Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mercury Square Uranus

OK, to hell with finishing "A Cautionary Tale" - it's only eight o'clock and I've already lost my temper twice, which I'll be the first to admit probably has more to do with my not having taken Celexa for a month than with Mercury squaring Uranus later today, but still -

Let's calm down a minute here and start at the beginning. Wake up, get up, let cat out, make coffee, let cat in (27 degrees out there), take coffee back to bed, read email.

Message from Citibank Customer Service" "Good News! Credit has posted to your account!"

We are pleased to inform you that credit(s) have been issued to your account for the disputed fraud charge(s), including any related fees and interest charges.

At this time, no further action is required by you.

We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you.


Your Customer Service Team
Disputed fraud charges? What disputed fraud charges? Is this the riding stables in the midwest that Citibank called me about two weeks ago after I ordered the boots from Denmark?  They knew then the charge was fraudulent - didn't they take it off right away?

Go to Citibank website, log in, go to credit card account, click on it, get a message telling me to enter my authorization code. Authorization code? I just logged in with user name and password. What authorization code? Oh, I see, if I don't have one click this little box and Citibank will auto-call me and give me one. Click the little box, am taken straight to a screen giving me the place to enter the code, get out of bed (29 degrees) and bring phone back but nothing happens.

Do it again. No phone call. "If you're having trouble with this process call us at 800 whatever it is," it says on screen,"and choose Option 0," and silly enough to think calling that number will immediately allow me to choose Option 0, I call. RoboVoice welcomes me to Citibank and asks for my card number. I am not yet so afraid of being hacked again I sleep with my credit card under my pillow. My credit card is in my wallet in my handbag. In another room. I leave my flannel sheets, get my credit card (32 degrees) and come back to bed.

I call Citibank again. I tell it my credit card number. I tell it my secret word. I tell it the last four digits of my Social Security number. I get a person who is far, far away from Silver City who asks me for my credit card number, my secret word, the last four digits of my Social Security number and my name exactly as it appears on my card. I tell her all of those things and a bit more and she tells me she understands my frustration and thanks me for being a valued Citibank customer for nine years.

I have been a valued Citibank customer for fifty years so help me God and in my storage locker in Randolph I have a photograph of me drinking a complementary cup of coffee at the 1963 opening of the Citibank branch on 79th and First in Manhattan to prove it, and now it is time to go and play tennis and I have just realized I washed my tennis clothes last night and didn't dry them so I have to find something else to wear, so just like "A Cautionary Tale", this will have to be continued.

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Cautionary Tale - Big Ticket Items and Mercury Retrograde

OK, so it wasn't a car or a house or a 60 inch flat screen TV but it's been a long time since I shelled out $200 on a pair of shoes - boots, to be exact, and ankle boots, to be exacter - absolutely plain flat white leather lace-ups, brought to my attention nine days after Mercury went retrograde courtesy of a presumably targeted fab ad (the name of the company, not my description of the ad) appearing on the front page of the New York Times (look it up yourself), although how fab know I once had a similar pair made by ecco that I wore for ten years until they dropped off my feet and have been searching for ever since I have no idea. (Well, I know how they know about the searching part. I haven't posted this yet and I'm already getting ads for ecco showing up all over the place. Thank you Larry and Sergey.)

Anyway, there were these white leather high-tops on my computer screen and I immediately emailed fab to find out if they had my size. I got a very chatty email back all about those are really cool boots, aren't they, and I'd like to have a pair myself etc. etc. but sorry, they didn't, which of course led to me ten seconds later groping my way through Shoe the Bear's all-over-the-place front page to get to the bit where they sell shoes and outlining my right foot on a piece of paper with a magic marker.

Correct shoe size determined and initial frenzy of boot discovery over, I was a little taken aback when I realized that because I was now in Denmark the 110.00 price I'd been quite prepared to pay was in euros and not dollars, but with my birthday coming up next month it took about as long as it took my favorite currency converter to tell me the boots were $148 for me to remember I've just refinanced so have more disposable income (hah!)  and anyway it's only money.

The page where you plugged in the credit card number and shipping address did look a little simple compared to U.S.A sites like Amazon and PayPal, but when you're a cosmopolitan person like me you expect to come across these little differences when you travel, it's all part of the experience for goodness sake, and so what if the shipping method - described as simply "shipment" on the acknowledgment - cost $58.39? It's my birthday next month and I'm loaded.

