Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mars Square Uranus

I have this natally from Mars in Pisces in the Eleventh to Uranus in Gemini in the First, and when I first realized that I probably had that aspect to thank for my life-long *penchant* for weird and wonderful shoes it cemented my belief, if that's the word, in the validity, if that's the word, of astrology.

Pisces = feet, Eleventh house = goals, Uranus = strange, First house = personality - what's to argue with?

As it happened, shoes had absolutely nothing to do with yesterday, when this perfected, but to say it was a day of surprises doesn't do justice to waking up in a friend's house on your last day of cat sitting and seeing a gigantic Caterpillar earth mover right outside the window digging a huge trench next to the vegetable garden. A quick phone call to said friend in Tucson let me know it was nothing but the installation of the new septic tank, which she'd forgotten to tell me about, and set me free to start to worry about the cat I was cat-sitting for that hadn't come home all night. Unable to wash dishes as water to house cut off.

Deciding that if said cat had survived two nights out in the wild in December it was probably going to be just fine in February, I took myself off to play tennis, where even Mars square Uranus couldn't save me from losing all three sets, as I always do when I play DG, and then off to Walmart with my little list of things to buy before I left for Cambridge, which I'm doing in the morning.

I wanted keys - a key to the house where I was cat-sitting so I wouldn't have to give back the key I had and would always have access in emergencies and keys to my back door to give to the couple who'd be cat-sitting Ginger for me while I'm away and one to give to the person I was cat-sitting for so if I ever locked myself out I could get a key from her.

Got the keys - no problem, didn't have to take them off my ring - and said I'd pay for them up front when I'd done all my other shopping. Bought all the other stuff on my list and went to check out. Walmart very busy, decided to do self check-out. Did. Card refused. Puzzled. Used BofA debit card and forfeited my air miles from Citibank.

Got back to house where I was cat-sitting hoping water was back on, unloaded stuff, and realized Key-Maker-Lady had put the keys on one of those can-only-be-removed-by-atomic-bomb plastic things that cashiers always take off when you check out. Much hissing and spitting as water came out of tap but was able to wash dishes. Left all keys on table with *explanatory* note and also said Chloe had not come home. Grabbed Ginger and left. Realized I had left my favorite shirt on bench at tennis courts and went to retrieve it. Still there.

Go to knitting group I attend and discover the tension on the sleeve I have painstakingly managed to finish is far looser than that of the experienced knitter who is making the body of the jumper. My sleeve is the size of the whole front she has knitted. Pull the sleeve down. Pull down what I have done of the second sleeve. Give rewound yarn to experienced knitter to knit sleeves for me. Realize that this is the fifth time I have pulled down bits of sleeve I have knitted for this project.

Got back to my house to find two notices from Fed-Ex who'd been trying to deliver the mag-safe connection cord I'd had to order from Apple because mine frayed but couldn't because a signature was required. Signed both notices and put one on the back door and one on the front.

Went inside and listened to messages. Three from Citibank's Early Fraud Warning Department, which has become my bete noire ever since I got hacked twice in one year (Saturn square Uranus) and am now watched like a hawk, any use of my CitiCard if I leave New Mexico not allowed, and one from Dish telling me my auto-pay had been refused.

Call Citibank's Early Fraud Warning Department and discover I am now so deep into the system I can validate myself without speaking to an earthling. Tell my telephone keypad I did just try to use my card and it was refused. Tell my telephone keypad it was me who bought three tickets online for Disney's Ice Show in Boston the day before. Want to tell it my billing address is in Cambridge SO OF COURSE IT WAS ME but am not given the opportunity. Tell it yes, of course it was I who used my credit card at an unidentified retail location on December fifth, 2012. I remember it clearly.

Listen to a computerized voice tell me it will update my records and re-validate my card. Go to my Dish account online and pay my bill.

Sit down to watch Dr. Phil and pull down yet another sleeve I was knitting in a different cotton yarn, cast on again and begin, with fewer stitches and on larger needles, to knit the jumper for myself.

Hope that knitting a complicated jumper pattern will not be my only accomplishment with Pluto sextiling Mars.

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