Monday, November 30, 2015

Sun Trine Pluto

There's nothing like access to a bit of transformative energy for clearing out a closet, especially one that's reached the be-careful-how-you-open-the-door-because-it-might-all-fall-out stage.

If I wanted to get all philosophical, which it would appear I do, I could start wondering if there's any point at all in having goals when it seems as though you may as well just wait until the right influence from above comes along and *achieve* them - probably a bit easier to clean out a closet than to get the Nobel prize, but still...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Dilemma

How to go on writing an astrology blog when the blogger's interest in astrology is - how to say this? - no longer what it was, shall we say?  -  THAT is the question, scarcely the dilemma, as the dilemma is solved simply by not writing, which is exactly what I've been doing.

Perhaps to be continued, perhaps not.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Venus Opposed to Jupiter

Good thing no one ever reads this. I can happily confess, with no fear of ever being found out, that  I ate a twelve-ounce jar of Skippy Natural Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter and two apples for lunch on this day, and thankfully (not surprisingly?) nothing else for the rest of the day.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Combine Uranus to the Sun...

... with Mars closer to opposing Jupiter and you go to the wrong parking lot to meet the three best friends you're going to Deming with for a joint birthday celebration and sit there for forty minutes before suddenly visualizing the email with the instructions where to meet and take off immediately for the correct location, praying they will have left without you, knowing they wouldn't have, and cursing yourself for having left your cell phone at home charging on the desk.

How's that for getting it all in in one sentence?

And once it's established you're not lying on the floor in the living room being eaten by the cats you and your three best friends (who are indeed BFs as they are still talking to you) go to the Adobe Deli ten miles the other side of Deming but more than worth the drive and eat the unhealthiest and most amazing food before turning around and driving straight back to Silver.

But wait, there's more. No sooner than you've put your nightie on and climbed into your little bed to finish watching Seance on a Wet Afternoon do you get an email from airbnb-ers wanting to stay the night and of course, as you are having your Bugs Bunny teeth replaced and need all the moolah you can get, you say yes and spend a frenzied half hour getting the room ready before letting them in and retiring to bed again.

And the next morning - now -  with Mars even closer to opposing Jupiter you wonder if it's safe to drive to Ace Hardware and Walmart as you had planned or better to stay in bed all day and have a deer jump through the window.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Combine a Fading Uranus to the Sun...

...with the beginning of Mars opposed to Jupiter and you finally get action as well as thought in the Department of Taking Summer Stuff Up to the Adobe and Bringing Winter Stuff Down.

Up went the gigantic humidifier/fan that I've had for about thirteen years and still works well. Down came the coal scuttle (when did you last hear that?), the fire tools or whatever they're called, the ancient bee smoker that gets used as bellows and the big plastic Container Store thingie on wheels that had all the winter quilts and blankets and sheets in it.

Quilts came out and went straight into a pile for the thrift shop. Beautiful flannel sheets went into the washing machine, as did one quilt that smelled a bit musty. This went here, that went there and lots got thrown out, and then it was time to start obsessing over whether I was going to go to a concert at the Fine Arts Auditorium by myself or not, at 7:30 pm no less which would mean leaving the house at 7:00 and god forbid, in the dark.

The promise of Klezmer music got me there, the absence of Klezmer music had me leaving before intermission, and I now have to think of some suitable reward for myself for being such a big girl and doing it.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Sun Opposed to Venus

Mix this with Uranus to the Sun and you get an eye-opening day, if it is indeed true (and why shouldn't it be if you accept the premise that astrology *works*?) that it's a day when you'll encounter yourself in your relationships and the good ones will remain good and the not-so-good ones will suffer. And unfortunately all I met yesterday were the not-so-good ones.

There's a certain email correspondent I've been getting more and more pissed at as he never makes the slightest reference to anything I write and simply gives a blow-by-blow account of what's happening in his life. I've been tempted for months to write and tell him one of my legs fell off. I managed not to do that yesterday but for the first time in six months didn't email him back - a passive-aggressive rebellion, in its way.

Then there's the weekly group activity I used to go to and enjoy when I engaged in the activity the group centers around. I don't any more, and for about three years (since I moved out here full time) I've been trying to extricate myself from going without actually saying I don't want to go.

I showed up yesterday and sat for an extremely uncomfortable thirty minutes saying scarcely a word as the others talked before excusing myself on the legitimate grounds of having to get to the Fedex drop-off point to catch the day's pick up. (Turks and Caicos once again.)