And so what if I got a call from Citibank's Early Warning Fraud Alert the next day asking me if I'd paid some riding stables somewhere in the midwest $49? As it's about the fourth time in two years that I've been hacked, the CEWFA lady was trying so hard to persuade me to get yet another new card rather than risk more fraudulent charges she offered to call all the companies whose bills I have on auto-pay for me and give them my new card number to save me the trouble! Boy, I thought, this order for my new boots is working out really well.

A couple of days go by and in my email I get what I can only think is a shipping notice. I already know Shoe the Bear is a new (and optimistic) company - my order number is 10000434 - and now I realize they're also very sensible and don't want to waste too much money on documentation and silly old forms. Apart from the date - March 6 instead of March 4 - the new missive is exactly the same as the original cheery acknowledgment (the wording of which had seemed a little strange at the time but I was excited) -

Hello, Pamela Reeves
The waiting has come to an end! Today your shoes will be packed and shipped. You'll be ready to rock them within a few days. If you're satisfied with our product, and want to track down the whereabouts of the Bear, drop in on our Facebook page!

 - and the shipping method is exactly the same - "shipment." How amusing! Those funny Danish people don't want me to be able to track my shipment, they want me to track down them. It sure is different over there.

And as this cautionary tale is very long, I think it best to post it in two parts, so with apologies for leaving you in suspense, I shall now go and see how much money I've lost today on DDD.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Jupiter conjunct Uranus, Continued

end of yesterday's post:

.......but maybe after that I'll drag myself down to the mailbox and see what's waiting for me there. There ought to be something after three days.

Well, I didn't but there was. I made it down to the mailbox today and there was my little windfall - my refund check for $195 the home insurance company had to send me because the mortgage agent from Bank of America didn't tell me till the night before the closing of my refinance that I'd have to pay a year's insurance up front and I had just sent a payment of $200 to the insurance co.

So it wasn't a sudden windfall: I'd known for a couple of weeks it would be coming. Still, I like that it arrived when it did and it will come in handy when I take myself off to Walmart to pick up a couple of microwaves.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

Oh that funny old universe - such a sense of humor it has. First pass of this, at the end of July last year, I was in Vegas all ready for my sudden windfall and all that happened in the "unexpected" department was we had no wifi in our room.

Today, as I'm waiting to hear I've won first place in the international playwriting competition I entered last summer or at the very least to get $10 from the woman I lent $5,000 to three years ago on the sworn promise it would be paid back within a month, I decide to have a chicken pot pie for lunch (hey, I'm sick), set the microwave on timer for 59 minutes and ten minutes after that it promptly blows itself up. 

Obviously the solar system knows I have to go to Walmart to buy one new microwave for my B&B and figures I may as well pick up two while I'm there.

But wait, there's more! Unable to remember what happened on the second pass of Jupiter to Uranus, I plugged in poor old everyday-astrology to find out and was directed to this - my writing, for sure, but in a template I never used or chose, only one year archived when there *should* be five, no profile, no nothing - cue Twilight Zone music.

A more specific search did bring up this and this, both in the *correct* template, so I dunno. Right now my chicken pot pie is ready and then it's time for my stopping-celexa-cold turkey afternoon nap, but maybe after that I'll drag myself down to the mailbox and see what's waiting for me there. There ought to be something after three days.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sun and Then Venus on Part of Fortune

So on Saturday the Sun was sitting on my Part of Fortune - 26 degrees Pisces in the Twelfth - and yesterday, two days later, Venus hit the same place.

I've said this on here before but with a Part of Fortune at the placement given it's not as though I expect to win the pools or anything and I've yet to be proven wrong ha ha.

So: on Saturday I played what we call Australian Doubles with two friends, went to Ace Hardware and bought a coil of wire (don't ask) and a four pack each of Dianthus and Pansies, went to Walmart where I finally at last found and bought a sun shield thing for the car and groceries for the week and then came home and spent the rest of the day piddling around outside exulting in being able to get a head start on *gardening*.

Today D and I gave tennis a pass (just a bit too parky) and went to pick up a corner unit I'd bought sight unseen from an antique dealer downtown who's handling an estate sale not yet open to the public. For three blissful hours the two of us picked through an Aladdin's Cave (read garage and basement) crammed to the rafters, if you could have rafters in a basement, with three generations' worth of assorted household accumulati, to coin a phrase.

