Thursday, January 31, 2013

Venus Trine Chiron

Well I suppose if you're going to go to a seminar on making a living will led by a knowledgeable, empathetic and attractive woman where you're given a form you can fill out that says you don't want to be in pain when you're dying, a good day to do it would be with the subject aspect.

THAT must be why I noticed the irrigation system was flooding the well house just as I was about to get in the car and go to the same seminar held last week. Makes perfect sense. That's why, even though the Sun was trining Neptune (water) last Thursday and you wouldn't expect a negative manifestation - today was a better day to go and the stars wanted me to attend on an appropriate day. Yeah, right.

Anyway, I thought it was an excellent seminar giving me shit-loads of food for thought. Do I want to be massaged with soothing oils while I'm dying? No thanks. Do I want members of my *faith group* (!) praying at my bedside? No thanks. Do I want my favorite music playing? No thanks.

Biggest impact on me - do I want my sheets changed often if I'm incontinent and unable to control my bodily functions? If I'm incontinent and unable to control my bodily functions I don't really want to be alive, thank you very much, and where's the box to check off for that?

Thought-provoking aren't really the words, but I can't think of any others. Make sure your primary care physician has a copy of this document? What if you don't have a primary care physician? Make sure the *loved one* you designate as your proxy when you're unable to speak for yourself has a copy of this document? What if you don't have a loved one to designate? Buy a "Do Not Resuscitate" bracelet (where from?) and wear it all the time? And why do they have so many scones and muffins on the grub table when everybody knows we're not supposed to eat that stuff?

As for the rest of the day, I don't know about simply enjoying myself "with more gusto and freedom than usual" (astrodienst as usual), but with three more hours to go until the aspect perfects at 9:30, I'm already on my third beer and doubt very much that I'll be feeling any pain when it becomes exact.

jupiter goes direct

and i have a cat on my lap with his head on my left arm so can't do capital letters.

i wonder if jupiter's change of direction in my first house will mean i'll stop buying black v-necked long-sleeved t-shirts on e-bay or if i'll buy more.

is it the reason i'm writing something on here after not doing so for several days question mark (can't quite reach the shift key and the question mark key with one hand but i can manage the brackets). it is in gemini after all, ha ha.

is its station in that sign (gemini - mercury - hands) the reason i've been able to keep working on the ridiculously ambitious knitting pattern i'm attempting - counting stitches and looking up what yrn and yrnf and cb4 and slk1 mean and watching videos of hands and knitting needles and yarn on youtube and then pulling down what i've just spent hours doing and starting again instead of throwing it all out the window as i would have done once question mark.

or is that because there's been six inches of snow and my waterproof boots are in a storage locker in randolph mass so i can't go out and have to do something other than read the daily mail question mark.

or because saturn is kind of stuck (technical astrological term for beginning to station) trine mars for me, thus giving me a level of patience i don't remember having before yet another question mark (natal mars square uranus).

whatever it is, this one-fingured typing is much too slow for an aries to keep up for long, even if she does have saturn trining mars, so unless i want to move ginger i have to stop. i don't.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Venus on the Midheaven

This was yesterday, when I was busy planning future courses of action with decisiveness and firmness, but supposedly (astrodient as usual) also a time when love and affection were uppermost in my mind.

What this does is confirm for me the validity of a *poem* I once wrote while studying with Michael Lutin and being tasked with reporting what Valentine's Day that year had brought to us, his theory being that read as many cookbooks as you want, you will not *understand* astrology until you see how each aspect manifests for you.

This was four or five years after 9/11, a seminal event in my life, and about the time various and assorted insurance companies were at last willing to acknowledge the *event* had been of some import to me and my earning ability, me being left behind on the 37th floor of Tower Two when the rest of the floor had been evacuated and all, and Valentine's Day coincided with my being granted a sum of money equal to a couple of years' salary.

My *homework* read:

I think that Venus in my chart
Is crasser far than love and art.
Instead of "Oh I love you honey"
I got a great big wad of money.

So, with Venus on my midheaven, I made an appointment by phone to have a will drawn up and another appointment to close the refinancing loan on the house, spent the day completely by myself except for Ginger and was happy as a clam.

Why clams though? Who knows if they're happy? Is that why they use them?

