Saturday, September 26, 2015


IN - to this blog, that is, having fought my way through loop after Google loop to be able to log in  after writing nothing for what I thought was months but turns out to be only six weeks - August 14th, to be exact, when I'd spent the afternoon scraping away at decade-old hard water stains in a toilet bowl with a pumice stone, or if you prefer, scraping away with a pumice stone at decade-old hard water stains in a toilet bowl, that being the way Jupiter's move into Virgo manifested itself for me.

Since then Jupiter's moved on almost ten degrees and by tomorrow will be squaring Uranus for me, with no immediate result so far other than my spending the past two days in bed (surprise surprise) recovering from a return trip from South Caicos in the BOT (British Overseas Territory, for non-world-travelers ha ha), in itself a rather spectacular manifestation of Uranus sex-tiling the Moon - all of it enough to reawaken my interest in astrology which, after 19 years, was beginning to flag.

So, as the sign in the bakery in Grimsby used to say (and probably still does), here I am again, wholesome and delicious, back to chronicling, at least for today, she said optimistically, how those bits of rock and ice and tremendous formations of vapor and fog or whatever they are whizzing around millions and millions of miles away seem  - seem? who am I kidding? - to affect me and my life down here somewhere in the far south-eastern corner of New Mexico where even Google Maps has yet to venture.


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