I ended up with my corner unit (wood, six shelves, taller than me), a small rectangular wooden table with a scalloped top complete with unchipped glass to match, a tiny three tier table, a magazine rack, a rather Martha-ish wrought iron plant hanger in the shape of a cat, a turquoise ceramic planter, assorted plastic greenery and flowers, twelve real dried bulrushes, two large raffia flowers, a big bag of gold-painted Christmas tree balls (there is method involving deer deterrent to the madness of the last four items, photos to follow when project completed), a pretty quilt for Little Walnut B&B, four *adorable* cotton dresses size 2T, one pair of tights 2T, two pristine ice-skating outfits 4-5T, two pairs of denim shorts 5T, one pair velvet pants 6T, one denim skirt 6T, two photo frames, one with 60-year-old photo inside which can't be described as it's a birthday present for someone who might read this and a very fetching cotton pinny with a pocket in the shape of a chicken: total cost, sixty-four dollars.

And on hold until tomorrow when I go in and pay for them because I didn't take my checkbook: six sheets (?) corrugated tin, five dollars the lot, six more-than-two-feet in diameter tree trunks, perfect height for seating, two dollars each, and a 1930's style phone table with attached seat, needs work, ten dollars.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Saturn Trine Mars

I'm glad this is giving me something other than the ability to stick with a knitting pattern more complicated than anything I've ever attempted - as it perfected, on Saturday night, I was hunched over my beloved MacBook Air with my tongue sticking out of the corner of my mouth listing the addition on Airbnb (yet more shameless promotion).

It must have taken me a couple of hours to get the listing up. I had to check on both computers for photos (how I struggle on with life I sometimes do not know), email them to myself (I've given up on Dropbox because it took over all my iPhoto settings), get them imported, captioned and re-arranged, write the description of the room, describe the neighborhood, set the nightly price, monthly rate, come up with a price for extra people, figure out the calendar - NOT a piece of cake with natal Saturn in three, as anyone with the same placement will understand.

And even more shameless promotion: mention this blog when you book and the place is yours for $64.99.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Venus Opposed to Jupiter

This turned out to be one of those don't even bother to look at your horoscope because you're living it out anyway.

Now that the weather's warmer tennis time keeps getting earlier and earlier, giving me less time than I've become used to to read the Daily Mail, see how much Apple has gone down, play a move of Lexulous with B and check the day's aspects, so once D had won all three of our sets, as usual, my guard was completely down when we decided to tag a visit to Antique Mall on to the end of our ritual once-a-week thrift shop crawl.

Ten minutes later, my new credit card was being swiped and I'd become the happy owner of two handsome treated-for-the-outside wicker chairs - one in great condition for $125 and its poor relation, unravelling a bit near its feet but still in good shape and sturdy for $50 (special price down from $75 as I was buying its partner) - and was telling the mall owner I'd measure Zippy's hatchback and see if I could get them home myself.

Once I did get home and had a look at astrodienst to see what I could expect for the day there was nothing to do but laugh, especially as I'd been congratulating myself on getting out of PAWS without spending any money.

At least even I can't eat furniture.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chiron Square Uranus

I needn't have worried about this one, except of course I'm a bit worried BECAUSE there really wasn't anything out of the ordinary that happened. This leaves me thinking I should now prepare for eighteen months of sudden and unexpected events which will probably strain my nerves to the utmost, making this a difficult time (astrodienst as usual).

Admittedly the house has been in a bit of a mess since I began my clearing out the pantry attempt, and today, when this perfected, I pretended to be a plumber and flooded the well house again, but I wouldn't call it "uproar" as astrodienst does.

Yes, my credit card got hacked but it's the fourth time in two years, so that's nothing unusual. I'm so high on the list of Early Fraud Warning Whatevers that Citibank now tell me they'll inform all the companies whose bills I have on auto-pay of my new credit card number so I don't have to do it myself - a privilege I could happily do without but one I suppose, considering what might be coming up, I ought to be thankful for.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Jupiter Opposed to Sun

It's probably about a week since I threw everything that was on the floor of the pantry-cum glory hole on to the kitchen floor and started sorting through it all. Most of it is still where it got thrown, but I've been slowly going through the contents of the cupboards, throwing out tons of it, sorting through the rest, and trying to figure out how I can best utilize the roughly five by nine foot space.

One thing I'd like to be able to do in a bit of it is hang coats and store shoes. It's right off the kitchen as you come in from the back patio, and as you walk in there's already a row of pegs on the short wall to your left that one set of tenants put up for me one winter, but right underneath the pegs has always been this little cabinet about eighteen inches wide, fourteen inches deep and just high enough that you can't hang even a shirt on the pegs without it draping on the top. Add to that that I store the toaster oven on top of the cabinet because I rarely use it and it's so ugly I don't want it out on the counter, and add to that that for reasons unknown even to myself I once had a handyman put up a shelf about twelve inches under the pegs and you're lucky if you can even hang a hat on them without it touching the shelf.