Now I have no idea how to end this so I'll just stop.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Uranus to the Sun

I suppose what this is showing is what an alarmingly shallow and self-centered earthling I have turned out to be. If it weren't for the Symmetry in Nature class I took yesterday, which turned out to be a crash course in mathematics of which I could understand approximately one word in ten and went whooshing right over my head, proving (haha - get it?) -  nothing but my total lack of comprehension of anything involving abstract thought and numbers, I'll have done nothing worthy of this transit except decide to have my two front teeth replaced for Christmas, which seems to involve driving two hours each way to Palomas every couple of days and spending a lot of money.

OK, once again I exaggerate, but not by much. Today's the day the transit is exact, second go- around, so of course I'll be wearing the multi-colored different but complementary leather high-top sneakers I bought in April on go-around number one which have been in the closet ever since because it's been too hot, but really, other than that, I'm leading my usual balanced life - tennis in the mornings and then back to bed for the rest of the day.

Does trying to ship a package via Fedex to South Caicos count? Considering it's taken me about three hours so far groping my way through commercial invoices on company letterhead listing 100% cotton girls' size eight polo shirts made in the USA which it turns out I don't need, it could definitely go into the Department of If It's Uranus You Can't Predict It, as could the Symmetry in Nature class, but somehow I can't help shaking my head and admitting I was expecting more.

Silly old me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

New Moon in Libra

Well if you're going to go to Palomas to see if it's possible to get your two front Bugs Bunny teeth replaced, I guess doing it on a new moon in Libra is as good a time to do it as any.

Mars Opposed to Mars

So I used to get quite a few airbnb bookings but in the past six months they've tailed off almost to nothing. Admittedly there are now about fifty people in Silver renting out places on the site, about forty more than a town this size can support, but still - mine is a beautiful room, I have a lot of great reviews and after spilling a beer on my MacBook Air and having to buy a new one, I need the money ha ha.
After checking with a friend who lists a space configured as mine is, I managed to worm my way into editing capabilities on the airbnb site and changed the listing from "Private Room" to "Whole House/apt.", waited twelve hours for the change to take effect and went to check on the look of my new listing. Nothing. Waited and checked again. Nothing. Not one sighting of Big Sunny Space anywhere in the fifty listings showing up when I tried to book a room with myself as a test.

More of this engrossing description of how Mars opposed to natal Mars manifested for me later.

And now it's later. I have of course completely lost interest in writing this, but shortest possible version is I spent three hours with customer support at airbnb on Sunday morning telling them I didn't show up in listings and having them tell me I did. Eventually I was able to convince them I didn't and they relisted me. I promptly got a booking for this coming weekend. Fourteen hundred dollars to go and my new MBA will be paid off.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mars Square Uranus

Jesus, it's already four days since I last posted, but never mind. I suppose you could call that nearly every day. Almost might be better. Better than all, of course, would be to actually post nearly every day, but that's just not working.

OK, forget all of that, and move on to Red Dot weekend in Silver. You know what? Don't. With Uranus fast approaching the Sun and the post title still in effect, I simply can't be arsed, to use an English expression I really don't like but sums up my mood exactly. I'm outta here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Uranus Conjunct the Sun

So when this happened back in April I was in New York getting my fingerprints taken for a new Green Card because the fingerprint-takers in El Paso hadn't been able to get any (hang on, hang on, there's a point to this).

While I was there I bought myself a wildly extravagant and ridiculously expensive (for me, that is) pair of high-topped leather sneakers, which I brought back to New Mexico and stuck in a closet because it was already too hot to wear them.

Need I go on? As Uranus creeps back towards the Sun (mine, that is), we're into day number three of cloudy overcast weather, cool enough to put on a pair of pants for the first time in months and - yes, you guessed it - today the high-tops come out of the closet and on to my feet.

And on another note, fingerprints reared their head again, so to speak, two weeks ago when I re-entered the U.S. after a trip to Venus (AKA South Caicos, where the real-feel daytime temperature seems to hover around 860) and discovered those quaint old human passport inspectors have been replaced by endless rows of ATM-like do-it-yourself kiosks, which involve - yes - scanning your fingerprints as a means of identity check.

Six attempts and six "We are unable to read your fingerprints. Please try again." messages and thank God when I waved my arm in the air I caught the attention of the real live kiosk attendant (?) - would that be his job description? - who came over, took one look at me, pressed a button and bingo! out came my photo on a printed slip which let me back into the land of opportunity where those with enough of a shoe fetish and enough moolah can buy themselves un-matching but complementary high-top leather sneakers.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Neptune in the Eleventh

About three times in the past month I've had this dream of being about to go on stage in front of an audience as an actor and realizing I've never looked at the script.

