Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mars Sextile Midheaven...

...and sextile the Ascendant twelve hours later, which is what you get when you have a trine between the two points (which in my case translates as a gigantic twelfth house spanning 24 Pisces to 25 Taurus, with my Sun sign - Aries - intercepted right in the middle, just to make it easy for me to shine my little light out into the world).

So where was I? Ah yes, trying desperately to remember what happened two days ago and so digressing happily to a description of the natal condition of my twelfth house, guaranteeing that anyone I've told to read this blog because it doesn't have very much astrology in it will take one look at the first paragraph and never return to the site.

So - yes, I played tennis - a bit windy but D and I are undeterred by the elements, went and had breakfast (fried chicken strips and a chocolate milkshake, thank you very much, but they do say feed a cold and starve a fever), didn't go to Walmart for yet another day but went to Food Basket and bought a pint each of Shur-Fine Butter Pecan and Cookie Dough ice cream, which was my sole nourishment for the rest of the day but gave me just enough energy to take the little school desk thing I rescued from the dump out to the back porch and put a coat of stain on it and then go into the *garden* and start cutting back the roses, except I couldn't find the right snippers so used tile cutters instead which turned out to be not very efficient so I didn't do much.

Didn't notice too many people being impressed by my efforts or anyone telling me I'm an "independent, self-reliant person willing to help others and serve the larger society" (astrodienst), although when A called and I asked if I could call him back because I had a paint brush in my hand he did say something about my wearing many hats; as for "being willing to tell others exactly how I feel" (same source as before), I did tell D at breakfast I was concerned I was beginning to look like Bugs Bunny because, due to the lack of cosmetic dentistry in my life, my two front teeth are sticking out more and more and will soon be at a 45 degree angle to the ones on each side of them. She was impressed by my honesty but did not agree.

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