my syntax.

Local then emailed Refinancing and were sent a copy of the needed form, which had to be filled in with all the particulars on the card and faxed back. Done. Two weeks ago.

Now it seems that was not enough and the front of the card, showing the number that was hand-written and submitted on the form, needs to be copied and faxed back all my itself. I am now going to watch Season Five, Episode Nine, of Upstairs/Downstairs. 

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