Mars Sextile Mercury, Report

Well this will teach me not to be sarcastic about cookbook interpretations - (it won't, but never mind) - not only did I plan one future course of action with decisiveness and firmness, I planned two; three if you count getting a call from organizer of Living Will seminar I missed last week because of floods in the well house and signing up for the next one.

Backstory again: It was three months after 9/11 when I decided I needed to make a will. Since then the word has headed probably every third to-do list I've made, the ones when I'm feeling serious.

For the first few years it was followed by "Buy Forms," which I did indeed do - four, actually, as that's the way they were sold, and somewhere, probably in the storage locker in Randolph, inside some kind of accordion pleated portable file folder, next to the map of Central Park I really do intend to send to a friend in New York with no sense of direction, I still have them - nicely folded little brochurey things with "Last Will and Testament" printed on the front.

These days "Will" is usually followed by something like "Do Dramatists Guild Web Page" or "Research UK Theatres" and before too long degenerates into "cat food" and "go to dump" before getting covered in scribbled phone numbers and vague attempts to figure out how much money I've spent at Walmart in the month, which is the signal for it to go in the trash and me to reach for a new piece of paper.

But I digress; a mere eleven years after first writing the word I asked a friend here in Silver for the name of an attorney and called to make an appointment for the deed. Operative words in the previous sentence are "here in Silver." When I had no response to the message I left, I called again and left another message. And another. And another.

And that was the end of that, until yesterday, with Mars sextiling Mercury, when I called yet again, got a real live person on the other end of the phone and have an appointment to have a will drawn up next Monday afternoon. The attorney is a woman and the aspects for the day include Mercury sextile Venus. I DID NOT CHECK THE ASPECTS WHEN MAKING THE APPOINTMENT.

AND my personal loan officer from Bank of America called and God willing I'll be closing on the refinance the day after I make the will. Not bad for future courses of action.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Mars Sextile Mercury

OK, so here I am bright and early on this cloudy Monday morning in the Land of Enchantment, all set to "plan a future course of  action with decisiveness and firmness" just as soon as I get out of bed ha ha (quote courtesy of astrodienst as usual).

At the very least, she said optimistically, I might manage to get vaguely up-to-date with this blog and perhaps manage to knit (Mercury - fingers) another row of the tunic I seem to think I'm making for the Peanut - two weeks into it I've managed two sections of the eight-row pattern on one sleeve, and have produced  a unique one-sided cable design; half of it is fine and twists around as I think it should, but the other side does a fascinating Bermuda Triangle imitation - or do I mean the Cheshire Cat - and disappears for four rows at a time before beginning again out of nowhere.

As it is already 10:15 and I have until only 14:57 before my decisive planning abilities disappear for the day, I am getting out of bed to execute the first of my goals - light the fire so I can sit in front of it and watch Law and Order SVU reruns while pretending I know how to Sl1K, yfwd and CB4 (which may or may not mean the same thing as C4B).

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Well I Found Neptune....

...being trined by the Sun yesterday, as I was panicking over the water fountains in the well house and wishing I'd listened to Irrigation Lady and not turned the system on till Valentine's Day - not quite the manifestation I'd expect from the aspect.

I did find myself later in the day, when I'd put everything I took from the well house into the adobe except for the huge white wooden shop fitting with a thirty-six inch ruler stuck to its front along with a sign saying "Ties 25 cents" that I dragged onto the back patio, sitting with Ginger on my lap for a good ten minutes doing absolutely nothing except having Ginger on my lap, which is more like what I'd expect from the gentle presence of Neptune ha ha.

But that was yesterday and today is today and Saturn is due to trine Mars in exactly 26 minutes, so I had probably get myself out of bed and take myself off to play tennis before coming back to deal with yesterday's events.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Saturn Trine Mars, but Neptune Rears His Trident

Let's get the self praise for having the foresight to call this nearly-everyday-astrology and then the self criticism for not having posted for a week out of the way right up front and move on to how the title subject matter is playing out here in the Land of Enchantment. (Thinks! I could start yet another blog and call it once-a-week-astrology but as it's already confusing enough having two and I seem to be the only person visiting this one anyway, three might be pushing it.)

