Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Pluto square Mercury

 Is this what's making me feel so shitty? Dredging up all kinds of old stuff  I haven't wanted to acknowledge, even though I don't know what it is except I feel horrible? If it is, then I'm not particularly thrilled that this is the first of five transits of this, the fifth coming at the end of 2022, unless I'm supposed to think that by then everything will have been brought to light and just like Saint George, I'll have conquered the dragon. The other version would be that I won't be able to conquer anything and will feel lousy for the next two years.

Certainly it's "The slowest moving planet wins," as the Sun and Venus sextiling Uranus yesterday and today hasn't presented anything remotely exciting and different as I mope around thinking this house will never get to be in any kind of order and it's ridiculous that I'm living in it all by myself. 

On a slightly lighter note, I did submit a snail mail play today for the first time in about ten years. So what if I didn't notice till I got back from the Post Office that I was supposed to have written a synopsis to appear on or near the title page. What am I, perfect, haha?

Gloom continues. 

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Mercury opposed to Jupiter...

 .... today and I must have been feeling optimistic because I printed out a script to send off tomorrow for a 3/31 deadline and went on with the task - because it IS a task - of retyping Soldiering On, as the file from Final Draft a long time ago can't be opened. 

Lesson to be learned: Well, there isn't one really, but in future (here's Jupiter again) I'll make a point of  regularly opening files and not not touch them for ten years. 

Uranus square Pluto peters out at the end of this month, just as I start to move back into the old airbnb room that I moved into in the fall of 2020 because I wasn't doing airbnb any more and then had to move back out in January and February and a lot of March. 

New floors are going in in the 1950 side of the house so there is everything everywhere and while the heater does now give out heat, as soon as the thermostat is turned below 70 there is a strong smell of propane. Tomorrow the Pinnacle Man is coming for the fourth time to play around with it, but at this point I think it's time to disconnect the heater, turn off the gas and take the propane tank away, which is exactly what I wanted at the beginning of March. 

Venus trine Pluto...

...and Sun opposed to Pluto  yesterday, and I was wondering  what was I possibly doing that could meet those *requirements*, until I realized the subject for that day's playwriting exercise was "First Love."

Sun and Venus opposed to Neptune and...

 ...Sun and Venus squaring Saturn early morning tomorrow.

So far all that's happened is that the beginnings of the new floor are postponed as the installer is snowed in till Friday and my going into town to play UpWords in person has gone down the drain as I'm not sure Zippy could make it up the hill to Little Walnut.

3/28/21  Oh dear. The above's been languishing in drafts for the past four days. I guess that's Neptune. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Mercury conjunct Mars 09:16am


New little obsessive addition here: add time of day aspect perfects. Robert Hand can come and get me now.  Little design above the result of copying from Astrodienst and not being able to get rid of it all.

Well if I say I got my taxes done that just about takes care of Mercury conjunct Mars. Didn't see a soul, so no getting irritated and wanting to start a fight, certainly no feeling intellectually competitive and no desire at all to start a debate with others. 

Mars square Mars & Mercury opposed.....

....to Uranus, and I manage to do just about nothing and retire to bed at four pm to read. 

There should be a prize for that.  

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Mars square Uranus

 "It is very often difficult to make plans during this time precisely because so much happens without any warning. 

You mean like leaving the house at 9:30 to go scope out a flea market and finding the driveway blocked by a giant steamroller/bulldozer thing while workmen unload long pieces of tin roofing for the house at the end of the road? Like that?

Friday, March 19, 2021

Venus opposed to Chiron

This perfected this morning at 9:30 or so, an hour before the delivery man showed up with the new floor and told me had a pallet weighing 300 pounds but couldn't get his truck on to the dead end off a dead end where I live.

It was all very Silver City, and by that I mean no one (me or delivery man) was annoyed or angry. All smiles, actually. And thanks to knowing people on the street where I live, I was able to tell the driver which house to go to and go on ahead to ask #3 if I could, er, leave thirteen boxes of laminate flooring somewhere on his land for a couple of days. It's very rare here to see someone who's angry. Me, sometimes, haha, but I don't really mean it. 

Venus opposed to Chiron must be magic, because I walked home with a beautifully bound thick (two inches) probably 6 x 8 inch book called "The Message of the Stars". AND my leg didn't hurt much. 

First the Sun, now Venus

 Opposed to Chiron, that is. 

Question: if an aspect perfects early in the morning (in this case, right now), should you look for its *effects* the day before - yesterday - or for the rest of today? I would go for the day before, as supposedly once the aspect reaches perfection - exactitude - it's over, and there will be no more manifestations. Supposedly according to whom, of course. Have I heard someone say that or am I making it up?

