Thursday, January 3, 2013

Venus in the Eighth

I can't think now of any correlation between the Sun's passing through the house of other people's money and what happened in my life, although that could have been when I was shelling out moolah left right and center to assorted handymen, painters and carpenters.

Mercury's passage through, fittingly enough, brought me a check for eleven cents - that's right, eleven cents - from CenturyLink, who I think were once Qwest (communication - get it?) but don't quote me. I'm still not sure what it was for: something to do with my deciding, after six years, it was time to change the name on the account to just me, instead of me and the man I bought out of the house in 2006.

I'd attempted to do it several times before but never stuck to it and the change was never made, meaning the number was listed in the book under both our names and his came first, meaning anyone looking for me would never find me which was absolutely fine as far as I was concerned.

This time the change went through, as customer service called JDG in California to confirm with him the listing could be changed, bewildering him totally as he had no idea who CenturyLink were. Once that got straightened out, C-Link did indeed change the name on the bill to mine alone, but also cancelled my long distance service which as I never call anyone any more I didn't find out for weeks.

But I digress - the name of this post is Venus through the Eighth, and lo and behold, the day *she* began her journey through the house of shared resources I got notification from One Act Play Depot that a script of one of my plays had sold, netting me a profit of 41 Canadian cents and bringing the total due me up to something like five U.S. dollars.

Early days though: there's another two weeks to go.

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