So - today - Wednesday January 23, 2012, the day before Saturn trines Mars for me exactly, I was all set to attend a seminar on making a living will, and thinking to myself how wonderful that symbolism was. (Saturn - old age, planning; Mars, action; trine, supposedly achieved without too much difficulty - exactly the kind of happening that made me start this blog (well, the old 'un anyway) but going outside to get into my car this morning blew that theory right out of the water, you should pardon the expression which will make sense if you keep reading.

We now need some backstory. I (well, me and Bank of America) own a house - a country house - a house on six acres at the end of a dirt road in southern New Mexico - a house that does not have piped in water from the *city* and therefore came complete with a well house, a dear little (from the outside) shed thing thirty feet away from the main house that is filled with pumps, switches, compression tanks, water softeners (well, one), pipes, valves, faucets, taps, anything you can think of that might have to do with water being drawn up from deep in the ground, none of which I have any comprehension at all about the way it/they work, pardon my syntax.

I've had it all explained to me several times by various and assorted people and am still as baffled as ever. However, not content with already having a shed full of equipment I know nothing about, eighteen months ago I had an irrigation system installed for the *garden*, which added yet another several feet of pipes, valves, gauges, wires and four long plastic things I can't remember the name of to the equipment already in place.

I did try to flush the lines as recommended by the installer at the beginning of the winter, but when I attached the hosepipe to the place she'd told me to and turned the water on, I got an immediate shower because the connection wasn't tight and water was spraying all over the place. Only as I write this do I remember that she told me to unclip the fasteners from the end of all the hoses before I did this, so maybe it's a good thing I immediately turned the water off and never did anything else about it.

Maybe not, however, ha ha, because yesterday I decided, against Irrigation Lady's instructions to turn the system off from  Thanksgiving to Valentine's Day, I, having lived in an apartment in Manhattan for the past forty-nine years and therefore being much more knowledgeable about irrigation systems in the high desert than people who have lived in the south-west all their lives and make their livings installing said systems, decided it had been very hot for the past couple of days and therefore the twigs in my enclosed spaces around the house might like a little bit of water, which finally takes us back to the second paragraph in which I left the house this morning to go the living will seminar, thinking how wonderfully as above/so below it was with Saturn due to trine Mars tomorrow.

Here - along with wishing I knew how to do those "read more" things people can click on when the post is taking on the length of War and Peace - I need to search my horoscope for the presence of Neptune, for as I went to open the car door this morning even I couldn't fail to notice the stream of water running down the slope from the well house (mainly, of course, because the driveway was soggy and my shoes sank in).

Horror! Panic! Alarm! Visions of bankruptcy, which is what I always imagine when house repairs are needed! Rush up hill, open well house door, see water emanating from irrigation system pipes and spraying all over well house saturating exposed insulation, rush back down hill, back in house, call Well Man, leave panicked message for emergency call, rush back up to well house, find valve marked on/off, switch to off, water stops spraying, back to house, call Well Man, cancel previous call, call seminar and say not coming, call tennis partner and say can meet at 10:30 after all - O Lordie.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

And Now Mercury on the Midheaven

Sometimes I think there's no point in doing anything and I may as well stay home, watch YouTube, let the planets go about their business and see what happens.

Even yesterday, with Sun on the Midheaven and the only person with any power in sight the woman who answers the phone at the propane company, makes sense, as my Sun isn't exactly shining its light onto the world at the moment. We all know the slowest moving planet wins, and with Neptune in the Eleventh dissolving anything I might once have had in the way of goals and Pluto in the Ninth changing my thinking into I have no idea what yet, along with Saturn in the Sixth putting me somewhere near the bottom of the pile, that's a 25 watt bulb in the middle of the Mohave on a new moon.

But impartial Mercury, following in the wake of the Sun, comes to the Midheaven and I have no long distance phone service. Called my sister in Spain. Dead air. Called again to make sure. Dead air. Thought perhaps they had eliminated their landline. Called a friend in New York. Dead air, and only then did I realize it was my phone, not my sister's thrift.

Of course the long distance company said it was the local provider's fault. Of course the local provider said it was the long distance company's fault. With my usual dogged follow-through, I decided to let it all wait till tomorrow and went out to get more wood.