Yet another mystery of the universe.

On another note, I realized too late to observe any impelling that both the Sun and Venus passed over my Part of Fortune in the past couple of days, my POF being 26 Pisces in the Twelfth, opposed to N Chiron at 28 Virgo. Would be nice to know what that *means*. 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sun opposed to Chiron

This was nice to wake up to this morning, but as the word "Chiron" no longer strikes fear into my heart I thought it safe to get out of bed.

Two month's worth of New Yorkers to friend over the hill, check written to the correct payee delivered, other check torn up, to the dump, to the Walmart Bank for $$ for help, zoom board meeting and time on the phone with a friend in need. Last bit was Chironic, if that's a word.

Astonishing number of items crossed off the To-Do list. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Saturn trine Uranus

It's a good thing this comes back for a revisit later in the year as very little of what it's supposed to bring has happened this time.

"Stability and creative balance between the old and new" in my life? I'm so used now to living in chaos and upheaval it's difficult to imagine there'll be a time when the house is organized and everything is in the place it's supposed to be. 

Today the new flooring arrives - 13 boxes weighing God knows how much each that are probably going to get here when I'm not and be left - where? Should I not go to tennis so I'll be at home and able to tell the driver to drop them off up the back so they'll be closer to where they're going to be used? Or go to tennis (and the dump, haha - always the dump to go to) and have the driver leave them in the front where they'll have to be carried three times farther than if they were in the back?

I'm able to "live within a structure and also engage in new and stimulating experiences"which keep me from going stale? Can't say as how I've noticed too many of those, unless you count J being able to get the Smart TV to go to Amazon so we could watch The Apartment yesterday. 

"Any task that requires long and disciplined application - learning a new skill, studying a new body of knowledge or simply working patiently at a long task - is favored by this influence, as long as it is leading up to some kind of creative change."

This seems to have passed me by, as I'm not getting very far with re-typing all the plays I can no longer open because they were written in older versions of Final Draft and have to be copied from chapbooks - and as for Fluencia - oh well. 

Onward and Upward, and maybe today I'll wash the saucepans before I put them back in the newly painted kitchen. No need to aim for the stars.

Ah, innocence: The thirteen boxes of flooring have made it as far as Alburquque - I ALWAYS have to look this up in spite of living in New Mexico for 19 (scream emoji) years. The boxes have made it to Albuquerque and someone will let me know when *they* decide to bring it. 


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Mars sextile Pluto

I got all excited when I saw this, thinking it would give me  some much-needed energy to make the move back into 14B ( from now on how to refer to the old airbnb room). 

I did manage to make a phone call AND measure and cut correctly a piece of fabric for the new kitchen, but that was about an Martian as it got. Friend comes over, manages to get the smart TV to get us to amazon Prime and we watch The apartment, friend leaves, I make a drink and sit down. 

"A considerable change in self-understanding may be one consequence of this influence."

Well, I have till 11:00 am tomorrow. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

I Guess Three Days Is nearly-every-day...

 ... if you're feeling generous, which I am. 

Astonishing Mildred event this morning: I decided over the weekend that I would go to R&R Motors on Monday and remove the "Planned Parenthood" sign plastered on the old girl's bumper, and, believe it or not, for once true to my intention, when I went to play tennis I was armed with a spray bottle of soapy water,

 a sponge and a roll of paper towels. 

Tennis over (earlier than usual - wind) and there were several cars on the lot but no Mildred at first glance, and then over in the corner I see two elderly men getting out of a big black car - and yes, they're getting out of Mildred. 

The lot owner looks surprised to see me. "I left a message for you five minutes ago. They're about to make an offer".

Is that stirring up chi or what? 

I suppose the force of intention depends on how badly you want to do (or not do) the thing in the first place. I intend to stop writing "change insurance" on a list month after month and stick with the policies I have. And cross it out of every list that it was on.

Is that Saturn trine Uranus, that I am gifted with this week? Or was it that planetary motion touched symbols in the charts of two elderly men (perhaps they were twins haha), Mildred's  and mine?

'spose it was just a coincidence.

Friday, March 12, 2021

It Said to Take It Easy

 astrodienst, that is, and I sometimes wonder whether that giant clawing lobster that fuels Google will ever  trawl the the Seven Seas  and suddenly someone in Germany will realize I quote the site often without attribution. 

Probably not, and I can blame it all on Google anyway because it won't let me link from this site. 

