Saturday, February 16, 2013

Venus Sextile Sun

Department of Full Disclosure:
Still cheating - writing this as though close to the day it happened instead of it being almost two weeks ago, and as usual, all quotes courtesy of astrodienst.

So the aspect perfected at 6:04 am on the morning of February 16, after I'd been up for an hour and was running around like a loony making last-minute *arrangements* for the trip to Cambridge.

Top of the unwritten list was dropping off toys for Ginger at his temporary lodgings - the day before, with friends being "of considerable benefit to me," I'd dropped him off at J & E's, complete with litter tray, scoop, extra litter, eight tins of cat food, one container of dry kibbly stuff, one brush, one clothes/furniture brush, one little blanket that had begun life as one of my unplanned knitting projects and one business card for his vet with the name "Mr. Big" written on it.

No toys, mainly because for months after getting him from the shelter it never occurred to me such a venerable old critter would be interested in such frivolity, and, of course, because I was interested in nothing but YouTube after losing Sweet Pea and was happy to have the new 'un curled up next to me while I lost myself in 1980's UK TV, I never bothered to find out if he'd be interested in batting a felt mouse around or taking a swing at something on a stick.

Quite how I found out he would be interested in doing something inside instead of eating or sleeping is lost in the mists of time. but when I unloaded his possessions in J and E's living room and J said "No toys?" I had a pang of guilt about my Aquarian mothering method and promised to drop off something for him to play with the next morning.

Why I am rambling on about this I have no idea. It's more than two weeks since it happened, I've made less than 30 posts on here in the 60-odd days of 2013, and the blog is called nearly-everyday-astrology, not nearly-every-other-day-astrology which is what it's turning into, I should be so lucky.

I've just remembered what I did on the day Mars squared Uranus and am pretty sure I didn't record it on here. I can put it down to advancing age, but it seems to me that most of what happens in the course of a day gets lost in the mists of time as the sun goes down.

Very Sad Addendum: Just checked the entry for the day Mars squared Uranus and realize it was correct and covered everything. What I just *remembered* as happening at that time took place three days ago. See last sentence of previous paragraph. Oh dear.

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