But Mercury came through again at six o'clock - a call from Neilson asking me to keep a television diary for a week, thanking me profusely for my time and telling me about six times how important the research they do is and how by recording my daily TV viewing I can make a difference in nationwide programming. How's that for Mercury on the Midheaven?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sun Conjunct Midheaven

Warning: should an earthling and not some giant bot be reading this, it's a duplicate post from the old 'un, although why I should be warning someone reading it that they could also read it on the old 'un I'm not quite sure.

It's something to do with my master plan to get this blog acknowledged  by giant crawling spiders as, after four years, the other is, and the only way I can think to do it is to keep cross-referencing and driving anyone who is reading it bonkers.

Anyway, here's the post from yesterday:

The only person in power I had contact with today was the woman who answers the phone at the propane company, and as far as exerting my will upon the world, I asked if I could have 75 gallons in the small tank and 50 in the big please.

Then when the delivery man came I drew the curtains over the french windows so he wouldn't see me lying on the couch with Ginger watching videos on the laptop.

As for wanting to learn more about the world around me, about as far as I got with that was asking what the price per gallon was and checking Accuweather every hour on the hour to see if I can ever go out again. Right now it's 19 with a *realfeel* of four.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mercury Square Sun

So here we have Mercury (commerce) squaring (annoying) the Sun (me), and just like clockwork, Brandi from B of A sends me an email requesting yet another copy of my Green Card - she's only had three so far.

Not quite: at the very beginning of the refinancing *process*, sometime in December, she asked for a front and back copy of it. Done. Faxed. To the fax number provided and using the cover sheet she supplies.

A week or so after that she asked me to go down to the local branch with my Green Card and have them fill out form #1234 or whatever, which no one there had heard of and had to be emailed from Refinancing. This was a form onto which every scrap of information on the card had to be recorded - INS Registration Number, date of entry to U.S., date of expiration etc. etc. etc. The form was filled out, signed and notarized and faxed off to Brandi.

This evidently turned out not to be enough, and a week or so later she called again asking for a copy of the front of the card. I am trying to be very very nice to Brandi, having lost my temper with her the first time I spoke to her, and, asking only once if the form with all the information wasn't enough, politely agreed to send another copy. This time I photographed it, blew it up to an 8 x 10, everything crystal clear, took it to the local branch, had them fax it off and was silly enough to think that was the end of it.

But then Mercury squared the Sun and there was another request from Brandi for a copy of the front of the Green Card, by the 19th of January thank you very much or the loan would be cancelled.

Fortunately for both me and Brandi, while I was sitting at the computer composing a response in my head, the man I very first dealt with when I called to see about refinancing, Andy - OMG, how have I missed this - they're Andy and Brandi - called to see how things were going, and, on being told, asked me to send him the photo as an attachment and he would make sure it got to B.

I did. He emailed me that all was well. I await Brandi's next email requesting a copy of the back.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Saturn Trine Mars

We love it, we love it, we love it. After the squares of the past three years, to feel as though I'm beginning to accomplish something - even something as mundane as cleaning up the back patio by taking load after load of useless crap to the landfill - is like - well, I don't know what it's like because it hasn't happened for so long. All I know is it feels wonderful, which is also something that hasn't happened for a long time, not that I'm complaining.

To think that I can finally get this house into some kind of order - to get rid of all the crap in the adobe, most of which has been there
since we bought the house in 2002 (aaarrrggghhh!!!), to do the same in the well-house (looks exactly the same but smaller), to sort out all the screws and nails in the compartments in the tool boxes in the pantry inside (can't help it - natal Jupiter in Virgo), to send all the clothes I no longer wear to a thrift shop or put them on eBay or throw them out, to get everything as stripped down as possible so I can arrange for the contents of the apartment I once had in New York to be sent out here to fill up all the space again ha ha - to even be able to think that all or any of that is possible is something I haven't been able to do for years, not least because I gave up the New York apartment only seven months ago ha ha.

I wish I'd taken a *before* photo of the back patio, when it was full of stuff to go to the dump (sorry, landfill). Maybe I did, if I look back in iPhoto. The biggest item yet to go now is the old APEX (?) TV that was replaced by my Christmas present to myself of a 32" Samsung. I got the dolly down from the adobe and managed to get the Apex off the kitchen chair where I'd dragged it and out onto the back patio, but I can't get it up the stairs myself.

