Sunday, October 25, 2015

Combine Uranus to the Sun...

... with Mars closer to opposing Jupiter and you go to the wrong parking lot to meet the three best friends you're going to Deming with for a joint birthday celebration and sit there for forty minutes before suddenly visualizing the email with the instructions where to meet and take off immediately for the correct location, praying they will have left without you, knowing they wouldn't have, and cursing yourself for having left your cell phone at home charging on the desk.

How's that for getting it all in in one sentence?

And once it's established you're not lying on the floor in the living room being eaten by the cats you and your three best friends (who are indeed BFs as they are still talking to you) go to the Adobe Deli ten miles the other side of Deming but more than worth the drive and eat the unhealthiest and most amazing food before turning around and driving straight back to Silver.

But wait, there's more. No sooner than you've put your nightie on and climbed into your little bed to finish watching Seance on a Wet Afternoon do you get an email from airbnb-ers wanting to stay the night and of course, as you are having your Bugs Bunny teeth replaced and need all the moolah you can get, you say yes and spend a frenzied half hour getting the room ready before letting them in and retiring to bed again.

And the next morning - now -  with Mars even closer to opposing Jupiter you wonder if it's safe to drive to Ace Hardware and Walmart as you had planned or better to stay in bed all day and have a deer jump through the window.

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