Friday, February 8, 2013

This Moon Stuff Is Getting Ridiculous

So it's too cold to play tennis and I'm sitting at the desktop I rarely use because I'm so addicted to my MacBook Air and it's cold and cheerless in the room where the desktop is unless I turn on the heat and I see the UPS truck coming up the driveway at 11:30 am.

Usual UPS delivery time is late afternoon and I haven't ordered anything from Amazon anyway.  I do have something on the way from eBay but it's supposed to be coming USPS.

When I go to see what's been left outside the front door it turns out to be one of those VERY IMPORTANT LEGAL DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED envelopes, and inside is the cashier's check the Bank of America Refinance Closing Officer told me to make out to myself and sign over to Bank of America, along with a letter from the title company telling me they can't accept the check because it's made out to me and signed over to Bank of America and it needs to be made out to them and returned immediately in the prepaid VERY IMPORTANT LEGAL DOCUMENTS ENCLOSED envelope they've included.

Mercury was not retrograde when I began this refinancing process. It is not retrograde now and has not been at any time since I first called BofA to see if I was eligible for HEMP or HAMP. The only significant planetary aspects of the day perfected very early in the morning while I was still asleep, which in my experience means that any manifestations that occur happen the day before. (Mars was trining Saturn, and I was counting stitches and knitting and purling and attempting to PSSO and pulling everything down and starting again, but more of that later.)

Having far too much time on my hands, I immediately went to Astrodienst and discovered the Moon was due to square Venus in ten minutes. Quite what this has to do with the fiasco otherwise known as my refinancing this house I have no idea, but I had just finished a breakfast consisting of ham and two eggs over easy, three tostadas and some Fage yoghurt with brown sugar and almonds.

In my defense, I was so obsessed with PSSOing and C4Bing and SL1King the night before I did not eat dinner.

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