If anyone's interested in a free you-haul-it-away non-working 17" Apex TV, please make contact.

Venus Square Chiron...

... and then trine itself the next day.

So on Monday - the day I got the out-of-the-blue call about is one o'clock good for the dump run - I'd been going to go myself and also run errands: go to the post office to pick up a package and send their Christmas present to my great-neices in England, and go to B of A and have them fax the latest round of duplicated documentation needed for the refinance.

My initial protestations about needing my own car because I had errands to run were swept away with "No worries - I'm retired and I'll be your chauffeur for the afternoon," a statement he would have had cause to regret had I not, with great forethought, having learned from bitter experience, already put a New Yorker magazine in my bag to occupy myself while I waited for customer service at B of A. This I handed over to him as he waited in the truck in the parking lot at the Post Office, and I disappeared inside with the prophetic words "This might take a while. I'm sending something to England."

(For the *reasoning* behind this utterance, see my previous attempt at doing this.)

So there I am at the post office counter with my present (Venus) to send to the girls, and there is the post office man behind the counter attempting to use the newly installed that morning software for international shipping, and Chiron (Pain? Aggravation? Am I really pushing it here?) just isn't letting it happen. The process seemed to involve a touch screen, but as the post office man pointed out to me, that feature didn't seem to work and there was no other way to enter the customs information.

Another p.o. man was called over who agreed with my man that the software was a piece of cr*p, and told him in detail about the two attempts he'd made that day to get the program to work, "attempts" being the operative word. I looked at the line of people snaking out the door because of my 15 minutes at the counter, thought of my chauffeur, probably about to turn to the cartoon contest on the back page, thought of how I now couldn't possibly ask him to stop at the bank so would have to come down the hill again on Tuesday anyway, and suggested, to the visible relief of the poor soul still futilely stabbing at the screen, that we give it up for the day and try again on the next.

And on the next, with Venus now trine Venus, I waltzed into the post office, was able to go directly to the man from the day before who gave me a big smile, told me the software was fixed and dispatched the package to the twins in - well, in a lot less time than the unsuccessful efforts of the day before had taken. And I didn't have to wait at the bank.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mars Trine Uranus, Part Two

...So I took everything out of Zippy except the paint cans and loaded it into the truck and we went to the dump. And I think I can't write prose...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mars Trine Uranus, Part One

So after listening to me bitch and moan about all the crap lying around here after the new front steps were built (i.e., the old front steps, which were demolished and thrown into the middle of the driveway and left there, along with an assortment of coffee cups, take-out food containers and crumpled up cement bags) and my inability to get it to the dump myself without the Volvo, a friend volunteered the services of her husband and a truck, and yesterday morning, quite unexpectedly (surprise!), said husband called and asked if o'clock would be okay.

I was getting myself ready to go to the bank to have them fax yet another copy of my Green Card to Refinancing and then to the P.O. to pick up a package and mail their Christmas presents to my great-neices in the U.K. when he called, so that all got shoved into a bag and I started loading up Zippy with stuff I could take myself - all the smelly kitchen bags, basic trash stuff, seven old cans of paint from one of my turn-outs, glass recycling, cardboard box recycling, anything I could find that was in the throw out pile that would fit.

I got the dolly down from the adobe and managed to get the big old TV off the kitchen chair and out on the back patio, then started to bash the old gardening bench thing I'd made myself to bits with a hammer and carried the bits down the hill to add to the bits of front steps. I could go on but you get the idea.

When B arrived I helped him get the old steps into his pick-up, then told him I'd be following behind with Zippy, at which point he said why didn't we put everything in his truck and just take one car.

To be continued.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Uranus Square Saturn

This has been in effect for a while, of course - a couple of years - and has probably been a minor factor in some of the irreversible changes that have taken place in my life during that time ha ha.

The third and final exact pass was midmorning yesterday, when, as is now usual in this first winter I've spent in Silver for several years, I was in bed with Ginger and this MacBook Air - the current loves of my life - pretending to write a play and playing Lexulous  with my warmer-weather tennis partner.

