Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mars Sextile Mercury, Report

Well this will teach me not to be sarcastic about cookbook interpretations - (it won't, but never mind) - not only did I plan one future course of action with decisiveness and firmness, I planned two; three if you count getting a call from organizer of Living Will seminar I missed last week because of floods in the well house and signing up for the next one.

Backstory again: It was three months after 9/11 when I decided I needed to make a will. Since then the word has headed probably every third to-do list I've made, the ones when I'm feeling serious.

For the first few years it was followed by "Buy Forms," which I did indeed do - four, actually, as that's the way they were sold, and somewhere, probably in the storage locker in Randolph, inside some kind of accordion pleated portable file folder, next to the map of Central Park I really do intend to send to a friend in New York with no sense of direction, I still have them - nicely folded little brochurey things with "Last Will and Testament" printed on the front.

These days "Will" is usually followed by something like "Do Dramatists Guild Web Page" or "Research UK Theatres" and before too long degenerates into "cat food" and "go to dump" before getting covered in scribbled phone numbers and vague attempts to figure out how much money I've spent at Walmart in the month, which is the signal for it to go in the trash and me to reach for a new piece of paper.

But I digress; a mere eleven years after first writing the word I asked a friend here in Silver for the name of an attorney and called to make an appointment for the deed. Operative words in the previous sentence are "here in Silver." When I had no response to the message I left, I called again and left another message. And another. And another.

And that was the end of that, until yesterday, with Mars sextiling Mercury, when I called yet again, got a real live person on the other end of the phone and have an appointment to have a will drawn up next Monday afternoon. The attorney is a woman and the aspects for the day include Mercury sextile Venus. I DID NOT CHECK THE ASPECTS WHEN MAKING THE APPOINTMENT.

AND my personal loan officer from Bank of America called and God willing I'll be closing on the refinance the day after I make the will. Not bad for future courses of action.

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