So I took it easy, good old Venus opposed to Jupiter. No tennis, too cold, and propane man came for the third time to fix the heater and lo and behold it might actually be fixed now that he turned the gas knob from pilot to on. 

Decided to watch Blade Runner which I'm almost through watching now but am losing interest. 

And today just happened to be the day I ordered the Tire Tread licorice I've been saying I'm going to order for a month or so. Funny that. 

Venus opposed to Jupiter

 Bad for diets? That's a joke. I must have had this for the past month haha.  Admittedly Jupiter's been sitting on N moon for the past week but the needle on the scale's been inching upward for a while.

Main culprit is Skippy Extra-Crunchy Peanut Butter on a sliced honey-crisp apple for dinner because it's so easy to "prepare" but then I'm so cold-adverse these days eating it while sitting in an armchair and playing UpWords doesn't help.

So - I'm all set to have" a day full of pleasure, joy and satisfaction if I have the sense not to overdo".

If there's no wind and I manage to get in a few good hits at tennis that would fit the bill, and I doubt that I'm going to be tempted by some expensive, luxurious toy. I could learn to USE a couple of the expensive, luxurious toys I already have, like my $900 alarm clock and the Apple TV box that refuses to lignjjht up, (that was Pretty Boy reminding me he's here and saying good morning) - refuses to LIGHT up, and then of course there's the Smart TV that I've had for nine months that continues to defy my bidding, perhaps because it lives in the large walk-in freezer that is supposed to be my bedroom...

Oh well. No wind so far and a bright sunny day so time for another cup of coffee and the Stair Step machine. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Jupiter to the Moon

So there we were, this morning, three of us, perfectly co-ordinated, one doing walls, one doing assorted  pieces of furniture and the other one, me, trying to be helpful and probably getting in the way all the time.

Result is a beautiful back-to-the-future lavender colored kitchen, the way I painted it when we first had the house. 

Have happily eaten my way through the past few days. Hoping I can put the brakes on soon. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Sun opposed to Jupiter

So here I am, all set to start clearing out the kitchen so it can be painted on Thursday, but first I need to call Pinnacle to report the radiator really IS broken, and order the laminate planking for the old side of the house.

Two calls to Pinnacle so far, line busy both times.

Credit card denied at Home Depot (Uranus squared N Pluto earlier this morning for a third and final time), had to call CitiBank, couldn't remember security word, never CAN remember security word, made a note of security word, back to Home Depot, entered the correct expiration date for the card I want to use, order accepted.

10:59am and that is ALL I have accomplished so far. 

And the radiator - Pinnacle answered their phone and the propane man came again and lit the pilot but there's no heat coming from it. It may be that the gas at the tank is turned off. 

Much progress made in Department of Prepping the Kitchen for Painting. 

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Jupiter sextile Sun

This seems to be a prime example of "the slowest moving planet wins", to quote astrologer extraordinaire Michael Lutin. With the Jupiter transit perfecting at 4:00am this morning when I'd been asleep for hours (and managed to sleep till 10:30am, something that happens once in every ten years or so), good old Uranus inexorably marches on towards squaring natal Pluto for the third and final time this coming Tuesday, switching me from the back bedroom to the old airbnb room and then back again, in spite of my best efforts to assuage him by attempting to throw out anything my presumably coming at some point new life will no longer need, and getting me lost in even for me ridiculously long and meandering sentences.

I can only hope that as Jupiter now advances to sit on my Moon next Thursday (one of the advantages of having natal Sun sextile natal Moon),Uranus will have already made his final square with Pluto - what? the propane guy acknowledges the old radiator is well and truly "done" and makes plans to haul away the tank? - and the planned Blitz - me and two friends working as a team to make-over the oldest part of the house - can begin. 

Aw, dear sweet little Earthling, thinking she can *predict* what Uranus is going to bring forth. Astrologer, heal thyself.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Jupiter sextile Sun

 So Ray the miracle worker propane man came back today and fixed the radiator and now I'm back in the old airbnb room which is once again my bedroom.

Not really sure if it's working well or not. Seems to be a serious discrepancy between the thermostat and the warm air blowing not very hard out of the radiator. 

Will continue dressing in the little back bedroom until radiator situation is stable. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Uranus square Pluto

 This was going on for most of last year when I was throwing things out left right and center and moving myself  into what used to be the airbnb room, and is coming to an end now. 

It may well have been around Christmas time that the radiator in that room died - reasonably enough -  it had been there since 2003 or thereabouts when the co-owner and I discovered it got cold in New Mexico. 