Before I put myself to sleep with this less than sparkling back story  I seem to have found necessary to include, let me just say that as Jupiter opposed the sun exactly I had taken the little cabinet and the toaster oven out of the pantry, discovered that the rubber skirting board had never been attached properly to the wall, scraped three large fossilized cockroaches from the inside of the skirting board, mixed up some noxious epoxy compound left behind by other tenants, smeared some of the resulting glue on the wall and some of it on the inside of the skirting board and was sitting on the floor with my feet up against the rubber pushing as hard as I could, wishing I had not left the instructions on the kitchen counter as I hadn't read them properly.

Venus Trine North Node

I don't know if transits to the nodes are supposed to manifest or not and I usually don't notice them, but last Friday, when it was too cold to play tennis, me and Ginger spent most of the day in bed while I attempted to write down the newest episode of one of my recurring dreams.

That being far too taxing to concentrate on for too long, I had frequent beverage and grub mini-breaks during which I checked in on the Daily Mail to see how the pregnant duchess is doing and of course had a look at email to see if anyone other than Amazon, National Pet Pharmacy, Amazon Daily Deals, American Meadows,   High Country Gardens, The Motley Fool, Amazon Electronic Specials - you get the idea: about one in twenty of the emails I get are from people - I was going to say I am on a first-name basis with, but most of the corporations that contact me greet me with "Hi, Pamela," so that's out - how about one in twenty are from friends?

Anyway, there I was in bed with Ginger doing my Big Edie impersonation, a bowl of strawberries and brown sugar and Greek yoghurt on a tray beside me, answering one of the one-in-twenty in between spoonfuls, when I snuck a quick look at Sprite and realized Venus (nice things, in its simplest form) was kissing, to use one of Susan Miller's favorite elocutions, if that's the correct use of the word and even if it isn't, my natal north node in Cancer (grub) in the third house (communication).

I do sometimes wonder if I'm getting a bit carried away with this.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Mercury Square Uranus Perfected 3:34 am

So I had another episode of the same old recurring other apartment dream except this time there was action and some movement in the plot line - has to be good, right? (And yes, I know, hearing about someone else's dream is the most boring thing on earth so unless you have five minutes to waste, stop right here.)

For those with time on their hands, this began years and years ago as the very common, so I've read, dream of opening a door (I said it was boring) in the place where you live and finding a room or rooms that you didn't know existed opening up before you. I cheerfully interpreted this as my being ready for new interests and possibilities that I had formerly shut myself off from.

The door was never locked and always opened easily, thank God. (All I can suggest here, if you have more than five minutes to waste, is to google "dream interpretation opening doors undiscovered rooms" or some variation thereof.)

The newly discovered rooms were always painted white and were completely empty. I don't remember ever doing anything while I was inside them - that was the dream: open previously un-noticed door, find self in unfurnished white-painted room or rooms.

Somewhere along the decades, when I was in real life living in an apartment in the East Eighties in Manhattan, this dream morphed into one of having another apartment up in the Nineties, along with the one I lived in. I think I was paying some kind of minimal rent for it (as I was for my real life apartment) but no one ever asked me for it (NOT as it was for my real life apartment).

I didn't go there very often, but I always knew it was there for me to visit whenever I wanted. It was in an industrial district, which doesn't describe the real life East Nineties, and to get to the apartment I had to go up a twisty, difficult to ascend staircase (and if you think I'm going anywhere near that one in something other people can read, you can think again, as we used to say in England).

It was always a bit decrepit and dilapidated, and sometimes on my visits I'd find out the landlord was renting out other apartments in the building whose tenants used to have to go through my apartment to get to theirs or vice versa. I never lived in it, just went by to visit every now and again, and when I left it to go back to where I lived in real life, it was always through dark unfamiliar streets and alley ways.

And that was it for a long long time. I don't know how often I had the dream - a couple of times a year? - but all I ever did in it was go and look at the apartment and then leave and go back home.

That was while I was living in New York in the same real life apartment, and the dream didn't change over the past eleven years when I began to come out to New Mexico a couple of times a year and then lived in Cambridge for a year and a half. This past June I gave up the apartment I lived in for thirty-eight years and moved out to New Mexico, where I've spend the past eight months, and lo and behold, last night when the dream returned it was different.

