Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chiron Square Uranus

Blimey (new favorite word) - this one crept up on me, enough to make me want to use an exclamation point ha ha! I've been so busy obsessing over how to catch up and *chronicle* my trip to Cambridge - wondering whether to write up the day's events as though I were writing on the day they occurred or write them all up at once (yeah, right), giving each one the date of the day of writing and therefore having about ten subject titles looking as though they happened at the same time without realizing until thirty seconds ago when I just hit *View Blog* that the archived posts don't show a date in their listings so it makes no difference whatsoever how I write them up - that I managed to forget Mars squares Uranus natally for me, so OF COURSE if Chiron is coming to conjunct Mars, it's going to square Uranus as well. Blimey! Astrologer heal thyself, and all that.

So now I can start obsessing over how the aspect is going to manifest, even though I know full well that as Michael Lutin always says, don't even bother thinking about it as if Uranus is involved, you're not capable of imagining it.

On that note, I can take myself off to play tennis and spend my time driving down the hill dreaming of the day I win a set.

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