Friday, January 11, 2013

Mercury Square Sun

So here we have Mercury (commerce) squaring (annoying) the Sun (me), and just like clockwork, Brandi from B of A sends me an email requesting yet another copy of my Green Card - she's only had three so far.

Not quite: at the very beginning of the refinancing *process*, sometime in December, she asked for a front and back copy of it. Done. Faxed. To the fax number provided and using the cover sheet she supplies.

A week or so after that she asked me to go down to the local branch with my Green Card and have them fill out form #1234 or whatever, which no one there had heard of and had to be emailed from Refinancing. This was a form onto which every scrap of information on the card had to be recorded - INS Registration Number, date of entry to U.S., date of expiration etc. etc. etc. The form was filled out, signed and notarized and faxed off to Brandi.

This evidently turned out not to be enough, and a week or so later she called again asking for a copy of the front of the card. I am trying to be very very nice to Brandi, having lost my temper with her the first time I spoke to her, and, asking only once if the form with all the information wasn't enough, politely agreed to send another copy. This time I photographed it, blew it up to an 8 x 10, everything crystal clear, took it to the local branch, had them fax it off and was silly enough to think that was the end of it.

But then Mercury squared the Sun and there was another request from Brandi for a copy of the front of the Green Card, by the 19th of January thank you very much or the loan would be cancelled.

Fortunately for both me and Brandi, while I was sitting at the computer composing a response in my head, the man I very first dealt with when I called to see about refinancing, Andy - OMG, how have I missed this - they're Andy and Brandi - called to see how things were going, and, on being told, asked me to send him the photo as an attachment and he would make sure it got to B.

I did. He emailed me that all was well. I await Brandi's next email requesting a copy of the back.

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