Monday, January 28, 2013

Mars Sextile Mercury

OK, so here I am bright and early on this cloudy Monday morning in the Land of Enchantment, all set to "plan a future course of  action with decisiveness and firmness" just as soon as I get out of bed ha ha (quote courtesy of astrodienst as usual).

At the very least, she said optimistically, I might manage to get vaguely up-to-date with this blog and perhaps manage to knit (Mercury - fingers) another row of the tunic I seem to think I'm making for the Peanut - two weeks into it I've managed two sections of the eight-row pattern on one sleeve, and have produced  a unique one-sided cable design; half of it is fine and twists around as I think it should, but the other side does a fascinating Bermuda Triangle imitation - or do I mean the Cheshire Cat - and disappears for four rows at a time before beginning again out of nowhere.

As it is already 10:15 and I have until only 14:57 before my decisive planning abilities disappear for the day, I am getting out of bed to execute the first of my goals - light the fire so I can sit in front of it and watch Law and Order SVU reruns while pretending I know how to Sl1K, yfwd and CB4 (which may or may not mean the same thing as C4B).

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