After finishing the sentence above I went immediately to Google and put in "Dreaming about being an actor not knowing the script." I then read and bookmarked a piece by Dick Cavett from god knows how long ago and used up just enough time that I now have to go and take a shower and get ready for a tennis lesson.

I believe this may have something to do with Neptune in the Eleventh.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jupiter Opposed to Mars

You'd think (I would, anyway) that with this going on at the same time as Uranus sextiled the Moon and approached a conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter had just finished squaring Uranus - well, I don't know what I'd think but I suppose I'd think *things* would be a little more out-of-the-ordinary than they are at the moment.

Is driving an hour to get to a dentist and having three major fillings and driving an hour back (and of course getting lost when you get to the town where the dentist is) normal?

Is picking up your framed poster of Saul Steinberg's "View of the World From Ninth Avenue" on the same day as the above normal? (Consider said poster was bought at least two months ago, taken to be framed six weeks ago, framed incorrectly, left at framer's to be redone a week before leaving for South Caicos for two and a half weeks and finally picked up after afore-mentioned adventure in dentistry and hung on dining room wall normal?

Is going to South Caicos normal?

Is inviting friends over to meet one of your cats to see if they would like to borrow him to help solve their sudden infestation of mice normal?

Is making yourself a cup of coffee and retiring to bed with it and kneeling on your laptop which you left under the sheet and consequently spilling coffee all over the sheets normal?

And of course is normal the correct word to be using for the above *events*? All responses received gratefully and considered thoroughly.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Uranus sextile Moon

The problem with not keeping up with this blog for months and then beginning again is that so much that has bearing on the present day gets left out and without cramming more than I already usually do into any one sentence it becomes truly unwieldy and impossible to understand, just as this one has in spite of my reading it over ten times and attempting to parse it for clarity.

So a very quick catch up is to say Uranus sextile the Moon landed me on South Caicos (christened South Cake by me) in - yes - the Turks and Caicos Islands 1,745 miles from the Equator with a RealFeel of six feet.

After a three day recovery period spent - of course - in bed, I was safely back at #14 when the aspect became exact yesterday, with the rather mild manifestation of my emailing air&b guest to say see you tomorrow and being told they weren't coming till Tuesday.

And continuing to cram away - Jupiter squared Uranus exactly yesterday, with the Sun squaring Saturn   (sorted out moolah and paid some bills) and sitting on Neptune (made myself a disgusting drink of left-over coffee from the morning that had had scallion leaves floating in it all day with Anisette and Half & Half, took about three sips while watching the eclipse (directly opposed to Neptune, in case you missed it), got bored, poured the *drink* down the drain, came inside and played Lexulous.

Well, it's a start.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Jupiter Square Uranus

Well, my little windfall came through last night with this exact today - an airb&b three night booking for Thanksgiving weekend.

Am wondering what today will bring what with the Blood Moon Eclipse and all with the Sun on Neptune squaring Saturn for me. I know I have to get out of bed as I'm resuming life in Silver after two weeks on Venus and playing tennis in an hour.

Uranus sextile Moon also exact today. Glad I've begun to write this again but a pain in the neck to grope my way through Google settings loops to be able to get to it. The price one pays for ignoring a blog for months, I guess, she said philosophically....

More later, DV.

Saturday, September 26, 2015


IN - to this blog, that is, having fought my way through loop after Google loop to be able to log in  after writing nothing for what I thought was months but turns out to be only six weeks - August 14th, to be exact, when I'd spent the afternoon scraping away at decade-old hard water stains in a toilet bowl with a pumice stone, or if you prefer, scraping away with a pumice stone at decade-old hard water stains in a toilet bowl, that being the way Jupiter's move into Virgo manifested itself for me.

Since then Jupiter's moved on almost ten degrees and by tomorrow will be squaring Uranus for me, with no immediate result so far other than my spending the past two days in bed (surprise surprise) recovering from a return trip from South Caicos in the BOT (British Overseas Territory, for non-world-travelers ha ha), in itself a rather spectacular manifestation of Uranus sex-tiling the Moon - all of it enough to reawaken my interest in astrology which, after 19 years, was beginning to flag.

So, as the sign in the bakery in Grimsby used to say (and probably still does), here I am again, wholesome and delicious, back to chronicling, at least for today, she said optimistically, how those bits of rock and ice and tremendous formations of vapor and fog or whatever they are whizzing around millions and millions of miles away seem  - seem? who am I kidding? - to affect me and my life down here somewhere in the far south-eastern corner of New Mexico where even Google Maps has yet to venture.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Jupiter's definitely in Virgo

Spent hours yesterday on my hands and knees removing age-old hard water stains from a toilet bowl with a pumice stone. Worked.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Besieged, Bothered and Beleaugured

Uranus, for me, that is.

