Sunday, March 3, 2013

Venus Sextile Sun, Take II

There's no point in my continuing to cheat and pretend I'm writing this on the day of the title subject as on my first attempt I managed to bog myself down in a long description of why I didn't take toys when I dropped Ginger off with friends instead of saying I drove for three hours to El Paso and then flew to Logan to spend ten days with Amah and Star Child, so let it be known throughout the land that although I'm writing this on March 3, these *events* took place on February 16.

Backstory: for days before I left the words "car wash" and "car sun thing" were on the list I faithfully carried around in my wallet, and by the morning of the 16th were still there, uncrossed out and taunting me as any item on a list involving the car always does.

Car wash I'd given up on completely: I have yet to do it by myself and was easily persuaded by a friend it would be silly to do it if the car was going to spend ten days sitting in the airport parking lot getting dirty again. The car sun thing I really did want to buy - not enough to venture into the Auto Spa or whatever it's called to buy one but just enough to have it settle itself somewhere in the Main Street of my neural networks that still work and get in the way of every other thought I had. (By "car sun thing" I mean those silvery reflector things you put on the windshield when your car is going to be sitting in direct sun for any length of time, as mine was going to be, although I don't think they make those any more and now they're the figure eight things that fold up into a circle, but I digress.)

The point here is that I did not want to leave the car in an open lot to bake for ten days in the El Paso sun and as I was driving to the airport I got very annoyed with myself for not having bought the thing. I decided that when I stopped for gas I'd do it at one of the giant travel centers and get it then - a hugely optimistic thought for me as I'm prone to getting off the highway at an exit I don't know and because of not knowing which way to turn, finding myself driving straight back up the entrance ramp as gas stations, Burger Kings, McDonalds, Motel Sixes etc. recede into the distance, which is exactly what I did on the way to El Paso.

Once was enough, and knowing I had more than enough gas to get me to the airport I resigned myself to picking up a solar oven on my return and driving it to a gas station on the right side of the road.

Whether Venus has anything to do with luck I don't know. In my case it (she?) seems to manifest as sugar and *nice* things, with a bit of moolah thrown in every now and again. What I do know is that when I got to the airport the long-term parking lot was full, I was given a voucher entitling me to the same price as short-term and as I was driving around looking for a space I found one UNDER A TREE, pardon my shouting, where had I even had one of the screeny things I wouldn't have needed to use it. I'll take that as Venus.


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