Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Saturn Trine Mars, but Neptune Rears His Trident

Let's get the self praise for having the foresight to call this nearly-everyday-astrology and then the self criticism for not having posted for a week out of the way right up front and move on to how the title subject matter is playing out here in the Land of Enchantment. (Thinks! I could start yet another blog and call it once-a-week-astrology but as it's already confusing enough having two and I seem to be the only person visiting this one anyway, three might be pushing it.)

So - today - Wednesday January 23, 2012, the day before Saturn trines Mars for me exactly, I was all set to attend a seminar on making a living will, and thinking to myself how wonderful that symbolism was. (Saturn - old age, planning; Mars, action; trine, supposedly achieved without too much difficulty - exactly the kind of happening that made me start this blog (well, the old 'un anyway) but going outside to get into my car this morning blew that theory right out of the water, you should pardon the expression which will make sense if you keep reading.

We now need some backstory. I (well, me and Bank of America) own a house - a country house - a house on six acres at the end of a dirt road in southern New Mexico - a house that does not have piped in water from the *city* and therefore came complete with a well house, a dear little (from the outside) shed thing thirty feet away from the main house that is filled with pumps, switches, compression tanks, water softeners (well, one), pipes, valves, faucets, taps, anything you can think of that might have to do with water being drawn up from deep in the ground, none of which I have any comprehension at all about the way it/they work, pardon my syntax.

I've had it all explained to me several times by various and assorted people and am still as baffled as ever. However, not content with already having a shed full of equipment I know nothing about, eighteen months ago I had an irrigation system installed for the *garden*, which added yet another several feet of pipes, valves, gauges, wires and four long plastic things I can't remember the name of to the equipment already in place.

I did try to flush the lines as recommended by the installer at the beginning of the winter, but when I attached the hosepipe to the place she'd told me to and turned the water on, I got an immediate shower because the connection wasn't tight and water was spraying all over the place. Only as I write this do I remember that she told me to unclip the fasteners from the end of all the hoses before I did this, so maybe it's a good thing I immediately turned the water off and never did anything else about it.

Maybe not, however, ha ha, because yesterday I decided, against Irrigation Lady's instructions to turn the system off from  Thanksgiving to Valentine's Day, I, having lived in an apartment in Manhattan for the past forty-nine years and therefore being much more knowledgeable about irrigation systems in the high desert than people who have lived in the south-west all their lives and make their livings installing said systems, decided it had been very hot for the past couple of days and therefore the twigs in my enclosed spaces around the house might like a little bit of water, which finally takes us back to the second paragraph in which I left the house this morning to go the living will seminar, thinking how wonderfully as above/so below it was with Saturn due to trine Mars tomorrow.

Here - along with wishing I knew how to do those "read more" things people can click on when the post is taking on the length of War and Peace - I need to search my horoscope for the presence of Neptune, for as I went to open the car door this morning even I couldn't fail to notice the stream of water running down the slope from the well house (mainly, of course, because the driveway was soggy and my shoes sank in).

Horror! Panic! Alarm! Visions of bankruptcy, which is what I always imagine when house repairs are needed! Rush up hill, open well house door, see water emanating from irrigation system pipes and spraying all over well house saturating exposed insulation, rush back down hill, back in house, call Well Man, leave panicked message for emergency call, rush back up to well house, find valve marked on/off, switch to off, water stops spraying, back to house, call Well Man, cancel previous call, call seminar and say not coming, call tennis partner and say can meet at 10:30 after all - O Lordie.

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