She introduced me to the game last winter, when I was renting living space in Cambridge and sleeping on the floor in a room off the kitchen. (Yes, I know, that sentence is tantamount to Gail Collins' eternal reference to Seamus tied to the roof of Mitt Romney's car.) She's (tennis partner, not Gail Collins, although for all I know GC may well have) played Scrabble - a game I never liked because it's so slow - for years, and knows every two-letter word there is.

Time after time after time I'd be watching some 1940's film noir on YouTube and get that little email ping, to see "X has played the word ZA for 43 points!" or "X has played the word QI for 36 points!", always with that oh-so-exciting exclamation mark.

My retaliations - "P has played the word NO for three points!" or "P has played the word IN for four points!" invariably led to her winning game after game after game, and me getting more and more dispirited, but as I was totally dispirited anyway it didn't make much difference and, trouper that I am, I soldiered on.

I did get better. I learned to do what I considered cheating and go to the online lists of two-letter words, and very slowly my *strategy* improved and I began to lose by only 100 points instead of 300. I don't think I ever won over that whole winter, but I did keep going and over the past festive holiday season I did indeed win every fourth game or so by following X's lead and putting combinations of letters into online dictionaries and seeing if they made words.

Okay, enough background. X's first word in our game yesterday that had me do a double-take was SUQ, then OYER (!), some other improbable combination I've already managed to erase from memory and then she added an S to my PRONE to make PRONES.

That was when I looked in the dictionary we both use, couldn't find it, challenged it, and was directed to the second definition of PRONE: "a sermon or a brief hortatory introduction to a sermon, usually delivered at a service at which the Eucharist is celebrated." Of course! Silly old me.

At that point I resigned, not very gracefully, and went to see what was going on in X's chart - Mars to the Sun exact and Jupiter square Pluto in the background. All is now forgiven and we're in the middle of another game. I'm winning.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mars Opposed to Pluto

I had an inkling something was going on here as on Thursday there was a message on the machine from the title company Bank of America has chosen to use for the refinance of this house.

When I returned the call yesterday, it turned out that the document finalizing my buying out the man I originally bought the house with, signed by us both, is "incomplete" and wasn't notarized correctly. The title company will correct this for me, which will add $100 to the closing costs, or I can have an attorney do it for me and pay whatever fee I'm charged myself.

As I'm on my fourth phone call to an attorney here in Silver to have a will drawn up and have yet to be called back, it seems like a no-brainer to have the title co. deal with it for me. However, as the document in question was notarized by B of A here in Silver in the first place, I'm not giving up without a fight. As soon as I've finished watching all 68 episodes of the original Upstairs/Downstairs on YouTube - and I have only eight to go - I shall take myself off the local bank branch and try to get them to correct the document at no charge.

I'll be able to kill two birds with one stone while I'm down here, as a phone call from my *facilitator* at B of A's refinancing department itself later in the day let me know that I need to fax them yet another copy of my Green Card, this time just the front.

Copies of front and back of it were faxed three weeks or so ago, and then there was a request for me to take the card down to the local branch, show it to customer service there and have them fill out a form which, when I got down there, they had never heard of, pardon my syntax.

Local then emailed Refinancing and were sent a copy of the needed form, which had to be filled in with all the particulars on the card and faxed back. Done. Two weeks ago.

Now it seems that was not enough and the front of the card, showing the number that was hand-written and submitted on the form, needs to be copied and faxed back all my itself. I am now going to watch Season Five, Episode Nine, of Upstairs/Downstairs. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Venus in the Eighth

I can't think now of any correlation between the Sun's passing through the house of other people's money and what happened in my life, although that could have been when I was shelling out moolah left right and center to assorted handymen, painters and carpenters.

Mercury's passage through, fittingly enough, brought me a check for eleven cents - that's right, eleven cents - from CenturyLink, who I think were once Qwest (communication - get it?) but don't quote me. I'm still not sure what it was for: something to do with my deciding, after six years, it was time to change the name on the account to just me, instead of me and the man I bought out of the house in 2006.

I'd attempted to do it several times before but never stuck to it and the change was never made, meaning the number was listed in the book under both our names and his came first, meaning anyone looking for me would never find me which was absolutely fine as far as I was concerned.

