Friday, February 15, 2013

Mars Return

There was more activity yesterday when Mars squared Uranus, which perhaps is no surprise when natal Mars is in Pisces.
I didn't notice any selfless doings on my part, just on the part of other as J and E agreed to take Ginger for me while I went to Cambridge for ten days to spend some time with Star Child, who's on vacation from school for a week.

Instant correction: (written Thursday February 28, AFTER return to Silver from above-referenced up-coming trip to east coast but cheating by scheduling post at though written on day of return.)

If you can call thanking Fabulous Person who knitted amazing strawberry cardigan and matching hat as unsolicited present to Star Child by offering in exchange gift of yarn of her choice so she can knit an item of clothing for herself and ordering extra yarn for Aries self as birthday is coming up in April a selfless act, I did one.

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