Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mars Trine Uranus, Part One

So after listening to me bitch and moan about all the crap lying around here after the new front steps were built (i.e., the old front steps, which were demolished and thrown into the middle of the driveway and left there, along with an assortment of coffee cups, take-out food containers and crumpled up cement bags) and my inability to get it to the dump myself without the Volvo, a friend volunteered the services of her husband and a truck, and yesterday morning, quite unexpectedly (surprise!), said husband called and asked if o'clock would be okay.

I was getting myself ready to go to the bank to have them fax yet another copy of my Green Card to Refinancing and then to the P.O. to pick up a package and mail their Christmas presents to my great-neices in the U.K. when he called, so that all got shoved into a bag and I started loading up Zippy with stuff I could take myself - all the smelly kitchen bags, basic trash stuff, seven old cans of paint from one of my turn-outs, glass recycling, cardboard box recycling, anything I could find that was in the throw out pile that would fit.

I got the dolly down from the adobe and managed to get the big old TV off the kitchen chair and out on the back patio, then started to bash the old gardening bench thing I'd made myself to bits with a hammer and carried the bits down the hill to add to the bits of front steps. I could go on but you get the idea.

When B arrived I helped him get the old steps into his pick-up, then told him I'd be following behind with Zippy, at which point he said why didn't we put everything in his truck and just take one car.

To be continued.

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