Thursday, May 14, 2015

Uranus sextile Moon, continued

So I call Triple A because the car won't start and they call my best friends G&G Towing who jump-start the battery and tell me to take the car for a spin for thirty miles or so.
Following their instructions, I set off for Cliff, turn around halfway there and head back to town.

It occurs to me I can take the opportunity to stop off at the police station and ask about the Letter of Conduct I need because my fingerprints didn't take in El Paso when I went to renew my green card last September. I do just that and emerge ten dollars poorer with a piece of paper affirming that I have no criminal record in Silver City, congratulating myself that at least ONE thing has gone right under this blasted transit.

The car doesn't start. I call Triple A again and once we've sorted out that I did indeed call earlier in the day and yes, I am calling yet again, they call G&G who come to get me at the police station. They give me a jump start and off we go to R&L, where I leave the car and G&G, god bless them, give me a ride home.

In theory a new battery will arrive today and I shall see who I can find to get me to R&L to pick up the car.

The temptation to retire to bed and pull the sheet over my head until May 20th is strong.

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