Yesterday - a holiday, praise the lord, it sextiled the Moon exactly, while Mars advanced on it from one direction and Mercury retreated backwards to it from the opposite, both almost meeting on it in my first house of personality.

The result? I stayed in bed all day watching Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie in Jeeves and Wooster, LOLing at least once every fifteen minutes.

Curiouser and curiouser, especially as both cats stayed in bed with me the whole time.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Venus Square Sun

Well I didn't exactly seek out good times and pleasurable activities but they appeared - tennis in the morning for the first time since tearing a rotator cuff falling off the horse in February, with no resultant pain or ache thank you god thank you jesus, and then UpWords at Yankee Creek where I came closer to winning than ever before and back to the house to shiver and attempt to *garden*.

That'll do pig.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Venus to the North Node

Began well by sitting and desktop and looking at latest work in progress, something I haven't done for probably six months. Worked at that for an hour and picked out one of the three versions to focus on and that was that for the rest of the day. Did a bit of this, a bit of that, had a go at something else for ten minutes and dropped it, tried to read The New Yorker but too restless - not good.

Uranus sextile Moon seems to have been going on forever - doesn't perfect for four more days. B&B peeps coming tomorrow which means I HAVE to do something. Maybe I need a job.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Moon on the Ascendant

Leading, of course, combined with Saturday's Sun in the same place, to a new Moon one degree off the Ascendant and perhaps, combined with the upcoming week of supposedly warmer weather, a change in my behavior - from my keyboard to God's ears.

A remarkably busy day yesterday, full of time-consuming and painstaking activities like changing the kitty litter boxes and taking the stark white shoelaces out of my new Camper's Twins and soaking them in coffee to tone them down a bit.

(These ankle boots, yet to be worn, are the only visible evidence of the recent transit of Uranus to the Sun, leaving me slightly deflated at the realization that the truest expression of my most authentic self is to wear shoes that coordinate but do not match exactly. Somehow I had hoped for more.)

However, we take what we can get, and using NOT staying in bed all day reading The New Yorker as the standard, I have great hopes of being able to improve on it. Just how much Mars trine Neptune will get in the way of this ambition remains to be seen, although I can think of not one thing that I can do to help others by remaining prone and reading Talk of the Town.

More will be revealed.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sun on the Ascendant...

… and I excel myself by spending the whole day in bed. OK, so it's in Taurus, and I'm already about as lazy as I ever thought I could be with progressed Venus and Mars both in that sign, but still, with Uranus having just moved on from conjuncting the Sun and about to perfect sextiling the Moon, even a sloth might have been expected to haul itself upright onto the tree branch and have a look around from a different perspective.

The weather WAS lousy - windy, rainy and cold, and come to think of it, I have given myself a new perspective by moving into the B&B room and sleeping in a full size bed instead of being squashed onto the twin one in the little back room, so I think I'll just tell myself everything is happening just the way it should ha ha and congratulate myself on being in complete alignment with the universe. Why not?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Uranus sextile Moon, continued

So I call Triple A because the car won't start and they call my best friends G&G Towing who jump-start the battery and tell me to take the car for a spin for thirty miles or so.
Following their instructions, I set off for Cliff, turn around halfway there and head back to town.

It occurs to me I can take the opportunity to stop off at the police station and ask about the Letter of Conduct I need because my fingerprints didn't take in El Paso when I went to renew my green card last September. I do just that and emerge ten dollars poorer with a piece of paper affirming that I have no criminal record in Silver City, congratulating myself that at least ONE thing has gone right under this blasted transit.

The car doesn't start. I call Triple A again and once we've sorted out that I did indeed call earlier in the day and yes, I am calling yet again, they call G&G who come to get me at the police station. They give me a jump start and off we go to R&L, where I leave the car and G&G, god bless them, give me a ride home.

In theory a new battery will arrive today and I shall see who I can find to get me to R&L to pick up the car.

The temptation to retire to bed and pull the sheet over my head until May 20th is strong.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Last Post Six Weeks Ago

Welcome to Eight-Times-A-Year astrology. Evidently progressed Venus and Mars in Taurus DO make you lazy.

Spoiled for choice here as far as topics go with Uranus sextile the Moon.

Car wouldn't start yesterday and am working myself up to calling AAA so they can call G&G Towing. Good news there is I no longer have to give G&G my address. They recognize my voice.

