Saturday, October 24, 2015

Combine a Fading Uranus to the Sun...

...with the beginning of Mars opposed to Jupiter and you finally get action as well as thought in the Department of Taking Summer Stuff Up to the Adobe and Bringing Winter Stuff Down.

Up went the gigantic humidifier/fan that I've had for about thirteen years and still works well. Down came the coal scuttle (when did you last hear that?), the fire tools or whatever they're called, the ancient bee smoker that gets used as bellows and the big plastic Container Store thingie on wheels that had all the winter quilts and blankets and sheets in it.

Quilts came out and went straight into a pile for the thrift shop. Beautiful flannel sheets went into the washing machine, as did one quilt that smelled a bit musty. This went here, that went there and lots got thrown out, and then it was time to start obsessing over whether I was going to go to a concert at the Fine Arts Auditorium by myself or not, at 7:30 pm no less which would mean leaving the house at 7:00 and god forbid, in the dark.

The promise of Klezmer music got me there, the absence of Klezmer music had me leaving before intermission, and I now have to think of some suitable reward for myself for being such a big girl and doing it.

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