Thursday, March 21, 2013

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

Oh that funny old universe - such a sense of humor it has. First pass of this, at the end of July last year, I was in Vegas all ready for my sudden windfall and all that happened in the "unexpected" department was we had no wifi in our room.

Today, as I'm waiting to hear I've won first place in the international playwriting competition I entered last summer or at the very least to get $10 from the woman I lent $5,000 to three years ago on the sworn promise it would be paid back within a month, I decide to have a chicken pot pie for lunch (hey, I'm sick), set the microwave on timer for 59 minutes and ten minutes after that it promptly blows itself up. 

Obviously the solar system knows I have to go to Walmart to buy one new microwave for my B&B and figures I may as well pick up two while I'm there.

But wait, there's more! Unable to remember what happened on the second pass of Jupiter to Uranus, I plugged in poor old everyday-astrology to find out and was directed to this - my writing, for sure, but in a template I never used or chose, only one year archived when there *should* be five, no profile, no nothing - cue Twilight Zone music.

A more specific search did bring up this and this, both in the *correct* template, so I dunno. Right now my chicken pot pie is ready and then it's time for my stopping-celexa-cold turkey afternoon nap, but maybe after that I'll drag myself down to the mailbox and see what's waiting for me there. There ought to be something after three days.

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