Friday, October 23, 2015

Sun Opposed to Venus

Mix this with Uranus to the Sun and you get an eye-opening day, if it is indeed true (and why shouldn't it be if you accept the premise that astrology *works*?) that it's a day when you'll encounter yourself in your relationships and the good ones will remain good and the not-so-good ones will suffer. And unfortunately all I met yesterday were the not-so-good ones.

There's a certain email correspondent I've been getting more and more pissed at as he never makes the slightest reference to anything I write and simply gives a blow-by-blow account of what's happening in his life. I've been tempted for months to write and tell him one of my legs fell off. I managed not to do that yesterday but for the first time in six months didn't email him back - a passive-aggressive rebellion, in its way.

Then there's the weekly group activity I used to go to and enjoy when I engaged in the activity the group centers around. I don't any more, and for about three years (since I moved out here full time) I've been trying to extricate myself from going without actually saying I don't want to go.

I showed up yesterday and sat for an extremely uncomfortable thirty minutes saying scarcely a word as the others talked before excusing myself on the legitimate grounds of having to get to the Fedex drop-off point to catch the day's pick up. (Turks and Caicos once again.)

Now I have no idea how to end this so I'll just stop.

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