Thursday, March 7, 2013

Venus Square Uranus

This perfected at 11:30 pm on Tuesday as I was sound asleep. I noticed nothing out of the ordinary that day, unless my choosing that afternoon to drag the little school desk thing out to the back patio and slap a coat of wood stain on it could be considered art, and woke up on Wednesday prepared to spend the day at the house as D was otherwise engaged.

That plan went immediately down the drain when the phone rang at 9 am and a woman I've played tennis with a couple of times asked if I was free to play that morning.

I was and did - she beat me but I can finally see an improvement in my *game* - then did not go to Walmart for yet another day but came home and with Venus conjuncting Mars at 2 pm, put some stain on the inside of the school desk and then took everything that was on the floor of the little pantry off the kitchen - the unopened box containing the piano bench I bought from Amazon some time in October, the Walmart bag with the glass for recycling, the Walmart bag with the plastic for recycling, the six broken down priority mail boxes I sent from Cambridge, the box my pedometer came in,  the bag of insulation I bought in December to wrap round the water pipe in the crawl space and various assorted magazines for recycling and threw it all onto the kitchen floor to sort through and organize.

It's all still there, but thanks to Mercury conjuncting Mars early the next morning, I spent a happy two hours sorting through all the screws and nails and washers and picture hangers and hooks and chains and whatever else was in my tool box and little plastic drawer thing, throwing a lot of them out but organizing what I saved by category and putting them all neatly back into plastic divided containers, whatever those things are called. I think it's because of natal Jupiter in Virgo.

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