This time, instead of being on top of a storefront, the apartment was in a big old rectangular building on 116th Street. (I know it was 116th Street because I went looking for the nearest subway station and that was it.) The landlord let me in (the landlord always lets me in) and the apartment was huge -  great big squarish rooms leading one into the other with no separation (How do I know it wasn't one big room then, you ask. Hey, it was a dream.) and was in terrible shape.

Big dusty old curtains hung from the ceiling and I started pulling them down, and as each one came down there was another behind it, and when I pulled that one down there was yet another and so on and so on until I finally got them all on the floor and the walls and ceiling were shown to be of dark wormy wood with all kinds of holes and crevasses that I knew creepy-crawlies lived in. (OK, so I stained the old school desk two days in a row.)

At this point I must have told the landlord that I would be coming back the next day and that he would have to have the apartment restored and renovated by then, not exactly characteristic behavior,   and this was the point at which I discovered it was at 116th Street. The streets were thronged with people and to avoid them I hugged the side of the building. Two men - both what would once have been described as bums - came lurching out of nowhere and said something to me but I ignored them and scurried along to the subway station.

Next, I was back in the apartment and it was spotlessly clean, painted white and had another tenant - an Asian woman with a young baby, living in the room farthest from the front door. She was very friendly and showed me how to use the television. When she pressed a special button on the remote, the screen doubled itself in size by expanding downwards outside of the perimeter of the monitor. Very clever.

She gave me a tour of the apartment and opened a door into what I thought was going to be a bathroom but turned out to be a bedroom (here we go again) almost completely filled with a double bed with a man and a woman sitting up in it reading (!). She must have closed the door again as that was the one and only appearance they made.

It then begins to get very vague, with my only clear remembrance being of a cupboard filled with dozens and dozens of variously sized little drawers, all painted white. (I did yesterday, in real life, look at a small red plastic chest that was all made up of little tiny drawers, and thought briefly of buying it so I could further organize my screw connection, if that means anything.)

Then I was outside in the snow because my tearing down the curtains had exposed windows and doors and only as I write this do I remember that the subway ran right through the far end of the apartment, and on that note it must be time to end this account.

That's an awful lot of action after nothing for twenty years. I doubt that I'm going to live to be 87, so hope the next plot development doesn't take that long.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Venus Square Uranus

This perfected at 11:30 pm on Tuesday as I was sound asleep. I noticed nothing out of the ordinary that day, unless my choosing that afternoon to drag the little school desk thing out to the back patio and slap a coat of wood stain on it could be considered art, and woke up on Wednesday prepared to spend the day at the house as D was otherwise engaged.

That plan went immediately down the drain when the phone rang at 9 am and a woman I've played tennis with a couple of times asked if I was free to play that morning.

I was and did - she beat me but I can finally see an improvement in my *game* - then did not go to Walmart for yet another day but came home and with Venus conjuncting Mars at 2 pm, put some stain on the inside of the school desk and then took everything that was on the floor of the little pantry off the kitchen - the unopened box containing the piano bench I bought from Amazon some time in October, the Walmart bag with the glass for recycling, the Walmart bag with the plastic for recycling, the six broken down priority mail boxes I sent from Cambridge, the box my pedometer came in,  the bag of insulation I bought in December to wrap round the water pipe in the crawl space and various assorted magazines for recycling and threw it all onto the kitchen floor to sort through and organize.

It's all still there, but thanks to Mercury conjuncting Mars early the next morning, I spent a happy two hours sorting through all the screws and nails and washers and picture hangers and hooks and chains and whatever else was in my tool box and little plastic drawer thing, throwing a lot of them out but organizing what I saved by category and putting them all neatly back into plastic divided containers, whatever those things are called. I think it's because of natal Jupiter in Virgo.

Mars Sextile Midheaven...

...and sextile the Ascendant twelve hours later, which is what you get when you have a trine between the two points (which in my case translates as a gigantic twelfth house spanning 24 Pisces to 25 Taurus, with my Sun sign - Aries - intercepted right in the middle, just to make it easy for me to shine my little light out into the world).

So where was I? Ah yes, trying desperately to remember what happened two days ago and so digressing happily to a description of the natal condition of my twelfth house, guaranteeing that anyone I've told to read this blog because it doesn't have very much astrology in it will take one look at the first paragraph and never return to the site.