This time the change went through, as customer service called JDG in California to confirm with him the listing could be changed, bewildering him totally as he had no idea who CenturyLink were. Once that got straightened out, C-Link did indeed change the name on the bill to mine alone, but also cancelled my long distance service which as I never call anyone any more I didn't find out for weeks.

But I digress - the name of this post is Venus through the Eighth, and lo and behold, the day *she* began her journey through the house of shared resources I got notification from One Act Play Depot that a script of one of my plays had sold, netting me a profit of 41 Canadian cents and bringing the total due me up to something like five U.S. dollars.

Early days though: there's another two weeks to go.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mercury Opposed to Saturn Square Neptune

8:10 pm: OMG confusion is not the word. Here I am starting out the new year with a new blog with a more descriptive name yet poke around for hours in Blogger Help as I have, I cannot figure out how to direct someone clicking on the old one to the new one, nor can I figure out how to give the new blog a different description and change the profile.

All I seem to have done so far (read over the past five hours) is to give myself two blogs, both with the same name, except one is the old and one is the new (this, with any luck, except at this point I could be writing a comment on The New York Times for all I know), and on this one (I think) I've managed to delete the profile completely.

8:59 update: so now the profile is gone from both blogs but they have separate names and descriptions. It's tempting to go back into each and manually add a link to the other, but after struggling with Saturn for so long I think I shall surrender to Neptune for the day and retire to bed with Ginger to begin Season Five, Episode One, of Upstairs/Downstairs.

Three Years at a Glance

I could go into specifics about some of the more difficult *challenges* the past three years have presented me with, and anyone interested enough is welcome to go to everyday-astrology and read all about them, but rather than dwelling on misfortune - cue violins - it seems simpler to state the major aspects to my natal chart that were going on above and then list the changes that have, synchronistically ha ha, taken place below.

The aspects, beginning at the end of December '09 and all courtesy of a natal Saturn/Neptune square:

Saturn square Saturn and conjunct Neptune
Pluto opposed to Saturn and square Neptune
Uranus square Saturn and opposed to Neptune (perfects for last time 1/5/2013)

My life: at the beginning of 2010, I was living in the rent-stabilized apartment I'd had in Manhattan since 1974 and renting my (read Bank of America's) house in New Mexico for the winter. I had an ancient Volvo station wagon that I loved that stayed out west for the winters and a cat called Sweet Pea I also loved who came backwards and forwards with me every year.

By the end of 2010, the house was rented once again but I had moved up to Boston with Sweet Pea, keeping my apartment in New York, to take on a live-in job that seemed like a good idea at the time but in retrospect is clear manifestation of my Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aries - "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."

Drawing a veil over 2011, 2012 began with the house still rented, me renting a room where I slept on the floor round the corner from my previous place of employment and residence, now merely my place of employment, and my landlord refusing to renew my lease on the grounds the apartment was not my primary residence. By June, I had given up the apartment, put all of its contents into a storage locker in Randolph, MA, (don't ask), given up the job and moved out to New Mexico where I've been ever since.

In August, I smashed up the Volvo and now have a 2009 Hyundai Accent hatchback. I was heard to say, "Oh great, now all that leaves is the cat and the house." In September that beloved Sweet Pea succumbed to something further up the food chain, and by then *inured to loss* - cue violins again - four days later I was banging on the doors of  the local animal rescue at opening time and left with the $25 Cash and Carry Special of the day - big fat lazy old Ginger of the bad teeth. He curled up in bed with me five minutes after I got him home, and since then we've spent as much time as possible in exactly the same space, where if I had my way I'd remain until April as it's too cold for tennis.

So there you have it, and although there are two more goes of Saturn square Pluto to come (read about the first in the 12/17 post on everyday-astrology), I (almost) think it's safe to say no matter what happens in 2013, it can hardly be worse than 2012.

I have to see what happens on the fifth.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Blog... font, and maybe even some photos, but let's not get carried away. At least the title might more accurately reflect the contents, or maybe even inspire me to somewhat perversely begin to post every day.

I may or may not go back to e-a and notify my dedicated followers that there is now a new page to bookmark to read about my exciting adventures out here in the middle of nowhere, but in the meantime I can congratulate myself for accomplishing one of my new year resolutions - start a new blog. 

The other is to drink more water.