Finally determined the new phone I bought for hearing impaired people (only one Radio Shack had) doesn't work. Don't have receipt as I bought it a month ago before I went to Cambridge and only just set it up.

Aftermath from switching ISPs continues. New challenge emerges daily.

Biggest concern concerns going to jail ha ha. Having turned Comcast off *my* property last Friday, have since discovered they/it can now return with the sheriff's deputy and give me a citation for refusing them access. To be Continued.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Progressed Venus and Mars in Taurus

Lazy lazy lazy. How long since I last posted here? February fifth. Speaks for itself really.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Venus Conjunct Mars

And for the first time in forty-five years I find myself in a drawing class - perspective drawing, no less. Definitely showing signs of living rather than spending time at one address.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Glossing over the fact that I should call this once-a-month astrology...

...I would seem to be finally living out here in the middle of nowhere rather than simply existing in the house.

After shelling out my $75 to join WILL, to which I am too lazy to link, last year,  and taking none of the courses offered in the fall *semester*, I am now learning to play pickle ball (!), studying shamanic astrology, which admittedly I did not know was going to be shamanic, and beginning next week, taking a class in perspective drawing.

Add to this playing tennis when the weather is good, the weekly knitting group I attend, the once-a-week playing UpWords at Javalina and the 24/7 playing of Lexulous and you have much more of a *life* than I have had for the past decade or so, or so it seems.

We shall see.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Sun in the Tenth

Oh dear - I don't think I'm doing exactly what I ought to be right now, which is supposedly turning my attention to my role in the larger society and my standing and reputation within the community.

For the past four days I've played tennis and then come straight back to the house and retired to bed until the sun comes in the front window, which actually does have something to do with my standing in the community as I am reluctant to call the propane company and ask for a delivery on condition they don't bill me till Thursday, when I'll be on a new credit card statement. A bit of a stretch, but still.

This is a time when you should turn your attention to the most outward aspects of your life - your role in the larger society and your standing and reputation within the community. You should also take this time to examine your life as a whole and see if you are going in the direction you want and making adequate progress in your life. This transit is future oriented rather than past oriented. You may have to deal with elements of your past, but only to make corrections so that you can plan more intelligently for the future. The only real danger of this transit is that if you have done something wrong or in a slipshod fashion it may be exposed now and trip you up in unpleasant ways. It would be a very good idea to look over your life and correct any situations that might give you problems in this way.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sun Square Venus...

...AND Jupiter opposed to the Moon - not much  chance of me beginning to lose the five pounds of fat I added to my middle over the festive holiday season today, even though I'm due to play tennis in twenty-five minutes and ought not to be writing this.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Sun on the Midheaven

Quite amusing, actually, as I wrote nothing at all all day and therefore spent the whole day in bed, with brief periods of boots on the ground while I fed the cats and myself and disposed of all resultant waste.

Today, with the Sun trine the Ascendant, I am forced to get up as I have two social obligations to fulfill and a couple of errands to run, assuming I would like to eat something other than cereal with no milk. It's an exciting life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

This Might Be Good

My new plan to not allow myself to get up until I've written something, that is.

Its only downside is that the punishment for not writing isn't what you could exactly call harsh, as in my current state of torpor I could happily stay in bed all day, thanks to my MacBook Air, flannel sheets, new mattress and miserable U.K.-type weather, especially as my New Year resolution is to hibernate as much as possible for the month of January.

There. See? Done. And it's not as though I have to get up. I can stay here as long as I want, sitting up in my little trundle bed in the very far north-east corner of this, to me huge, house, right in the ell formed by one great big north-facing window and one great big east-facing window, lost in the mists of what other people call the mountains and which I, with my horrible literal-mindedness, don't.

But I can if I want to.

Monday, January 12, 2015


In a departure from the usual posts I make on here - not that I've made many lately ha ha (see Post title) - I'm changing my approach somewhat and writing about the - the what? The way my life is now? The overwhelming attitude - if indolence can be considered an attitude and I suppose it can - that's taken over everything else in my life right now?

And now having exhausted myself with the above six lines, I am free - at 11:36 am on Monday morning - to get out of bed and begin whatever activities it turns out I'm able to attempt in the remaining hours of the day, having just come to an agreement with myself that until I've written something - anything - I am forced to remain in bed reading the Daily Mail, playing Lexulous and checking the price of Apple stock.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pluto and the Sun Together on the South Node

And I stay in bed nearly all day because it's cold and snowy outside. Deserving of some kind of perverse medal really.