So - yes, I played tennis - a bit windy but D and I are undeterred by the elements, went and had breakfast (fried chicken strips and a chocolate milkshake, thank you very much, but they do say feed a cold and starve a fever), didn't go to Walmart for yet another day but went to Food Basket and bought a pint each of Shur-Fine Butter Pecan and Cookie Dough ice cream, which was my sole nourishment for the rest of the day but gave me just enough energy to take the little school desk thing I rescued from the dump out to the back porch and put a coat of stain on it and then go into the *garden* and start cutting back the roses, except I couldn't find the right snippers so used tile cutters instead which turned out to be not very efficient so I didn't do much.

Didn't notice too many people being impressed by my efforts or anyone telling me I'm an "independent, self-reliant person willing to help others and serve the larger society" (astrodienst), although when A called and I asked if I could call him back because I had a paint brush in my hand he did say something about my wearing many hats; as for "being willing to tell others exactly how I feel" (same source as before), I did tell D at breakfast I was concerned I was beginning to look like Bugs Bunny because, due to the lack of cosmetic dentistry in my life, my two front teeth are sticking out more and more and will soon be at a 45 degree angle to the ones on each side of them. She was impressed by my honesty but did not agree.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Chiron Square Uranus

Blimey (new favorite word) - this one crept up on me, enough to make me want to use an exclamation point ha ha! I've been so busy obsessing over how to catch up and *chronicle* my trip to Cambridge - wondering whether to write up the day's events as though I were writing on the day they occurred or write them all up at once (yeah, right), giving each one the date of the day of writing and therefore having about ten subject titles looking as though they happened at the same time without realizing until thirty seconds ago when I just hit *View Blog* that the archived posts don't show a date in their listings so it makes no difference whatsoever how I write them up - that I managed to forget Mars squares Uranus natally for me, so OF COURSE if Chiron is coming to conjunct Mars, it's going to square Uranus as well. Blimey! Astrologer heal thyself, and all that.

So now I can start obsessing over how the aspect is going to manifest, even though I know full well that as Michael Lutin always says, don't even bother thinking about it as if Uranus is involved, you're not capable of imagining it.

On that note, I can take myself off to play tennis and spend my time driving down the hill dreaming of the day I win a set.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Venus Sextile Sun, Take II

There's no point in my continuing to cheat and pretend I'm writing this on the day of the title subject as on my first attempt I managed to bog myself down in a long description of why I didn't take toys when I dropped Ginger off with friends instead of saying I drove for three hours to El Paso and then flew to Logan to spend ten days with Amah and Star Child, so let it be known throughout the land that although I'm writing this on March 3, these *events* took place on February 16.

Backstory: for days before I left the words "car wash" and "car sun thing" were on the list I faithfully carried around in my wallet, and by the morning of the 16th were still there, uncrossed out and taunting me as any item on a list involving the car always does.

Car wash I'd given up on completely: I have yet to do it by myself and was easily persuaded by a friend it would be silly to do it if the car was going to spend ten days sitting in the airport parking lot getting dirty again. The car sun thing I really did want to buy - not enough to venture into the Auto Spa or whatever it's called to buy one but just enough to have it settle itself somewhere in the Main Street of my neural networks that still work and get in the way of every other thought I had. (By "car sun thing" I mean those silvery reflector things you put on the windshield when your car is going to be sitting in direct sun for any length of time, as mine was going to be, although I don't think they make those any more and now they're the figure eight things that fold up into a circle, but I digress.)

The point here is that I did not want to leave the car in an open lot to bake for ten days in the El Paso sun and as I was driving to the airport I got very annoyed with myself for not having bought the thing. I decided that when I stopped for gas I'd do it at one of the giant travel centers and get it then - a hugely optimistic thought for me as I'm prone to getting off the highway at an exit I don't know and because of not knowing which way to turn, finding myself driving straight back up the entrance ramp as gas stations, Burger Kings, McDonalds, Motel Sixes etc. recede into the distance, which is exactly what I did on the way to El Paso.

Once was enough, and knowing I had more than enough gas to get me to the airport I resigned myself to picking up a solar oven on my return and driving it to a gas station on the right side of the road.

Whether Venus has anything to do with luck I don't know. In my case it (she?) seems to manifest as sugar and *nice* things, with a bit of moolah thrown in every now and again. What I do know is that when I got to the airport the long-term parking lot was full, I was given a voucher entitling me to the same price as short-term and as I was driving around looking for a space I found one UNDER A TREE, pardon my shouting, where had I even had one of the screeny things I wouldn't have needed to use it. I'll take that as Venus.