OK, no working radiator, switching to electric, get the propane tank taken away and get what was left in the tank pumped into the OTHER propane tank, the 325 gallon one that was here when we bought the house. 

While there was no heat in the big room I switched myself back to what used to be my little bedroom and somehow both rooms became closets - temporary storage units, really, for all the stuff I still have to get rid of but have done nothing about. 

Two months pass like this. I survive Saturn opposed to Pluto somewhere in there and here comes my reward for doing that - Jupiter sextile the Sun for a few days (happening now) and one degree later conjuncting the moon for a few days more. 

Yesterday I made the long-procrastinated phone call to the propane company to come and pick up the tank. Today the propane man arrives and realizes there's no current way he can get anywhere near the tank. He asks me what's wrong with the radiator and I tell him it's broken. "Mind if I take a look at it?" he says, and a few minutes later he shows me a piece of wire and explains to me how the wire is old and worn out but it's a pretty good bet that he can fix it, and is coming tomorrow with a replacement piece of wire. 

It may well not work but on the other hand it might, so just as I'm gearing myself up to measure the room and see how powerful a heater I need and looking forward to the tank being gone outside and the big old radiator being gone from the room it may well turn out that things stay exactly as they are - which I do believe is one of the ways Uranus/Pluto shows itself. 

He's coming at 1:30 tomorrow. It's go with the flow time again. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Mars Trine Chiron Later in the Day


The only word for this is uncanny. Of course, it's two hours off, so you can't be sure about anything haha - and of course it isn't uncanny - it's astrology made manifest.

Back to Mildred again. She sure do keep cropping up, and obviously deserves her very own three-act play but she's far too New England for that and would never complain.

So on the day that this (astrodienst, always astrodienst and edited for "partner") is in effect,

 ... a good time, therefore, for telling someone about your feelings. If at present you have a firm relationship...The quality of time is on your side.  If you are prepared to risk taking such a step, you will observe that you by no means meet with a lack of understanding ...

.....and Lo! and behold - for the first time since very probably before Christmas, the gift giver and I talked about the Old Girl and set each other straight on what we'd been thinking the other might be doing, and a good thing too.

Pretty nice day for a Monday and the first of a month. And Mildred's name begins with an M haha.

Mars Trine Chiron

So I'm supposed to be feeling energetic and self-assured today, which will definitely be a novelty, at least in the energy department. 

2:05pm:    And it's a good thing I WAS energetic because I spent the morning gathering up the papers for the mechanic and the used car lot owner, got to the lot exactly on time but without the papers I spent all morning gathering and had to come back to the house to get them. (This type of behavior  is unfortunately no longer a novelty for me.)

Mildred,  of course, (for those of us in the know), was the significant player in the  above scenario.  If I weren't so lazy I'd go back five months and see what, if anything, I wrote when Her Story began in September last year. I could add that to the ToDo list haha. 

Anyway, while I am energetically writing, on with Mars trine Chiron! Neither man was the least perturbed that I left it all behind. Of course I walked in saying "I have done something so stupid...." and once they recovered from the shock the lot man said bring it in whenever and the mechanic told me I could mail him the check. 

I'm not sure if they thought I was a total ditz or a crazy old woman (or both), and this being Silver City, where very few people think work is everything, it could be that the whole town goes around forgetting things and making journeys twice, it's a normal everyday occurrence and nobody thinks anything of it.

Note that the focus here has switched from Mildred. It's just always ME ME ME.

There may be something to report after eight o'clock tonight :)


When Saturn Stops Opposing Pluto...

 ... even though you know it's coming back in November the sense of relief is palpable. I'm giving myself  a personal week haha for the last days of February, which takes the form of me huddled in a blanket in an armchair by the fire. With a cat, who I am training.

Monday March 1: Just discovered this as a draft. Posting it anyway. Attempting yet again to post every day. 

Sun conjunct Mars

 OK, all geared up and off I go to Walmart to get groceries and moolah (I use it as a bank by buying everything but one item on a credit card and then using my debit card to buy the remaining item and get cash.)

Get to self checkout, scan all items for credit card, reach in bag for wallet, remember wallet is on coffee table at home as I've been going to buy licorice for about two weeks. 

Check cash in handbag, $1 off being able to buy groceries I was going to put on a credit card, green grapes still in basket waiting to be bought. 

Praise the Lord that Walmart staff are mostly eager and willing to help and ask man on watching all the self-checker outers duty to remove items I had already scanned from the $$$ owed amount until I had enough money to buy grapes. Had to use all but one single dollar bill to be able to walk out.