Thursday, February 7, 2013

Moon in the Seventh, Day Two

Okay, so the day before this I was at the female attorney's office trying to come up with the name of someone to be my Power of Attorney and Person-in-Charge-of-My-End-of-Life Directive (!) and the day after that I was sitting at the dining room table with the Notary woman signing page after page of documents which will reduce my mortgage payment by $250 a month - both pretty right on manifestations of the transiting Moon in the Seventh House.

As this blog is indeed aptly named I posted nothing while the Moon went through the Eighth House, but spent a lot of time on the phone with a friend from the West Coast trying to persuade him that he didn't have to massage me with soothing oils or hold my hand or pull the plug himself but did have to know when to tell the attending physician to do so - pull the plus, that is, not massage me with soothing oils - then an equal amount of time with another on the East Coast trying to persuade her to be back-up.

Today, Thursday 2/7, here I am again with a gap of only three days and have just noticed the Moon is now directly on my South Node in Capricorn in the Ninth - career (!) and publishing.

I've been thinking for a long time of tracking the Moon's aspect to personal planets throughout a day. It would require a level of concentration that I no longer have, but with transiting Pluto sextiling Mars on and off for the next couple of years maybe that will be the feat I have hither-to been unable to accomplish.

Talk about lowered expectations.....

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